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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. i have one of these very units for sale to fund a foray into digital territory. it's been used regularly (at least twice a week) for over a year and a half now, and been totally reliable all of the time. It's the bodypack set, and all you'll need is a lead to connect the instrument and pack (OBBM would be a great guy to try!) i would post a picture, but Photobucket is not allowing me to upload anything atm. Sorry! However, I can email a pic to anyone that's interested. I'm looking for [s]£150 [/s] £135 for this plus postage Cheers
  2. boundaries of my patience
  3. they all look so bored - particularly the guy on the left. i feel his pain!
  4. you will tell me the whereabouts of the rebel bass
  5. i would like to master C#
  6. i totally love mine - it records really well, plays wonderfully, and sounds great through my gear. every time i've played it out, i've had people try to buy it! must say alot really! I'd buy another one in a heartbeat should anything happen to it.
  7. no wonder it's one of a kind - it's 'Orrible (with a capital O you notice!)
  8. i have the vhs somewhere here: IIRC i think it was a Tobias
  9. I'd go for the Big muff too from those choices, but i'd add the Ashdown LoMenzo hyperdrive to the list. the ashdown has a wide variety of sounds available, and retails around the £60 mark. as for Wah, i own dunlop 105Q, and it's good, but i think the ibanez weeping demon might fit your choice of style a little better. it gets a good bit of love here and TB, it's extremely adjustable, and costs about £110 new.
  10. Micro Q tron, but i also have an fx25, fx25b, bottom feeder, and Digitech BSW i find the EHX to be the greasiest filter i have tried.
  11. I'm using an old DOD octoplus - which i absolutely adore! , although i've had experience of the OC2, MXR BOD, MXR bass octave and, Digitech BSW. I'm liking the sound of the BOD, and keen to hear samples of the aguilar octamizer.
  12. looks like one of the gator ones
  13. Hi. i've been doing a lot of repairs for pupils etc. recently, and i'm needing to find a source for the nuts that fit on jack sockets. all of the research i've done so far has returned with try maplin, or the fastener / fixings guy. No joy there i'm afraid! subsequently, pretty all of my stock of Sockets now only have one nut on them - pretty much defeating the object of me holding stock! does anyone know of a good, reliable source that will sell me just the nut and possibly some suitable washers too?
  14. That's the one! I like these so much that i have two. bloody brilliant pedal - i can get a good geezer tone (NIB), all the way via Cliff esque sounds to a funky sweep not unlike some of the wowee clips posted above. there are also two trim pots accessible from underneath the pedal, which adjust the sweep of the pedal - often forgotten, but very useful!
  15. i get mine done by in tune too.
  16. i'd give the obligatory Weeping Demon suggestion - one of the single most adjustable wahs out there, and great for bass. However it does have a fairly large footprint. IIRC it's not as big as a morley, but still larger than a 105Q. on top of that it only retails at about £110
  17. the weeping demon is what i use to get close. it's about £110 retail, but deals are always to be found! It's probably the most adjustable wah i have seen (or heard!)
  18. is it just me, or do they both look pretty much the same?
  19. a marshall 7400 head, a white demonator and a tone hammer
  20. do you have the model number?
  21. [quote name='Beedster' post='651002' date='Nov 10 2009, 08:21 PM']That's the one I was incompetently referring to above [/quote] ..also known as bass world If you're heading to Herne Bay, music bay ( the original one- Cheriton is the second branch!) is just around the corner from mac's shop. They don't tend to have vast amounts of bass stock, but what they do have is normally pretty reasonable.
  22. EHX Mole [url="http://www.hotroxuk.com/electro-harmonix-the-mole-bass-booster-11990-0.html"]http://www.hotroxuk.com/electro-harmonix-t...er-11990-0.html[/url]
  23. although their reputation is not great, i have been able to try stuff at the bass cellar on denmark st. there is normally a few interesting bits to try. the other option is music ground, who have moved into the old "andy's" shop on the corner. there is normally a pretty good selection there, and they always seem keen to help. I've also had good experiences with Macari's on charing cross road. again, keen to help, and normally some good stock / prices too.
  24. it depends on the situation really. with more driving material, the drive is always on. howevr when doing more 'souly' material most likely not. horses for courses!
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