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Everything posted by dincz

  1. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1345371609' post='1776669'] If memory serves, if you run an amp into a cab at too low an impedance then the amp can overheat (which is what it sounds like has happened) as the cab is drawing more power than the amp is designed to handle - I'm sure someone with more knowledge than me can confirm / refute this and explain why. [/quote] As far as solid state amps are concerned, yes. The key is in the word "impede". A high impedance cab impedes the flow of current from the amp. A low impedance cab impedes it less. A bit like pouring water down a thin pipe compared to a fat one.
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1345370067' post='1776631'] As is clearly demonstrated by energy-saving CFL lamps where a 15W CFL is roughly the same brightness as a 60W incandescent. [/quote] It's time for a similar breakthrough in loudspeakers. They, like incandescent bulbs, use around 90% of the amp's output power to produce heat and 10% is converted to sound. Any ideas?
  3. Sounds like he meant a jack plug with a switch built into it.
  4. [quote name='nugget' timestamp='1345216019' post='1775137'] 1000 watts is twice as 100 watts ( [i]twice as loud, yes.[/i] 100 watt amp produces so much perceved volume [i]OK[/i] 2 100 watt amps 2 lots of the same amount of volume (ie twice as much) [i]twice as much power[/i] therefore 2 100 watts amps produce the same volume as a 1000 watt amp [i]No, twice as much power (200W) but only 3dB louder.[/i] therefor 2 100 watt amps are louder than one 900watt amp [i]Just obviously no[/i] [/quote]
  5. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1345049441' post='1772895'] Depends how you EQ it, string it and what pickups you've got in it. [/quote] To turn that around, how close can you get to a P sound with the right EQ, strings and pickups on a non-P bass?
  6. I've been a long term stop/start dabbler on bass and have never spent a lot on the few I've owned which are: Vox Cougar hollow body (Bought second hand in 1970 and still got it. Anorexic neck. Sustain - if only!) Ibanez Roadster RS-900 '80ish (ridiculously heavy) Samick something or other '90s (adequate in an unremarkable way) Cort C4H 2010 (still got it and it's the most playable so far. Great neck) As you see I've led a sheltered life. I love the Cort. It feels like it was made for me. Not crazy about the 2 band EQ but I compensate in the preamp. I played a mate's P a few times but the neck felt like a fence post. But what am I missing out on? Just what is it that makes J's and P's so popular?
  7. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1344854068' post='1770007'] Is that a pube?!?! [/quote] Bach's 'Air off a G-string?
  8. I'm less abominable on bass than on guitar but I aspire to mediocrity on both. Aging and the slow progress of medicine and technology force me to believe that the cranial midi interface is not going to happen in my lifetime. Pity, cos I'm brilliant in my head.
  9. Paper in snake oil If you hear a difference, it's because of the manufacturing tolerance. Actual capacitance values can vary from the nominal value by a significant amount - 5%, 10%, 20% and more.
  10. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1344518216' post='1765817'] ---x--- To load new types of effects or the artist-made Bass TonePrints, simply hook up your amp to a computer via the included USB cable. Or even cooler: beam them directly from your smartphone straight into BH250 using the mindblowing [url="http://www.tcelectronic.com/toneprint-app.asp"]TonePrint App for iOS and Android[/url]. ---x--- [url="http://www.tcelectronic.com/bh250-toneprints.asp"]http://www.tcelectro...-toneprints.asp[/url] [/quote] But ... "Currently, you can get the TonePrint App for iPhone, but an Android version is under development and will soon be available"
  11. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1344416619' post='1764018']What's the point in having a singer screeching their head off trying to hit notes whan you can just change key to get over it [/quote] Exactly how I feel about it, but in this case it's the singer who won't change key because of his pride. He's not much of a singer even within his range but catastrophic when he stretches his top end.
  12. Point taken about certain songs not working in other keys/positions - especially for guitar but it can make life more difficult on bass as well. But I find it really odd that the one member of the band who would only benefit from a key change is the only one who's against it.
  13. Just wondering how the rest of you approach this. The singer in my band is sometimes obviously straining to reach high notes (and sometimes low notes) but seems to regard getting through a song in the original key as a mark of honour - even if he sounds crap. Have you come up against this attitude?
  14. [quote name='silentbob' timestamp='1343001001' post='1743772'] Every time I hear that olympic song I have to play myself something from Origin of Symmetry to remind myself how good they used to be. [/quote] There have been moments of greatness since but Origin of Symmetry is still pretty much The Essential Muse Collection.
  15. [IMG]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u493/dincz/CautionersApproved.jpg[/IMG]
  16. I must admit I don't get it, but then the music I really enjoy - sit and listen to intently rather than hear as background music or dance to - has a powerful emotional influence on me. Hair standing on end, goose bumps and sometimes tears. What does this music do for those of you who enjoy it? Is it simply a kind of academic appreciation of the structure and technicalities, or something else?
  17. I wonder if you'd be happier with flat-wound strings. A bit less zing.
  18. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1344249518' post='1761604'] My Markbass 1x12 sounds the same whether I stand right in front of it, yards away from it or to one side of it[/quote] That could well happen if you don't use a lot of mids and highs.
  19. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1344249054' post='1761595']For me it was the use of the blend control that brought things to life[/quote] Apart from the lack of mid EQ, I also found the setting of the blend to be key. I rarely use more than 8 o'clock on the blend control.
  20. I'm in the missing category between sub 750 and over 1000. Around 850.
  21. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1344172349' post='1760655'] Sound wave would take longer to propagate using 15s, so if you're standing too close you wont be experiencing the full sound of your rig. [/quote]Truly weird science!
  22. Melodic goodness [IMG]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u493/dincz/shearwater_rook.jpg[/IMG]
  23. [quote name='afterglow' timestamp='1344077995' post='1759439']when i press down on it the distortion goes[/quote] Where did you press? Just wondering if it might be simply a mechanical resonance - loose screws, cab joints etc.
  24. Until recently I was using the BDI-21 as a preamp directly feeding my power amp and I never really got on with it. Muddy and indistinct sound with a bit of furry/sizzly stuff up top. But I've recently been using it into a channel strip and the control of mids in the parametric just brings the whole thing to life. I'm in bass heaven. That was apropos of nothing at all - just wanted to share my joy
  25. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1343918879' post='1757328'] sound is emitted from a source on more than one axis, ie.the vertical as well as the horizontal[/quote] Vertically stacked speakers have poor vertical dispersion so all of the acoustic energy that would have been wasted on the floor and ceiling is now available in the horizontal plane. Result!
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