The ideas that you have to "Stick to what you believe in" and "Follow your heart", so often imparted by our musical heroes, are total cobblers. On the planet Earth with eight billion other people, it is just possible that you could discover previously unconsidered passions and skills in other areas. It's fine to wonder "What if?" It would be very strange if we didn't.
I also take a stand for my cabinet, it's built to look like a 4x10 cab (engineers have even asked where I want it mic'ed), folds down flat when not in use and has built in flashing LEDs.
As I've mentioned previously on this topic; when using Schallers as intended, you have metal against metal. Although I know some have used them for many years with no problem, I have had a strap button sheer off as a result of this friction. I now keep the strap locks loose, attach the strap to the bass, then clip the strap locks on. Thus, the weight of the bass is on the leather of the strap and the strap locks still keep it on.
12th fret makes sense, but why 3, 5, 7, 9? Why not 2,4,6,8,10? Who decided and why?
Another observation: Eb/D# and Ab/G# are the only notes not marked by dots on a 4 string bass.
His earlier stuff is very unique, proggy and arrangement heavy. Very far from the likes of the awful "Poison" etc. Dennis Dunaway's bass playing is fantastic too.
[quote name='Mike Brooks' timestamp='1387139072' post='2308635']
It was 6th February 1997.
You are a star and as much of an anorak as me! Thank you.