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Everything posted by arthurhenry

  1. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1353877923' post='1879358'] Pigs, Three Different Ones by Pink Floyd; I never really rated Roger Waters as a bassist - great song writer but nothing special on bass - but this track is a wonderful baseline to play [/quote] Gilmour played all the bass on Animals, apart from some of Sheep.
  2. Joe Frazier, or Dirty linen.
  3. At £13.95, I took a punt. Waste of time, feeble and unstable. Wouldn't even use it at home.
  4. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1353156218' post='1872167'] I play in a three piece, but some pubs don't want/can't accommodate a drummer. So we went into a studio over a period of time and recorded all of his drum tracks and play along to them when they won't let us use the drummer. Quite unusual but always goes down well. That's backing tracks I suppose. We did try playing with acoustics once, but we didn't like it. [/quote] ...and you pay the drummer his share of every gig where the tapes are used?
  5. I used to be excited about taking lots of gear to gigs, but these days and at my age, my approach is "What can I do without?" I'm constantly tweaking and refining things, so that I can take less gear with me. As a very simple example, I've just replaced a 20ft lead with a 5ft one for one particular connection. Every little helps!
  6. I do this: The first 2 beats - E,B,E,D Then any cobination of: E,F,F# G,G#,A (5th-7th fret) G,G#,A (Low octave) Then: C#,D,D#,E back to the top.
  7. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1352665123' post='1865898'] Well, if you want to communicate with me and express yourself, please don't do it to me when I've come to be entertained. [/quote] I promise not to, so long as, when I've come to be communicated with and moved by feelings expressed, you still entertain me.
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1352664511' post='1865883'] You are a very wise person. Music is entertainment. If it entertains someone, it has done it's job. There are many people out there in original bands trying very hard to write good music but missing the Entertainment side. I've sat and listened to some very musically good singers and players but left after the first set because I was bored to tears. I've stayed all night watching some great entertaining bands who've struggled to get to the end of intros together. [/quote] Music is entertainment and expression and communication. Sometimes all at once, sometimes not.
  9. Lots of people seem to need a reminder that they don't have to take any notice of all the TV, newspaper, internet and celebrity junk that's all around us. While the X factor is on, whales are crashing about in the ocean, babies are being born and the lump of rock on which we live, is spinning its way around a tiny part of an endless universe. Why even acknowledge the existence of the X factor?
  10. I know it's happened to many others, but last night was the first time in 24 years of gigging that I've recieved the dreaded 7:45pm "Where are you?" phone call. Cue a mad dash to get changed, grab the nearest bass and a Hartke combo that was much too small for the gig and get to Bristol (50 miles) as quickly as possible. I still had mud on the back of my legs from a training run and the car boot was filthy from transporting wood for bonfire night. Oh well, there had to be a first time!
  11. Have any of you used this super portable guitar/bass stand? Are they sturdy and stable? Tempted to stick one of these in the gig bag, rather than carry a stand separately. Cheers!
  12. Wow. Can you youngsters even imagine learning thousands of songs by constantly lifting and replacing a stylus on a record? Not to mention taking each record out of its sleeve and placing it on the turntable, or carrying armfuls of albums downstairs every day, to use your parents' decent record player (mine played a semitone fast!)
  13. I play every day. Even if my next gig is at a crummy dive of a pub, I want to be in good shape. Self esteem.
  14. Hard to argue that anyone but Jaco is the bass equivalent of Hendrix.
  15. A couple of issues back there was a review which stated that Fenders usually have 19 frets and that string "width" is not adjustable at the bridge!
  16. The TM Stevens and Steve Bailey signature Warwicks are hideous.
  17. 1. What would you rather bee or a wasp, Gary Moore 2.Don't let it end (reprise), Styx 3.Running alone, Steve Perry 4.Anyway, Steve Perry 5.With you there to help me, Jethro Tull 6.Looking for love, King's X 7.The star spangled banner, Jimi Hendrix 8.We used to know, Jethro Tull 9.Chopin: Prelude 2 in F# minor op.28/8, Martha Argerich 10.Neon magic, Camel Might suggest it for the next wedding gig....
  18. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1350995066' post='1845949'] Ok, I give up - where is the spelling error? [/quote] Aristcrats Aristocrats
  19. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1350898565' post='1844693'] Muse and Korn have been around for a fair few years. There are still plenty of bass heroes around, but name a new one from the last 5 years? [/quote] Esperanza and Tal?
  20. From a drummer: "Experience in playing many stiles."
  21. In terms of local authority music services then, is there anyone in the whole country who is teaching bass only in schools, or is all bass teaching done my guitarists/multi-instrumentalists? Edit: Of course, there could also be bass players who are teaching other instruments.
  22. Horrible, clinical, souless, over-produced. I must be missing something. Give me Steeleye Span (who still tour regularly) any day.
  23. It's all about people's approach to the thing. There is a never ending universe of musical knowledge and discovery available to everyone. The apparent simplicity of the bass means a lot to a lazy beginner with no real passion for music. It means nothing to the beginner who loves music and has a strong desire to express him/herself through it. If bass is your instrument and you hear a cello concerto, an advertising jingle, birdsong, hum of an aeroplane, prog suite, sax solo, punk album or rock song that you love - you'll want to play it on bass!
  24. "You're a great guitarist".
  25. Is that the medium scale Tele bass special, with the humbucker? I'd be interested to hear how you like it.
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