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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. rip and destroy - Kiss (from phantom of the park film )
  2. Pain is so close to pleasure - queen
  3. I did 15 years with my rock/ metal covers band that I started alongside the drummer. I've had extensive experience managing musicians, and ran a large church worship team (75+) for 15 years, so I had no illusions that it might be a walk in the park. He always used to say that it was his band, and we would guide the band together, as a partnership. Songs were chosen on a veto basis - meaning that we would all have a veto as to certain songs that we weren't prepared to deal with. His were anything Kiss, Motley Crue, Rainbow amoung others. For my part I find most more recent bands bland and uninteresting. The drummist was very good at loading other people's weapons for them to fire (there were plenty of little hushed conversations at shows where I was setting up lights, PA, monitors etc..) For the final 5 years, I had been doing all the booking, promotion, and keeping PA and lights functional - And the previous 10 had been a partnership between me and drummer. We had an issue with a younger singist who was outstanding, but very young and naiive, and had clearly been 'receiving guidance' from said drummist. He told me that it didn't feel like his band anymore. He told me that it had been brewing for a while when she arrived at a show announcing that it would be her last. The guitarist we had at the time is very much a go with the flow kind of person, and said very little. In the end, I find the drummist had set up a band using former members of the band under a different name with a different bassist. This all happened mid '23 and to date they have had several guitarists come and go, and played one show which was received as being underwhelming. On the other hand, I have been running a tribute act which is now receiving rave reviews and larger and larger bookings, alongside the originals band which is due to return to Europe again later this year for more shows, and picking up work from all over my area. Needless to say the band I've been recounting all of this about is no more, and will not return. Lessons learned etc, etc, etc,
  4. Roadblock - stock aitken and waterman
  5. It’s very straightforward to make your own 😉
  6. tears are falling - Kiss
  7. I use a longer one of these and pop the transmitter into a back pocket. Works quite well, but only with my back up rigs. I've just bought the Shure pedalboard glxd+ rig for my main gigging board, as it does 5.8ghz as well (I did start getting significant dropouts)
  8. the digbeth preamp is simply outstanding. I've been veery tempted to get the head on a few occasions.
  9. not only is he a tickler, but he uses french chalk to get purchase on the strings
  10. BSSM is a perfect album to me. I can't say I'm a massive fan aside from bssm, but I'm very much of the opinion that Chad and Flea are simply one of the greatest rhythm sections ever
  11. The Castaway - Amorphis
  12. If I Had a Tail - Queens of the Stone Age
  13. Late to the Party - Emei
  14. Fresh Meat - Ayesha Erotica
  15. My DBS 7400s are phenomenal. Wolstenholme used them because of their 'openness' to pedals. Older Marshall offerings have been awesome, yet woefully) underrepresented on the larger stage. The number of people that ask about my rig when it's out and about is surprising. I would hope that they do something significant for bass players, and tempting enough to draw people away from the ampegs, ashdowns etc. we usually see.
  16. rock and roll children - Dio
  17. Cheers! I've not heard any other amps that sound as good, nor takes pedals and wah as well. They're weighty, but soooo worth it
  18. I have 6 heads, Marshall 7400 x 2 Marshall 7200 Kelly 50w Valve amp Tc BH250 x2 And 4 cabs Marshall 4410 x2 Marshall 4015 nameless 212 with thames ditton Goodmans speakers The larger marshalls get used for the tribute stuff (whic require the use of a wah pedal), cover band stuff, and local shows with the originals band along with the 2 410s, and further afield I use the tc with provided cabs, and for dep and theatre shows, its the tc with 410
  19. road to nowhere - Talking heads
  20. I actually commented on your post on TB about a TB loop pedal if you're totally sold on the tone. LOL
  21. feline good - Mickey bubble
  22. you got another one coming - Judas Priest
  23. broom broom shake the room - fresh prince
  24. Comb as you are - Nirvana
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