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Everything posted by arthurhenry

  1. Yes, grab a beer from the Phrygian and relax.
  2. You say[u] you decided [/u]to learn some theory, so there is a point. If you weren't bothered, there would be no point.
  3. Only 5% of bass played by (insert name of unadventurous player of your choice).
  4. Is it not possible though, that a "limited" player could still play the perfect part for the song(s), perhaps throughout his/her career? In which case; wouldn't we say that they were a great bass player (in the context of their band/songs/genre/whatever)?
  5. Billy Sheehan on Ladies Nite in Buffalo is mostly 8th roots and great playing
  6. I was shocked and sad to read the news here, but my head was instantly filled with some of the great lines he played and a sense of the tone, feel and character of his playing. If you want to become a better bass player, just learn some tracks from Stand Up and Benefit: Job done. Recommended: Bouree Living in the Past Witch's Promise Wond'ring again (Glenn's favourite bass part)
  7. Sad news. Great player.
  8. "Available to practice: 4 times a week, available to gig: Once a month."
  9. People are sometimes a bit quick to get angry and keen to make a point over this issue. On one occasion a soundman suggested to our drummer that he ask the headline band's drummer if he could share his kit to make things easier. He did this and received an aggressively phrased reply about being a professional, would you let me borrow your wife/car/Rolex? etc, before our poor chap had a chance to say that he had brought his own kit and had no problem setting it up!
  10. The best and safest way to use Schaller strap locks is to keep them separate from the strap, attach the strap to the bass as normal, then clip the locks on. Otherwise metal is rubbing against metal with the weight of the bass. The buttons have been known to shear off.
  11. I agree with posts above that they may have assumed it was a house instrument; could there even have been some miscommunication along these lines? However, it would have been polite/appropriate for them to check first. Never leave your bass unattended on the stage at this type of gig! I'm glad you used the word "some" in the title. This could equally apply to "some" older and middle aged/inconsiderate/ignorant players/people! By the way, if it was me and they did ask first, the answer would still have been NO!
  12. Metallica's "Whiplash" at school (we changed some of the lyrics!) I played it in F, the rest of the band in E. Crowd went nuts.
  13. I've always played a hammer on from G to A, 10th/12th fret of A string, before the high F and D. No sign of it here!
  14. I'm interested to know the type of event at which you'll be performing. Is it aimed specifically at musicians or fans of 90's rock? I can't imagine the general public being particularly interested, or even knowing who Extreme are. This is why my idea of performing the whole of Styx's "The Grand Illusion" or Night Ranger's "Midnight Madness" has never got off the ground! Of course, I hope it's a huge success for you.
  15. I record them onto cassette tapes and post them out in Jiffy bags.
  16. Mr. Big are playing at London Koko in October.
  17. I've had the same result simply by arranging an arc of balloons behind the band.
  18. No instruments will be left in the car will they? That would be crazy. Other gear can possibly be covered up/squeezed into the boot. Take a gig bag and prepare for a sore shoulder.
  19. I hope Lemmy's not reading this.
  20. Just taken my old Washburn down from the top of the wardrobe after nine years. In tune.
  21. Perhaps the Beatles tribute bass player's right hand was a tribute to his left and vice versa.
  22. I bought a Hofner Shorty travel bass, specifically as an emergency back up. On past experience, I'm unlikely to ever need it and it's more convenient than taking 2 full size Fenders.
  23. I'd call £250-£500 per night very good money for playing music.
  24. Also did some great work with Gary Moore.
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