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Everything posted by dincz

  1. This just came up for sale for the equivalent of £115. Any thoughts, warnings? [url="http://s1070.photobucket.com/user/dincz/media/01_zps96bdd5a4.jpg.html"][/url]
  2. dincz

    Cort Arona 4

    Now sold out. DIthered too long
  3. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1409572044' post='2540942'] - - - - but I did measure that the resistance was about 20 ohm for the offending 20ft cable - - - - - That would be completely useless as a instrument cable- possibly OK as a washing line [/quote] I wouldn't expect even a few tens of ohms to make any audible difference considering that pickups are typically several kohms and amp inputs more like 1Mohm. EDIT: but yes, capacitance is a killer - especially with long cables.
  4. Seriously tempted but £197 for the black one and £395 for the open pore finish at Thomann. Is there something I should know or is black simply unpopular?
  5. Born with the heart and ears of a bassist but the hands of a singer
  6. [quote name='kyboo' timestamp='1409314700' post='2538564'] It also depends where the cable from the bass goes, and how long it goes. Active preamps buffer pickups from the chain, meaning there is no interaction between a cable, the first pedal and pickups. That is not the case with passive basses. Try to use a quite long cable, you might hear the difference then. High frequencies will be very likely attenuated. [/quote] It's definitely affected by impedance. Running into a mixer's line in (20Kohm) there's a distinct loss of top end in passive mode - as you'd expect.
  7. Combo or head and cab? Not very convenient but if it's a head, try putting it on the floor.
  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1409056632' post='2535839'] What's a ched? [/quote] It's Chad from Sarth Efrica
  9. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1409128209' post='2536509'] Do you not even get a volume peak when you switch to active? my basses that are active/passive sound very different between the two modes [/quote] No, provided the EQ is set flat, the levels are perfectly matched.
  10. I'm a bit confused by the sometimes strong opinions I read here favouring either active or passive basses. Admittedly I haven't played many basses and this is based on my Cort C4H which is switchable active/passive - true passive as it works without a battery. With the EQ controls centred, there is absolutely no detectable difference in tone when switching between the two. Is my bass unique/faulty/weird?
  11. Oops, where's the delete button
  12. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1409078467' post='2536138'] if every other variable was the same then you would still get a noticeable volume increase going from 8 to 4ohm [/quote] With the emphasis on "noticeable". The most you'd get would be 3dB more - and with most amps something less than that. To give some idea, a 3dB change sounds like this http://www.talkbass.com/attachments/3db-mp3.315441/
  13. Some options here: http://www.playawayguitars.com/play_away_guitars_shop.php?itemID=547
  14. Mine is out of reach at the moment but I thought only the PRO had a clip LED?
  15. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1408384495' post='2529676'] I'm 41 & like a naive young fool [/quote] And so you should be you young whippersnapper! By the way, where can I get a pipe holder for my headstock?
  16. Ta very much. Fame at last!
  17. Sorry - no video. Recorded in my bedroom in a booth made of mattresses one track at a time almost 20 years ago. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOIbgUXXy_c[/media]
  18. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1407003727' post='2516627'] It would have to be an impressive "someone" for me to accept his word over that of Victor Wooten[/quote] Some impressive someones have been less than impressed by Victor's endorsement of eye-wateringly expensive power cords. Or maybe the sound you heard was actually the power cord rather than the B3
  19. [quote name='Biaeothanata-Bassist' timestamp='1406997168' post='2516561'] I did consider getting a 1u channel strip but i haven't seen any within my price range (or there abouts) and haven't seen any with a graphic EQ on it. I definitely need to have a graphic EQ for the way i shape my tone. Definitely going to get a BDI21 though so again thanks for the tip on that [/quote] No, I don't remember seeing any with graphic EQ but in my experience parametric EQ is much more flexible although it takes some getting used to after a graphic.
  20. Another option is a used channel strip which would give you a mic/instrument preamp, EQ and probably a compressor as well - all in a 1RU box. Very clean sound but a BDI21 would fix that. This is exactly what I use and it works well.
  21. Plugging a passive bass directly into the DBX won't work well. The input impedance is way too low (20KΩ) and will load your pickups and kill the top end. You'd probably get away with it with an active.
  22. As lefrash said, plus compression.
  23. They sell new here in the Czech Republic for [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] £293. Add in the cost of a RyanAir flight and have a decent beer while you're here.[/font][/color]
  24. Maybe You Should Drive is the extent of my knowledge.
  25. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1405885922' post='2506180']The only way I can do it is to play twice on the fifth instead of fifth-root[/quote] Played this at a gig a couple of months back exactly as you described - twice on the fifth. Now I know I'm crap. But funnily enough it's one of the VERY few songs I can sing and play together. So not completely crap?
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