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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. i emailed him asking what the impedance was, but also got no reply!
  2. blend / balance is indeed the pups. the controls on my P lyte are in a diamond shape, and can loosely be described using the points of a compass. It will look like two and two if you are wearing the bass, but if you look at it when not having it around your neck you should see what i mean!
  3. a centre detente is the notch in the middle. as you look at the bass the north knob is Volume. east is blend / balance south is bass IIRC, and west is treble, again IIRC edit: if i am wrong about the treble and bass knobs, just reverse them!
  4. TBH, i thought this thread going to have a Bad News theme!
  5. they'll be volume, pickup blend/ balance, bass and treble ( both cut and boost) all except the volume have centre detentes. HTH
  6. sorry dude, gotta let you down. My drummers are either skint or not looking for china/ splash type things! Sorry!
  7. may be interested in the china splash. will have a word with my drummers and let you know
  8. i managed to score one of these a little while ago. i have to say that i love it. It get sused to add a little hair to my Deans and does the job admirably! it is really so versatile that i think it will be hanging around for a good while yet! it punches so much above it's weight, that i believe it would sell even if the asking price were £99 rather than the meagre £59 rrp. A bargain - probably the best bang for buck drive pedal i have ever heard!
  9. i have one too, and i get to use it out and about quits frequently. i haven't changed the strings onv it yet, but i get quite a reasonable tone from it as is. i tend to put it through my bass xciter, and sometimes an MXR m80, although ad 121 sounds like a pretty good idea!
  10. they have the VT bass on Denmark Street in london. every time i've used the DI on my MXR (in several differing venues!), the sound man has been nothing but chuffed with the signal.
  11. what a top fellow to deal with. brutally honest and totally trustworthy. i would purchase mark's wares again very quickly! cheers mate
  12. i was there yesterday, and was also fairly impressed with the gear there from a bass perspective. Things that stood out for me were the Basson / Zoot stand, with the new Zoot Neo cabs (unfeasibly light!), Peavey with their new all valve bass rigs, and a european (Czech IIRC) manfacturer called Mayones. the one item that really stood out for me was a reissue of the Aria SB as used by Cliff Burton. It's called the SBCB and will retail at around the £750 mark. Neck through, and sweet as you like - I know what my next bass will be now! Iwas somewhat disappointed by Roland/ Boss who had very little new product available for demo, and Fender, who had none of their new effects range on their stand. a real opportunity missed i feel! The other thing i found was that by and large, no one was interested in talking to people (except perhaps roland). I was there with a trade pass around my neck, yet no one was interested in "talking turkey" overall, it was loads better than last year from a bass perspective, but still some way to go generally though.
  13. good to hear about your course dude! teaching and everything going great. I got me a waiting list! on the filter front - try the bottom feeder, it's a bass friendly clone of the 442. Including shipping from the states it cost me about £75. sounds great too, although i'm really enjoying my micro qtron at the mo! rather than hijack this thread - drop me a pm and we'll catch up there!
  14. sorry to see such a huge clearout Rob! how's uni treating you?
  15. do you have a price in mind?
  16. seems to be stuck on the login page!?
  17. there are so many players that have influenced the bass 'scene' i find it impossible to name just one. I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Steve Harris yet! but don't forget Cliff, Geezer big +1 to steve DiGiorgio Billy Sheehan John Entwhistle etc, etc, etc, etc
  18. one of my main regular gigs is an ampless/ straight to desk with IEM's. i use the vxl as my 'amp' and therefore last in the chain utilising the DI out. my other effects go before as you would if using a physical amp. My chain runs: wireless - boss tu2- EHX micro Q tron - MXR blowtorch - Dod bass grunge - boss HM2 - weeping demon wah -Boss CEB3 - Dod Meatbox - Loop (most likely to contain a marshall echohead or Dod stereo bass flanger) and then the vxl / di hope this helps / makes sense!
  19. i have been self employed full time as a musician for about three and a half years now. i teach as well as playing in various bands. to widen my business i also teach guitar, do a bit of MD'ing, and do wedding and party style discos too. If you are aiming to do this full time, my advice is to hook up with a school or two, otherwise you will only be working evenings, and if your other half is employed externally you'll be literally 'ships that pass in the night'! My wife and I are both self employed, which can create certain tensions, we aren't struggling, but it can get quite tough at times. You really have to LOVE playing to make it work! I'm fortunate to love basses, guitars, and all the assorted cr*p that goes with it, so I believe I am proof of the saying that if you find a job you love - you'll never work a day in your life! I hope this helps feel free to PM me if you have any more questions mate!
  20. and equally as classic viewing!!!
  21. This was (and still is ) classic viewing. I can still remember it without even watching it! the parts that i still think on are Bruce talking about Gene Simmons' stuffed codpiece, napalm death playing you suffer, Tom Araya trying to spin his head off, and the kids skipping in a circle 'dancing' to Nuclear Assault. Even as i type, i remember even more. It was great then and even better now!
  22. looks like an igniter shape body. shame about the finish though!. why oh why do they have to include the testicle rest on the headstock though??!
  23. i think it is something to do with Staus and Ashdown. I seem to remember the bass player from embrace talking about something very similar in an old Bass Guitar Magazine.
  24. Flight case! holds everything from pedals and wireless system to a small powered monitor and tool kit
  25. great to see another Dean lover! i love both of my metalman models - i have the ML and Demonator. Jim is right about the pickups - these are really hot, tight and soooo punchy!! The main problem is finding cases foer them!!
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