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Everything posted by spaners

  1. Pod farm is a free download from line 6, so you can download the latest version of pod farm 2. the usb interface itself caries the licence that makes the whole thing work. from there you can purchase and down load extra amps and efects packs. try downloading the soft wear you will be able to open it and see the amps, pedals and efects that come with it and see how there softwear works
  2. bankholiday weekend bump
  3. Just sold my bassbuddy to mark, no messing, nice guy to deal with and chat to so heres a +1 for mark
  4. that mibass looks lost up there, I have a tc rs112 that it would look cool on top of, ps can def recomend the tc 1x12
  5. [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5]Line 6 studio GX complete with softwear, leads and original packing[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5]little used[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5]hence sale[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5][attachment=108925:line 6 studio gx.jpg][/size][/font]
  6. [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5]Phil Jones Bass buddy pre amp/headphone amp you can even use it to power a speaker[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5]You all know theres a lot of love on here and other bass forums for these[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5]I need a new speaker cab so this has to go with some other gear[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5][attachment=108923:post-5727-0-29385300-1337528958.jpg][/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5][attachment=108924:DSC00342.jpg][/size][/font]
  7. [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=6]Fender bronco 40 bass amp[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=6]6 months old[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=6]as new[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=6]love this but need another bass cab so selling some gear[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=6][attachment=108919:fender-bronco-3.jpg][/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=6][attachment=108920:bronco 40.jpg][/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=6][attachment=108921:FENDER+BRONCO+40-4.jpg][/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=6][attachment=108922:fender-bronco-4.jpg][/size][/font]
  8. i hate thieves, my punishment would be harsh and very very slow Feel for you man
  9. im wanting one of these, where in hampshire are you
  10. just wait for him to send em back n then watch um come up as 'B' stock for less, then bye em lmao this isnt helping is it
  11. bankholiday weekend bump. This bass has to go this weekend
  12. Bankholiday weekend bump. this bass has to go this weekend
  13. Noe on ebay for anyone intrested
  14. Now on ebay for anyone intrested
  15. Thanks for the offer Rammsteinbrit, nice though it is its not my cup of tea
  16. if dogs dont have it i will. He did put a wanted add in befor me
  17. on my want list bump
  18. Sold pending inspection/colection
  19. Still for sale, sold my washburn AB20 instead and missing it already
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