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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. diamonds and rust - Priest
  2. ace of spades - motorhead
  3. man I feel like a woman = Shania
  4. Ride the lightning - tally men
  5. Flanger - Not a massive flanger fan per se, but totally love the tone of my DOD stereo bass flanger when I need that slow, 3D type swirl. Filter- I've still not heard anything that tops my MXR BEF. the Micro Qtron got close, but the MXR stole the crown lol Wah - I have several choices, and it all depends on the environment it's being used for. Broadly speaking though, the crown has to go to the Ibanez weeping demon, with honourable mention to the Morley 20:20 power fuzz wah. Chorus - The MXR black label chorus is my choice here. a clone of the older analogue boss CE5 at its core, it just gives me the tone I hear when chorus is mentioned Core Drive - The Joyo Orange juice, EHX bass soul food are my picks dependant on the situation. After spending massive amounts of ££ on the latest trend pedal, ands just not scratching the itch, I found these two gems Extra gain stage - I have many choices dependant on the situation/ tone I'm after. Having said that, my main first choice is the Caline Orange Burst. Ironically, one of the cheapest pedals out there, it does what I need better than all of the other (much more pricey!) pedals I've owned Phaser - EVH phase 90. Nuff said! Comp - I'm generally not a compressor type person, but I do like the MXR bass comp for some situations
  6. Iron lion zion - Marley B
  7. pink cadillac - Natalie Cole?
  8. papa dont preach - Mad donna
  9. every lidl thing she does is magic - Police
  10. time is running out - Muse
  11. similar to my dilemma whilst I appreciate the names on the list (which are nigh on impossible to dispute), my bassist's bassist list include 'Arry, but also Steve DiGiorgio, Frank Bello, Gene, as well as many others. It all stems from the tunes and music we're exposed to in our formative years - Which in my case seem to be continuing despite my advancing years
  12. burton, geezer but I don't see Harris there
  13. overly figured woods basically, so pretty much Yes lol
  14. for me - No Jazz basses No MM style basses or pups no J pups, except in certain circumstances no Short scale no Tort At the mo it has to be no rosewood (although that is very likely to change! lol) No active basses. and I most definitely agree largely with the coffee table thing
  15. that smell - Lynyrd Skynyrd
  16. I have similar issues finding cases - as I play Warlocks with the oversized reverse headstocks they sold in the 90's (I currently own 3, a paddle headstock warlock which fits into a standard case, a mockingbird, and an Ironbird.) The best alternative I found was the Roksak Thunderbird case. It survived taking my main stage instrument to Poland and back in April. Not too sure if it's still available though
  17. every day I write the book - Elvis costello
  18. snowblind - Sabbath
  19. I've got a brand new combine harvester - Wurzels
  20. devil doesn't bargain - Alec Benjamin
  21. back on the streets - Gary moore
  22. give it away - RHCP
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