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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. do you have a pic of the mike mixer? is it a 4 jack type in/ 1 out mixer?
  2. my experience of the BDI is exactly the opposite of that mentioned above. It has always performed well for me and those i loan it to. (it is held as a spare bass DI as a part of our church's PA. personally i own both the VXL, bass exciter and the mxr. The mxr it was i will always by choice. an excellent piece of kit. IME far better than the BDDI. I still have a hankering to try the tone hammer though!
  3. if bang for buck is the prime requirement, either the VXL mentioned above, or the Behringer BDI21 are worth looking into
  4. bump for fixed price added
  5. halls soothers, and strepsils- works for me every time if you can - honey and lemon are deemed to be pretty useful.
  6. do you have any pics?
  7. bump for price drop. also open to trades. will consider anything interesting - what would you tempt me with?
  8. don't forget the mxr m80 - a great pre and great DI
  9. the machinehead website says that most pedals are able to be powered at 12v including Boss ones. some like the dano cool cat apparently sounds better at the higher voltage machine head link: [url="http://www.machinehead.co.uk/product_info.php/cPath/25_105/products_id/1522"]http://www.machinehead.co.uk/product_info....roducts_id/1522[/url] i'm sure someone else will chime in here too!!
  10. Hi. i am selling this power supply as i have no need for it. It is totally new, unused and pristine. it has 5x 12 volt 300ma outputs, which are centre negative, and total possible output current being 1500mA also included are the kettle lead , 5 short leads (25cm), 5 longer leads (50cm), a 5 way daisy chain, and 2 current doubler cables allowing you to run a higher current draw pedal from two of the sockets. these retail on the interweb between 115 and 135 quid, so i'm asking for sensible offers around the £100 mark. if we can agre a sensible price, i'll pay the postage. cheers [url="http://www.pedalspluseffectswarehouse.com/PhotoGallery.asp?ProductCode=TREX%2DJCYLCY"]http://www.pedalspluseffectswarehouse.com/...e=TREX%2DJCYLCY[/url] edit: Considering other threads, and the responses found there, I'm after £90 for this, or am prepared to consider trades
  11. you have a pm
  12. wasn't there an old ns2000? IIRC it sold for about 299. bloody nice instrument though!
  13. i used to play death metal with a passive bc rich warlock. the sound was amazing through an old valve amp and two 15" cabs. recording wise, i used my old WEM dominator II combo breaking up nicely. there is no right or wrong instrument to use for any genre of music although i wouldn't turn up to a country or rockabilly show with one of my pointy deans!
  14. i believe he posts on tb. might be worth asking him directly
  15. i looked into this for my wireless. best i could find was about 18 quid each, and about the same for the charger here is the link: [url="http://www.microvideo-shrewsbury.com/product.html"]http://www.microvideo-shrewsbury.com/product.html[/url]
  16. do you have any pics?
  17. this might be worth a try - i use one as a monitor when i'm gigging and a practice amp when i'm at home. mounts on a mike stand or will sit on a flight case [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_box_ma205_aktivmonitor.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_box_ma205_aktivmonitor.htm[/url]
  18. recently, i had the opportunity to ab the mb head and the VBA head at the marshall factory. whilst there was a noticeable difference between the two, i was able to coax some tasty tones from the MB, even getting close to those emanating from the VBA. it has to be said that the VBA is streets ahead in all areas but i found the MB to be extremely capable at the price point. the 410 i used at the factory was obviously a demo cab but i found no issues. I have no experiece of the 115 though. hope this helps
  19. what are the connections on the back, and are they on both cabs - could i add this to an existing rig?
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