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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. there is someone on here that has / does own one. Dosyanarchy (sp!) i think
  2. i use one of these on my belt - no problems changing basses now!!! [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_wireless_holder.htm?sid=1a77f0484822777c3195a087be3a12c5"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_wireless_...195a087be3a12c5[/url]
  3. there's nothing like being prepared - he must have been a boy scout!
  4. perhaps an eq might be worth a try. the boss eq is quite easily found on the dreaded bay quite reasonably priced, if it doesn't do what you're after you should be able to recover your outlay. i hear the barber linden eq is great. perhaps someone with more experience of one might be able to help out here!
  5. just finished watching the dvd. that show would have been great. The tech alone would have made it worthwhile IMO. absolutely loved the bass sound on earth song - anyone any ideas what he used on the bass there? great octave sound! Orianthi is a major hottie though, her outfit/ hair in the black or white segments......... ooh! glad she doesn't talk for living!
  6. it could be a good move. you really must try before you buy though. I really love my big rig (Marshall DBS with MB / Jubilee cabs), but it's a really useful standby for a recording or hired rig situation, it can really add something cool to your sound 'pallette'. Where are you based?
  7. elites used to use a black winding, don't know if they still do though
  8. i have two of these cabs. never had any problems at all.
  9. [quote name='JackLondon' post='761655' date='Mar 2 2010, 11:23 AM']It looks fairly simple to acomplish, you can however expand on this project and put in a sound sensor as well which would react to the music being played, sort of a effect of flashing disco lights.[/quote] this is pretty much what i'm after. how would i supply the signal to the unit without losing my signal totally? i know i' said i'm thinking of a 'side chain' but how could i build that?
  10. i was hoping you guys could help with stuff like that
  11. this is it: i was going to change the jack plug for a 1/4" socket, and run it from what i would describe as a side chain. any ideas?
  12. for my main gigging band, i normally have two drives, wah and chorus. one drive the boss md2 (atm) for big thick audioslave type chunk, the ibanez weeping demon for swells, screams, and other similar noises, and another drive ( I'm going through a bit of a transition with that at the mo - nothing seems to get the 'right' sound i'm looking for), and chorus for duff esque lines. my church board will vary from week to week, as i put a board together according to the setlist. Normally i'll have something like the bad monkey, a BBM, wah, chorus, filter (micro q tron currently), sometimes the syb 5 with exp pedal, a di/ pre - either the hartke vxl or MXR M80, sometimes a delay will creep in for those floydy ambient type things. an octave has been known before, but that too is under review atm (perhaps a BOD on the horizon!) most of these have appeared after reading here or bassworld previous to that, and harmony central / talkbass. Bear in mind i also used to work in MI retail, so plenty came via that route!
  13. hi guys, i want to build a sound to light unit that i can plug into. i've found a drawing which i think should work. It uses a 12v circuit, but i want to power it using a 9v battery. is this going to be a problem? as far as i see it i'm going to need a box to allow me to take a feed from the main signal, but without losing the main line, in order to make it work is this going to be a simple - ish job? sorry for so many questions!
  14. the key word here is bash!
  15. once he's set his drums up, make sure you have a good old bash around his kit and see how he likes it! preferably whilst he's stood there too
  16. hi. in my surfing around i found this: [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Ashdown-Bass-OMeter-Dedicated-Bass-Tuner-Pedal/CGB"]http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/...Tuner-Pedal/CGB[/url] it doesn't seem to be listed on tghe ashdown site, and the details given here are a mixture of seemingly differing ads! anyone heard anything about this yet?
  17. Hi interested in a couple of these - but forum rules say you should give a price if they are for sale.
  18. Having played the amp in the stompbox shop, it's a fantastic piece of kit. It sounds tight, punchy, versatile, and generally pretty awesome. If fundage was better, i'd be thinking on this for smaller understated gigs over my Marshall 8x10 stack!
  19. Give Richard at effects power suplies.com a call. He's a very knowledgeable chap and always keen to help. [url="http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/power-supplies-8-c.asp"]http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/power-supplies-8-c.asp[/url]
  20. speaking as someone who lives in gravesend, i would just like to say that not everyone in this place is as execrable as this sorry excuse for a bass player.
  21. generally speaking i enjoy my deans trememndously. the necks are usually very comfortable, and the passive pick ups sound great i have two active instruments that get a lot of use, and three passive basses. All in all though i think Dean are really great value for money, with some great styling, and altogether very versatile. Don't let some of the funny shapes put you off!!!
  22. would you consider a straight sale?
  23. do you have any pics of the lights?
  24. Cable for my X2 arrived safely, and perfctly made! you're a star dude! Cheers
  25. for cost effective fuzziness, the Bass big muff can't be beaten really. as far as envelope filters go, there are so many variations around the theme it's staggering!
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