Oh, amp wise, I've been on quiet a jouney! I always loved the old Trace stuff that I played for about 100 years 🙂 But the cabs are soo heavy..!!
I tried a lot, went all digital with Tecamp and Orange Terror but it soundet only great when played without band... it could not cut through in my rock bands - maybe it works with other styles. Last try for "light and loud" were three Hartke 12", 500 watts digital combos stagged together.
Went on tour, played one night with a low budget analog rig of another band and sold everything digital at once when back home.
Remebered that I knew Mr. Gooday from Ashdown (ex Trace) and he very very very kindly offered me a nice deal - I am not Paul McCartney...!!!
In between I had been to Musicstore (again) and took time to test every amp they have in store. I was willing to buy the amp with the best sound for me (and my Yamaha, that I brought for testing) no matter the price. I did- it was a cheapo Hartke LH500 that blew me away because of its clear pure tone.
Now with the Asdown rig I can say that it is a totally cool rock rig, I love it. Still have my beloved 410s of Trace but this 300 watts cabs weight about 50 kilos.