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Everything posted by arthurhenry

  1. They will announce a UK tour after this, just like in 1988.
  2. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1370871786' post='2106624'] I don't see why this is the Wal owner's fault? He did nothing wrong. Why should he expect anyone to touch is property without permission, especially something as personal and fragile as a musical instrument. It's a pain in the neck keeping things in cases at gigs where there's so little space, the cases get put away. Going along the 'it takes a village to bring up a child' line, assuming the Wall owner was not right there at the time why did none of the punters stop these two idiots going anywhere near the gear? In reality there is more responsibility there than the landlord who was no doubt busy keeping the queue at the bar down. Its the two idiots' fault, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find them, they need to be given the chance, now they've sobered up, to put things right. [/quote] I completely agree. Play whichever bass you choose. Yes it makes sense to take particular care of a valuable bass by keeping a close eye on it and returning it to its case during breaks, but no one should be put off their instrument of choice because of drunken idiots. In all seriousness, I would have been straight on the phone to the Police and pressed charges of criminal damage. I've got through forty years on planet Earth without recklessly damaging other people's belongings and there's no reason why anyone else can't do the same.
  3. It sounds like you're already doing the right thing. You care about knowing which note you are playing, which is the most important thing and you are also able to name the note by referencing another. You may be slow at doing this in some areas of the neck, but it will come.
  4. What I want from the man responsible for some of the greatest music and guitar playing ever to come out of this country, is some Steve Hillage band dates.
  5. Robert Fripp, Billy Sheehan in Niacin.
  6. Those people who lay a cable across the stage, instead of weaving it through the drum stands. Grrr!
  7. All the Tull bass players are fantastic. Songs From the Wood is an essential bass album - John Glascock's playing is sublime. Martin Barre commented that, at the time JG was more into the music than anyone. Don't forget Jon Noyce from later days, who also did great stuff with Gary Moore.
  8. I understand your point and think it's a fairly common problem. I think the best solution is to keep learning new music, including working out non bass parts, such as vocal melodies, guitar riffs and solos, piano parts etc.
  9. You could also try swapping shoulders and wearing the bass Albert Collins style, to give the shoulder on which the bass usually hangs, a bit of a rest. I sometimes do this on long gigs.
  10. Lean into the mic and sing! Make mistakes! Sing flat! Lose the groove! Repeat x 1000. Just do it!
  11. £6.20 for the Severn bridge.
  12. You should have taken Jacob's ladder. Sorry.
  13. For some reason I enjoy watching my plucking hand when playing live, though I don't need to. It's like a well calibrated machine....that sometimes goes wrong. Occasionally, I look up and make eye contact with the back wall of the venue.
  14. When I don't feel like practising, I practise.
  15. [quote name='megallica' timestamp='1369926530' post='2094554'] They've had Metallica on a couple of times. [/quote] ...and that's about it as far as rock/metal goes.
  16. Sometimes it's a major decision whether to get into a band or not. I like Zappa, but I continue to put off getting into his music 'properly.' When I get into a band, I like to get to know all their music as fully as possible and this is quite a daunting prospect for an artist with 60+ albums of sometimes mind boggling musical and lyrical complexity and verbosity. I wish I had the time!
  17. As a bass player, it was quite strange to watch. Imagine not knowing who Geddy Lee is! That's inconceivable!
  18. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1369850650' post='2093535'] I have recently separated (amicably) from my wife, no drama, no third parties, just after 25 years we've grown apart, no hidden underlying cause... or so I thought... I was just round at a friend's house and apparently they know six couples in and around our small town who have all recently split up, all of these couples contained a bass player. [/quote] The same one?
  19. You mean you can have friends outside your bands?!!
  20. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1369684843' post='2091664'] Here is an article about the gear used on the tour. [url="http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/2012/Nov/GALLERY_Rushs_Clockwork_Angels_Tour_Gear.aspx?Page=24&"]http://www.premiergu...r.aspx?Page=24[/url] [/quote] Thank you
  21. Agree with positive comments about Brum show. I loved the setlist. Does anyone know the details of Geddy's blue and white Jazz's? I know the 'other' black one is in drop D and the red is a whole tone down. I thought the tone was noticeably different with the blue and white ones.
  22. Then there's the person who, despite the availability of a house rig, or one provided by a player who's more than happy to share, insists on using their own rig, as they absolutely must have their "sound" for the half hour set to four people. Sound engineers love them.
  23. "One, two, one, two, I really, really want to." Or sing Gothic 17 by Bill Bruford
  24. I found the video footage highly amusing on the R30 tour, but fairly tedious on the last two tours. I'm not looking forward to the chore of listening to CA once more before I see them in Brum on Sunday.
  25. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1368875864' post='2082528'] Is "PAT Testing" a redundancy, in that the "test" part is already within the acronym? [/quote] Yes, you need either a PAT or a PA Test.
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