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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. Diary of a madman - ozzy
  2. I’m still going around in circles. no access and I can’t contact anyone there. 🙄
  3. Rumour has it - Adele
  4. Chequers - George David
  5. Thanks for the replies. I’ll try again tomorrow and see if things are different.
  6. locomotive breath - Jethro tull
  7. break like the wind - Spinal tap
  8. Hi chaps Forgive me discussing a different forum here, but I've been trying to log in to TB all day, but apparently my account is locked. I follow the breadcrumbs, but it tells me to change my password and then I end up going around in circles. Any ideas? Cheers
  9. that smell - Lynyrd skynyrd
  10. Out of my mind - killers
  11. dead again - type O negative
  12. banks of the deep end - Govt mule
  13. far away - stickleback
  14. Other side of the world - KT Tunstall
  15. 7 o'clock - Quireboys
  16. Porpoise song - Monkees / Trouble
  17. Terminal spirit disease - At the gates
  18. Ebs have some great offerings in the distortion area. what amp are you using?
  19. The girl is mine - Michael Jackson
  20. @JapanAxe the previous pup was silent as are the others in my arsenal. @Phil Starrin my practice space I’m not using much more than a minimal gain for a touch of grind. the bass is shielded to within an inch of its life lol. It’s just a strange anomaly. I will have to make sure I’m in contact with something on the sustained notes. thanks for all of your suggestions chaps.
  21. Hi all I've put a seymour spb2 into a bass yesterday. I've checked the grounding from strings all along to jack with a multimeter, but there's still a slight earth noise when not touching metal work. I'm at a loss as to what can be going on. It's frustrating me as I was intending to use it at a 3k+ festival on Saturday. Any ideas please? TIA
  22. Lil' Devil - the Cult
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