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  1. This is a great amp and has had but a few hours use since being fully refurbed - new caps and a load of other bits as required - in the last 3 years ( Early lockdown IIRC). The guy who did it is a proper valve amp whisperer, too. I used it with several different cabs of all sizes and it always sounded like it should. Buy with confidence...
  2. There's a couple of GK combos on here that'd do you proud. A 410 @ £700 and a 115 @£555 if memory serves, either of which would sort you out, GK pretty much outclass most stuff on the market for durability and tone, IMO.
  3. Is it something I said? 😉
  4. Just got me some cables off this fella and what a nice, easy and modestly priced transaction it was. Great quality cable and plugs ( Neutrik and Sommer respectively ), good comms, quick delivery. Forget the name brands, you'd be crazy to pay more elsewhere. I'm well pleased, me...
  5. Cannot help with the Super Twin but I've got a black cloth grill 610 that I'd love a silver grille for. You be interested in swapping your spare silver grille for mine? Cheers Shug
  6. That's good. I've read your stuff over the years and thought of you when I got to the venue and found the Handbox laid on. And later that same evening, too, come to that...😉 Incidentally, WoT, have HB changed the pre-amp design? The one I was using didn't have a mid control as such but the ones on their current website do. Or have I got that wrong? I loved the amp up to but not including the moment it gave out on me. I'm still planning on contacting HB to see if they'd cut me a deal of some kind.
  7. I used one of these on a gig in Poland a couple of weeks ago and had a similar experience in that a half hour or so into the set it lost volume and tone and then went into protect mode. I didn't think I was hitting the pre-amp that hard - just a standard JB and no effects - though I did have the gain and master a fair way up to get the output required. I was using a Mark 410, 4ohms, which seems a pretty efficient cab. I was 100% pleased to be using this amp - the promotor provided it - as they're on my list and up to that point it sounded great. Once I'd turned it off and on again it worked and sounded fine, though as it was a one-night-only scenario I couldn't say whether it'd be a regular occurrence or not. I'd be interested to know how yours turns out. They seem to be real nice amps - I've used a LOT of heads and this stood out sound and apparent build quality-wise - so it'd be a shame if they were prone to issues like this. Shug
  8. Will it run at 4ohm?
  9. You're gonna need an 800RB, though...
  10. Barefaced Tolex comes unstuck because they do it wrong. I'm a happy user of their cabs and don't care about the peeling but a simple mod to their covering procedure would sort it overnight. I think it's just become part of their charm.
  11. Ah, shizzle. I been egg-bound for years working toward my perfect studio environment...
  12. That looks a great rig, with all the virtues present - sound, reliability, looks and portability. Gonna have to get me one o' them 310's, though I am still interested in the 210 and I can't have both. As to the other matters in your post, I'm probably not even the best bass player in most of the bands I play in, never mind the entire region, but thanks anyhow. I'm good at finding gear that works for me, though... Btw, those heads fit exactly into a bog standard camera/ equipment/ tool case with room for a mains and speaker cable. How's the wireless set-up working for you? Saves a bit of onstage tangle and I'm guessing no effect on tone ?
  13. The EQ Balance knob on those TE's is the single most useful control I've ever found on any amp. Genius!
  14. I'd LOVE an 800RB and the Rumbles are great combos, the V3's anyhow... As for changing things around, I've got an Aguilar 412 coming up for sale that'll give you the f*^%ing Blues alright...😉 Shug
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