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Everything posted by arthurhenry

  1. "Send the chamber pot back down the line, to be filled up again." Two fingers, Jethro Tull.
  2. Majority of songs in one of my bands. Gimme some lovin, summer of '69 and Saw her standing there - all in B. Hotel California in G, Don't stop Believin' in A. Often, it just doesn't sound as good as the original key.
  3. I'm so glad I've kept a record of every gig I've ever played (851, so far) complete with details of date, band, venue, bass and any accompanying documentation (photos, poster etc.) I've been accused of OCD, but it's great to look back on.
  4. Stop rehearsing, stop discussing, just gig.
  5. Hadn't heard about this. Don't know how to post link, so look up Steve Harris British lion.
  6. I'm thinking of not learning to play music as I've heard it's easier than learning to play music.
  7. Played there regularly in the past when it was a covers venue. Always a game of "Take your pick" during the break and dodgy burger van outside. Some good nights, some average.
  8. The singer in one of my bands is very keen on telling audiences that he has toured "many years ago" with half the bands we cover. When he introduces each member of the band, he mentions all the big name musicians we have(n't) all worked with. He's very keen on telling people about all the big money gigs we do, some abroad, for all kinds of well known people (all lies). He's a fairly extreme case, but I've often noticed how musicians over-exaggerate things to make them sound more impressive than they really are. Examples please!
  9. Another point to make is that in my experience, no matter how far you've travelled or if you're doing other local camps in the chain, they're not interested in offering you free accomodation, even a cravan for the band. Also, you will go onstage after a giant rabbit.
  10. The first 3 are ascending, the last one descending. That's it, isn't it? Didn't hear anything weird.
  11. They're doing a festival date in Sweden. What's the betting they announce a UK festival date with a good lineup and we all wish we'd bought tickets (at a similar price) for that instead?!
  12. Jack Bruce, Geddy Lee, Doug (Dug) Pinnick.
  13. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1339451215' post='1688823'] Festivals have changed. In '88 80,000 people went to Donnington, in '89 107,000. It was a one day event. It took us 2 hours then to get out of the car park. There were hundreds of coaches though they came from all over the UK. I don't remember many kids, I don't remember many people over 30 either. Mainly people between 18 and 30. The mud both years was bad and most of us will remember the tragedy in '89. Too big, too expensive, too wide a demographic and too long. [/quote] Good points. The tragedy was in '88. No Donington in '89 as a result and I believe numbers were restricted to 70,000 or fewer in 1990.
  14. I remember one of the editors of Bass player commenting that after telling someone what he did, they replied, chuckling: "You're kidding me, there's a magazine for bass players?!"
  15. She sells sanctuary, Rain and Love removal machine by the Cult are all D, C, G, as is quite possibly everything they've ever done.
  16. Billy Sheehan did some gigs with them in Japan recently.
  17. I'll have a look in the loft tomorrow, should have it.
  18. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1338042989' post='1668946'] Hey guys so i'm depping for a function band in a month or so and i was browsing through the setlist today. Mostly standard stuff however i get to the encores section and there i see written "The Boys are Back in Town - Thin Lizzy" which for me is a complete result for me as i love the song and i've always wanted to play it live however none of the bands i've ever been in have done it (be that due to the band not being good enough or not the right style ect) This started me thinking are there any other songs be them popular or not that you wish you played live but have never done? chris [/quote] Played this in the Key of A for 20 years, in the last five years I've been in two bands who play it in G and one that plays it in Ab! A hard one to nail the exact feel, but good fun for a stamina workout on the octave skips behind the twin guitar melody.
  19. I use a literal pinch motion, with my thumb touching the string for the harmonic and my index finer plucking behind it. I always seem to get a bit more out of them by bending. They can be very useful, eg: in a 3 piece covers band, playing the 2nd (octave higher) guitar part in the intro of "Are you gonna go my way". I can't imagine why any bass player wouldn't use them in this context, but I rarely see them played.
  20. John Peels record collection. John Peel's record collection. Two different things. Though how you peel a record collection, I'm not sure.
  21. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1335625872' post='1633913'] I would have to tack against the prevailing wind here. If everybody who's going to be in the room knows 7 of the songs, why waste the auditionee's time asking them to learn new ones? It's a first audition, ffs, 7 songs is more than enough to see if he can play. And if they're getting into mind-games about assessing someone's commitment or 'we do the choosing', then they're being a bit previous, IMO. It's only a poxy covers band, fer chrissake. He's not applying for Head Of Surgery at Barts Suggesting they go with the 7 'common' songs seems quite reasonable to me. So I'd say new band = illogical, sniffy and controlling. Probably a bunch of nervous, amateur, wound-too-tight timewasters. Tell 'em to poke it or you'll be back here in a month telling us horror stories from the rehearsal room. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color] [/quote] I agree with this. Many times I've put time and effort into learning new songs, only to turn up at the audition and find that the band are crap. Seven songs that you all know is a good starting point to see if you like each other's playing.
  22. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1335366298' post='1629973'] I have pretty much all their back catalogue in one format or another but infortunately never got to to see them play live. I think I read somewhere that Andy Latimer got quite ill a while back and couldn't play gigs for a while but might be getting back to better health now? Or am I confusing him with someone else?. [/quote] That's right, don't think he's fully fit yet, but would be great if they toured some time. Love Moonmadness, Nude and I can See your house from here. I don't think of it as "old" in any way, just great music.
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