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Everything posted by arthurhenry

  1. Unfortunately, it's the same as the going rate for a 4 piece, 3 piece or possibly a duo with backing tracks.
  2. At the risk of sounding stupid, I've never quite understood the difference (other than looks) between a Brenan and an ipod. I have my entire collection on ipod and the convenience and portability far outweighs any loss of sound quality. I grew up with cheap hi-fi systems and copies of copies on cassette, so it doesn't bother me.
  3. The Danelectro DC is well known for being a fantastic sounding cheapie. The body is some kind of hardboard composite and the bridge is barely adjustable. Really fun to play aswell. They were everywhere (in stores) when they were reissued in 99/2000. Lots of people must have them.
  4. Have any of you vintage bass owners managed to find out the provenance of your instrument and any interesting stories from its past? I often wonder about mine - did it spend a couple of decades in the US, or was it imported here in the 70's? Has it played Brown eyed girl 500 times even before I got it? Did it spend years locked away, unloved? etc.
  5. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1333220249' post='1598963'] I'm not sure what you mean? [/quote] Normal Schaller strap locks. Strap on bass, then strap locks clipped onto strap buttons. They're entirely seperate to the strap, but still prevent it coming off. I've had buttons shear off, or show signs of wear when they're fitted in the normal way, but this is with hours of playing every day.
  6. Is everyone happy with the accuracy of these tuners? Any problems tuning in a noisy environment eg. guitarist wailing away?
  7. A good guide, but I'm all for keeping the locks seperate and putting them on[i] after [/i]the strap is on the bass. Otherwise you have metal rubbing against metal and I've had buttons shear off from this.
  8. Must be the only music shop in Glos that hasn't closed since then.
  9. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1332237618' post='1585135'] The general rule I see coming up again and again in this situation is: [u]Those that get the gig booked first you play the gig for. No exceptions.[/u] Makes perfect sense to me [/quote] This is how I do it, BUT.......there can be exceptions for financial reasons. For example gig with band 1 in diary for months will pay me £70. Band 2 have offered a gig on same date which will pay me £300. I've been totally upfront about it with band 1 and they have a regular dep they can use, so, no problem and everyone understands.
  10. Very beginning of chorus is open E, then moves up an octave and stays there until the change to D at the very end.
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1331727984' post='1577775'] If the meter is so sensitive that the audience can set the thing off then there's nothing the band can do! These things can be adjusted but I've no idea how you do that. [/quote] Lump hammer.
  12. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1331568598' post='1574970'] I don't really care about much else of this thread but this stuck out. Yes Anthony Jackson and Richard Bona deserve more credit because they're technically very good. They're very good because they've practised a lot more than most individuals. I think that deserves recognition when it pays off, which it clearly does with both of them. [/quote] I practice a lot more than the rest of my band, should I ask for more money?
  13. Also known as the tug bar.
  14. The Spinning wheel in Northfields (West Ealing) has a concrete beam on the ceiling, stage right at headstock height with numerous dents and chips in it. I was always sorely tempted to take a marker pen and label each one with the names of various guitars and basses!
  15. We are the lowest of the low, last on the list. Venue owners don't care about us and don't give a second's thought to all the effort we put in. Punters are the same, they just think we do it for a laugh and go to rock 'n' roll parties after every gig. We're also our own worst enemy because such is our desire to play, we'll put up with anything. I work hard at my playing all week and have always done at least an hour of pre gig practice on the day and all to play to people who don't care, for a pittance. Why? Self esteem, pride, love of music. Bring it on, I love it!
  16. Do you ever look out at your audience and think "you pathetic bunch of idiots; dancing (!), singing along (!!) and generally having a good time (!!!) to Brown eyed girl, Walking on sunshine, Sex on fire etc, etc. It's almost as though you've never even heard of Camel or King Crimson! Losers!" Just sayin' like..... Edit: This comment may contain exaggeration and humour.
  17. I'm quiet, don't moan and am happy to help moving the kit. I work on my playing every day, but perhaps most importantly, I can sing up to a high C.
  18. [quote name='lollington' timestamp='1329338349' post='1540989'] Agreed, [i]but..[/i] at the end of every post gig drive is the ultimate gear trek. Not pleasant if you live in a first floor flat on a main road and usually have to park several hundred metres away! [/quote] Very true! A lot of planning has to go into making this part of the night as easy as possible!
  19. Something special about it isn't there? Alone after the chaos of the gig, radio on quietly, a chance to reflect on the gig and life in general and of course, a flask of tea.
  20. Great album, disagree about the lack of bass, there's a certain warmth to the overall sound, more so than Grace under pressure for example. Grand designs is one of their best songs and the bass behind the solo is great.
  21. I always read their name as "Evane scene".
  22. Yes, it's a well known mistake.
  23. I have two 70's Fenders with 3 bolt neck joints and gaps in the neck pocket into which you could drive a small family car. They've had lots of use, hundreds and hundreds of gigs and I put them through their paces. The necks have never budged a millimetre. So why is there a negative attitude towards 3 bolt necks? Have they ever really caused problems?
  24. Dakota as played by me - dig in hard, mix between octave and low E, octave punctuations on C# and A, Eb-E accents with octaves back into E. Dig in hard for A in chorus, Driving 8ths, chords and some 16ths on end section. GREAT FUN! Don't know why so many dislike playing this!
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