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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. glad to hear it went well mate. we're playing down there on the 25th. let's hope the crowd remain as enthusiastic!!
  2. should go down well mate. the jukebox down there is rammed with quality tunes too! there is also a poster of nashville p*ssy i do quite enjoy looking at!!
  3. just don't believe everyting you read on the internet! it's not such a bad pub. we play there regularly and the only trouble we have is getting the punters in (the staff tell us that it's unusual to say the least to play to more than about 60). the staff are pleasant enough, and there shouldn't be any financial worries.
  4. it won't be able to power a whammy
  5. i still love your old m80 mate. currently using it as a di/ splitter in the studio (going to my old WEM valve combo) it's a cracking pedal - a really useful thing to have in the old case for emergencies! every one of my students gets the talk about the swiss army knife of pedals too! - to date three of them have been out and bought them!
  6. Gas attack!!!
  7. Hi Jim. I teach in Gravesend. How long have you been playing? what kind of styles are you after? PM me and we'll chat!!
  8. as you say, the answer to this question is what style are you playing? for worship stuff, i need to cover a lot of sounds, so my board is quite expansive.(approx. 10 plus tuner) for Rock - drive into fuzz (with DI/pre according to venue) for funkier things - qtron, wah, a drive, and comp (occaisionally a flanger too - but that would make five!) for jazz - chorus / flange, comp.
  9. [quote name='fifeq' post='410638' date='Feb 15 2009, 11:53 PM']what are those two pedals in top left corner?[/quote] they look like cranetortoise pedals, but i couldn't tell you the models
  10. phil - you're right the mighty thunderbolt is in tropical St Leonard's on friday - sorry mate. as far as priest goes, i was going to drive to save the last minute dash for the tube thing - let me know of you're up for it ( there is space for a coule of extras!)
  11. nice work mate, where did you get the enclosure from?
  12. whatever you wear must be a reflection, if exaggerated, of yourselves. the whole eighties thing became a parody of itself, but the strange thing is that i look at bands like my chemical romance among others and see 'rock fashions' of the past re- appearing time and again. the other option is to take inspiration from elsewhere, and add your personalities into the mix. if you take a band like kiss, they started looking like bad Alice Cooper imitators, but when they added their own personalities into the melting pot, four distinct characters emerged. Separate yet bound together with the same idea.
  13. how is the M88 tracking wise, compared with the octoplus?
  14. tempted.....
  15. i have to add the dean metalman series to this discussion, i have two currently, along with my other Deans, but i used these exclusively for over a year, and consistently received hugely positive comments about my sound, both from punters and from pros. they did retail at 199, but now at 219. i have to say that some of the Dean MM basses i've tried in shops have been in desperate need of a decent setup, but once that is done, away you go! the pick up in these is so hot i've been accused of using active basses more than once at jam nights, where the guy running it was worried that it might blow his rig up, but the pick up is clear, crisp and powerful. The shapes echo some of the more expensive models (ML, V, Z), but they are quite simply some of the best instruments i have used - irrelevant of price
  16. tbh the first thing i'll do is switch the amp off that i've been plugged into, and just play acoustically for a while. if the unplugged sound is bad, then the plugged sound will most probably not be worth bothering with. once that test is passed, a general compilation of little riffs, walking patterns, band material, and pretty much anything else i fancy to see if the bass will perform on a broad enough basis for what i'm looking for. that will pretty much tell me whether the bass is suitable, what i feel it is worth TO ME, and usually how bad the house set up is!!
  17. thanks for your comments peeps - the meatbox is not going to be leaving me anytime soon they do come up on ebay from time to time, and tend to sell around the £40 mark. a very worthy investment!! Katri - you're first on the list should the situation arise!
  18. the DOD is a meatbox - a subharmonic generator at two fixed frequencies. it's great for adding thickness to a DI only gig. yes, i still have the fuzzsaw - it gets used in all kinds of interesting situations, although not in a permanent place!
  19. i have one too. the dry setting is where it's at- it gives thick fuzz, with a bass friendly tone knob, and a fixed volume clean blend to add clarity. for the money it's pretty much impossible not to find a useable sound within this box!
  20. [quote name='cheddatom' post='381121' date='Jan 15 2009, 11:55 AM']You could have a delay there instead of the TB loop? I only asked about it as I was wondering what it was doing with two empty jacks.[/quote] it was there so i could keep options open. delay os the most used insert there, but i have dabbled with other drive units there, a whammy etc., etc., i felt it was the best and easiest option without having to take the board apart any time i fancied trying something different. Since it is TB, when the pedal isn't on, the signal goes straight to the Hartke
  21. the sgetty loop is a home made TB loop so when necessary i can add another pedal (most likely to be delay) into the chain without having to juggle stuff around the name is inspired by my wife - to her spaghetti loops are basgetty loops!
  22. I've played through noth of the ashton heads repeatedly, as my mate is a stockist in his shop. TBH the valve amp was awful - flappy, indistinct, and generally all round rubbish. the 400 wat SS headhowever was excellent - simple uncomplicated, clear, and loud! before anyone says that i clearly am not a fan of valve amps, i have to say that i think i have been spoilt by an early seventies (from what i've been told) WEM dominator combo, that is absolutely wonderful, and records beautifully.
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