I was born in 1979.
My first bass was £100 in 1994. It was an absolutely knackered 1978 Fender music master. It was the best part of a year's pocket money.
My (double) bass teacher was absolutely horrified by it. Cracked paint, nicotine stained, faded paint in places, wear, divots in the frets, short scale. The antithesis of orchestral double bass playing.
I've still got it. It's a year out from a birth year so close enough for me.
I sanded all the paint and most of the divots in the body in the late 1990's. I couldn't get through the sanding sealer (insufficient elbow grease in hind sight), so it remained partially sanded for ages. After I discovered people will pay more for a relic guitar I realised I'd sanded 1/2 the value of the instrument off.
I did a better job of sanding in a few years back and re sprayed it in nitro. Looks fine from a meter, but it's not factory finish.
It could probably do with new frets now but two wee kids and I've not played bass for ages.