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Everything posted by arthurhenry

  1. The Have I Got News For You theme tune is fun to play on bass.
  2. Who is Roger Water?
  3. Why do people film demos in front of their unmade beds and piles of dirty washing?
  4. Unnecessary use of the present participle of verbs: "I'm loving your bass", "I'm liking this book" etc.
  5. I don't even look at people's names; I just read the posts.
  6. I laid down the law from day one and she's supported me ever since (20 years). The agreement is that she's allowed to moan as long as she doesn't really [i]mean [/i]it.
  7. "Feel the way I do" from Pink Floyd's Vera and "Feels the way I do" from Oasis' Wonderwall. Same melody and, but for one letter, lyrics.
  8. "Why don't you play properly - y'know, slap bass?"
  9. During the verses, I contemplate all the adulation I will receive when everyone present notices that I play the solo part correctly, complete with the open A rhythm, which so many leave out.
  10. F# is nice, but it's major third A#, is nasty. How can the two go together?!
  11. Do you feel a certain way about some notes based on the keys with which you're most familiar? For example, due to being most familiar with the "rock keys" of Em, Am etc, I can only think of Bb as a "nasty" note. It wouldn't feel quite right to play a happy song in Bb! C# is a bright, happy note to me, so I struggle with the fact that F (another nasty one!) is its major third. There are many more examples, but I think that's weird enough for now.
  12. His bass is known as "The Funk Machine" and has been missing for many years. The word "Funk" is carved into the neck heel. I believe there's an ongoing effort to try to find it. Lots of info on the web, I'm sure.
  13. A google search reveals a South West listings magazine called "Focus". I thought it was the band at first too!
  14. You can get monitor style screens which display lyrics or music from a USB stick. One band I'm in uses an old laptop (on the floor) with an extra monitor attached for guitarist and me to see. We probably all know the lyrics to 1000s of songs that we grew up with, so why the problem knowing them for the set?
  15. Herbie Flowers is surely a bouquet bass player.
  16. Regarding the glove: Does the condition only affect his left hand?
  17. John Wetton on "Red".
  18. Does it come with a waistcoat?
  19. E is yellow, C# is turquoise, A is red.... I could go on. I don't see these colours when I hear the notes, but they just "are" that colour.
  20. In case you want to listen, or avoid: BBC Radio 4 11.30am Thursday 6th November Spank the Plank Comedian Mitch Benn investigates the history of slap bass. Contributions from Yolanda Charles, Mark King and Guy Pratt.
  21. Of course! It's all part of the fun isn't it?
  22. There's always the old "We've had a request...but we're staying", "Thank you, we knew we'd get the clap we deserved" etc, etc.
  23. It's this isn't it? A C# D D# E G G# A Repeat in B and C, with the final run being C E F F# G A A# B C Many seem to play it as major or mixolydian scales, incorrectly to my ears. I may be wrong!
  24. Questions: Can anyone offer a simple explanation of precisely what this means? Is it just an abstract, subjective, "feel" based idea? If you play ahead of or behind the beat, aren't you just out of time? If a drummer plays to a click and places his/her kick and snare slightly before or after the click consistently, with the same amount of time between each hit, then surely they may as well play on the click.
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