[quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1370871786' post='2106624']
I don't see why this is the Wal owner's fault? He did nothing wrong. Why should he expect anyone to touch is property without permission, especially something as personal and fragile as a musical instrument. It's a pain in the neck keeping things in cases at gigs where there's so little space, the cases get put away.
Going along the 'it takes a village to bring up a child' line, assuming the Wall owner was not right there at the time why did none of the punters stop these two idiots going anywhere near the gear? In reality there is more responsibility there than the landlord who was no doubt busy keeping the queue at the bar down.
Its the two idiots' fault, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find them, they need to be given the chance, now they've sobered up, to put things right.
I completely agree. Play whichever bass you choose. Yes it makes sense to take particular care of a valuable bass by keeping a close eye on it and returning it to its case during breaks, but no one should be put off their instrument of choice because of drunken idiots. In all seriousness, I would have been straight on the phone to the Police and pressed charges of criminal damage. I've got through forty years on planet Earth without recklessly damaging other people's belongings and there's no reason why anyone else can't do the same.