for my main gigging band, i normally have two drives, wah and chorus.
one drive the boss md2 (atm) for big thick audioslave type chunk, the ibanez weeping demon for swells, screams, and other similar noises, and another drive ( I'm going through a bit of a transition with that at the mo - nothing seems to get the 'right' sound i'm looking for), and chorus for duff esque lines.
my church board will vary from week to week, as i put a board together according to the setlist. Normally i'll have something like the bad monkey, a BBM, wah, chorus, filter (micro q tron currently), sometimes the syb 5 with exp pedal, a di/ pre - either the hartke vxl or MXR M80, sometimes a delay will creep in for those floydy ambient type things. an octave has been known before, but that too is under review atm (perhaps a BOD on the horizon!)
most of these have appeared after reading here or bassworld previous to that, and harmony central / talkbass. Bear in mind i also used to work in MI retail, so plenty came via that route!