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Everything posted by arthurhenry

  1. 28 and 29, with cbeebies in the background!
  2. I use technology: One end of the lead plugs into a microphone and the other into the P.A.
  3. [u][b]You're all entirely correct.[/b][/u] I would strongly suspect, though, that in most rock band guitar/bass/drums/vocals situations, they would communicate as if in standard tuning. Also: Which note is found at the fifth fret of the four string bass guitar's lowest string? The only answer can be 'any note you like'! How many of us would give that answer?
  4. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1349629818' post='1828456'] If you are tuned down to Eb the 3rd fret would be an F#...Why would that be fussy and confusing,especially as you say that the first example is annoying? It's the same thing. [/quote] Technically and literally true, but I suspect almost every single band that tunes down a semitone would refer to the notes as if standard. If you were tuned down a semitone and someone told you to play a D, would you naturally go for the 6th fret? Surely the idea of tuning all the strings down (but still tuned in 4ths) is that you can 'forget' you've done it and play/refer to notes as normal.
  5. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1349570440' post='1827924'] Ah yes! Guitar bands, I will definitely go with you on that. And your point on defining and referring to the notes incorrectly is very true, and it boils my fluids dry! Dan [/quote] Are you saying that if tuned to D, for example, they would still refer to 3rd fret note as G rather than F? Agreed - that's annoying. Or are you saying that if tuned down a semitone, the 3rd fret Eb string should be referred to as F#? Perhaps a bit fussy and confusing!
  6. '72 Tele bass, which I've had since we were both in our late 20's.
  7. Standard tuning all the way. I don't like the feel of the strings when tuned down. Using heavier guage means setting up the bass differently and since I have a favourite bass that I use for everything, I would then have to re-string and set up when needed for a different band.
  8. This only happens with poor/lazy keyboard players who haven't learnt the part properly.
  9. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1349216000' post='1823584'] This [/quote] My first thought too.
  10. Agreed! Why don't they just play Brown eyed girl or Sweet home Alabama?
  11. [quote name='bengovier182' timestamp='1349118306' post='1822109'] Have you ever tried to slap on them? [/quote] Only at gunpoint. Seriously, I'm a very infrequent slapper, but haven't had a problem as the pickup is set pretty low, so doesn't get in the way. The modern player seems to be in stock in a lot of places, give one a try!
  12. I have '72 and '73 Teles, the neck humbucker is much misunderstood, there are plenty of growling mids to be had. Despite what people think, these basses are not overburdened with low end. On the modern player, you also have the bridge pickup to add some treble. I believe there is limited adjustment of the pickups on the modern player, you would want the neck pickup set pretty low to be comfortable for slapping. It could probably be done, but check - they don't just raise and lower with a screwdriver like the original.
  13. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1348603425' post='1815931'] Had to drive halfway across the country for work today and knew I wouldn't be up to playing this evening so squeezed 45 mins in first thing this morning playing some jazz as best as I could - found out that early playing suits me as I was full of energy... Next...? [/quote] Been doing this for years (decades, nearly) bass is in my hands first thing in the morning and last thing at night, but not much inbetween!
  14. This is the reality of self employment for many people. I know several people in what is considered by some to be a lucrative business (plumbing), who only keep going because their wives have decent jobs.
  15. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1348403947' post='1813159'] He did a tuition video in the 80s. Great playing, but looks extremely drugged/coked up. [/quote] Really? Having no experience of such things, I don't know how you would be able to tell that. Isn't it a bit of an unfair assumption? Would someone in that state be able to play like that?
  16. [url="http://pichaus.com/jaco-pistorius-@0387bbadacdc7c15994667672a344c70/"]http://www.pichaus.com/jaco-pistorius-@0387bbadacdc7c15994667672a344c70/[/url]
  17. Coven. I have the album from which this track is taken. Quite good and Al Pitrelli's guitar playing is great. On the negative side, the album is called "Sammy says ouch!", "Sammy" being Coven's bass. The unaccomapanied solo track is called "Ouch!". Hmmmm.
  18. Have to mention Chris Ward at the Bass centre, if they still exist in some form or other. He always did excellent work for me. I'm another of the seemingly few voices who wasn't totally happy with The Gallery.
  19. I've often seen this composition referred to as if it's some kind of all encompassing masterclass for bass, but when I've heard it, I can't tell why. Could someone cleverer than me explain?
  20. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1346605403' post='1791120'] The problem is much more than just the smoking ban and the economic situation. Fact is that people have far more choice when it comes to entertainment than they used to. 20 years ago, what was there to do in the UK on a Saturday night? Not a great deal---stay in and watch something like the Generation Game on one of the three, four, five (not very many!) channels, go to the cinema, or go out to a pub or a gig. Nowadays, people can stay in and watch live sport on the TV, they can watch pretty much any film they want from their couch thanks to the likes of netflix, sky, etc, they have hundreds of TV channels to choose from, they have TV shows that hook you in and keep people watching week after week (X factor etc), they can socialise and chat to people online, most houses have dvd collections, etc etc. Most towns have bowling alleys, cafes that are open at night, karaoke bars, yadda yadda yadda... Live music and pubs just don't have the same market share that they used to. There's so much more choice now. [/quote] Don't forget, they can also pretend to be in a band via a plastic guitar and a video game. Oh the irony!
  21. Ultimately, you either carry on regardless, or you don't. You have busy gigs, quiet gigs and some inbetween. The idea of some golden age when every gig was packed is a fantasy. Ask Ian Anderson, or Robert Plant, Paul Rodgers or Tony Iommi, they'll all tell you of many gigs they played to almost no-one, in the 60s/70s.
  22. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1346235068' post='1786734'] I'd imagine that finding new content for a monthly niche magazine* would be quite difficult. A 'Bass' magazine would be a better idea - it could then incorporate sections on double bass (and associated techniques) and synth bass (including programming and synthesis tips) would be easier to fill and might attract a wider readership. Just an idea. [size=2]*yes, I've heard of 'readers' wives', but I'm not talking about [i]that[/i] sort of magazine...[/size] [/quote] This is what Bass Player does, just not as well as it used to. I think there is a value in info and opinions being presented in a way that's been put together and edited by experts in their field, rather than the sometimes random nature of internet forums and comments. (Which are also useful).
  23. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1346183475' post='1786285'] Joel McIver, the new editor, has recently joined BassChat and may repsond to this thread. He came in with quite a flurry of responses initially, but I don't know how active he is at the moment. [/quote] He's the editor of Bass guitar magazine, not Bass Player. Edit: Would be good to read his thoughts though!
  24. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1345674433' post='1780475'] Nice vid, thanks. I'm so glad Alex pronounces it YY ZED [/quote] This is the official pronunciation of the Airport identifier. Lots of people, even British ones say "zee" though!
  25. I'm surprised this topic hasn't come up after the recent change of format, which seems to utilise huge amounts of white space and wide margins in order to increase the page count. The reviews, features and columns are much less detailed and useful than they uesd to be and interviews seem to focus more on the subject's life story than their playing. I've been reading Bass Player since 1990 and feel it has kept up a high standard through several changes of editor. However, the last couple of years have been shaky and the last couple of issues, very poor in my opinion. I'm aware that some former editors have commented on problems of the attitude, lack of passion and subject knowledge of the publishers, but this obviously won't be admitted to in the mag!
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