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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. I'll be heading up definitely on Saturday and possibly sunday too, courtesy of those lovely peeps at Stompbox/ effectspowersupplies.com Look forward to maybe seeing some of you there
  2. I've used the m80 to record a couple of times. It always draws compliments from engineers on the quality and strength of the signal
  3. Definitely fits the bill for your situation. But as mentioned earlier, the hartke bass attack would definitely be worth a good look It's cheaper than the mxr, and the shape function can really be used to thicken the sound considerably. I dug mine out the other day, after using the mxr for years, and I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the sound the vxl makes
  4. [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w262/dudewheresmybass/a6ac6627.jpg[/IMG] My main band board - classic rock and metal aplenty!
  5. I have the ebs, mxr, oc2, dod octoplus, and have used the ehx, t Rex, Aguilar, and pog amoung others The trex and pog sounded too digital to my ears, whereas the ebs and mxr are very close. With the different voicings available on the mxr, its my go to octave for most situations, although the ebs gets used for smoother applications. It really is a case of try as many as you can. As you will be aware what sounds good in a bedroom does not always sound good in a gigging mix. Sheps (pantherairsoft) board might serve as inspiration as he plays dubstep and drum and bass live.
  6. Fair enough mate Bad customer service is never a good thing
  7. Have you tried contacting the uk distributors - bill lewington? They may be able to help 01268 413366
  8. Bloody hell- good price and a flippin quick sale!
  9. They are the newer mb cabs. I really love the way they sound, even though they are 4 ohm cabs and the amps min load is 4! Thanks to some fancy wiring, it all works beautifully! I got them a few years ago now very keenly priced when I had a partial Marshall deal My tech is well built (now!), and quite young too! He also has a sack barrow ;-)
  10. I think you mean- " smells like teen spirit"
  11. I shall be sending a pm once I can get on my pc
  12. Grab the mike and take the pee. You will probably find over time they will do it less and less
  13. As another full timer - I always take a pre/ di like the m80, tuner and a light gritty drive like the hardwire tube od or my dod fx91, although it depends on the gig I do tend to build a pedal rig according to the band- one of my bands is pretty much bass >amp, whereas most of the others require a little more 'interesting' sounds
  14. It's not that hard altogether. I teach it as a party piece post grade 6. The hardest part is tracking down an old Morley wah to make it sound 'right' through an amp ( although it sounds great clean too!)
  15. [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w262/dudewheresmybass/808cb6b9.jpg[/IMG] My pride and joy :-)
  16. I went to school with luke bell from panic cell, and uni with tjinder nurpuri (now Singh!) from cornershop I have also worked in a non- musical job with grant dennison ex angel witch. My current drummist was angel witch's original drummer and my guitarist is ex thunderstick
  17. The source stuff doesn't have the traditional pot arrangement iirc. I'll check on my mwbd and confirm
  18. I just received a phat phuk b from dan. It arrived well packaged and in really good time. A stupidly easy transaction Cheers dude C
  19. Do you have a pic of the Tom mount pls?
  20. And another pm!
  21. Pm'd
  22. Have you thought about the tech 21 Oxford and a power amp type arrangement?
  23. patience padawan! you'll find one It took me years to find mine
  24. My latest iteration. In the loop of the ls2 is a Marshall regenerator set to step phaser. With the b3k and pulsar on it sounds huge in an almost dancy kinda way! :-)
  25. I would totally love to have a complete mxr board, but the only issue for me is that I'm not a big fan of fuzz ( although the fuzz does sound worth trying), and would prefer to have a overdrive. I did email Dunlop last year and asked if they had plans for a bass overdrive but was told that they recommended the pork loin. I already have one but it didn't do it for me. The other pedals you have there are great
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