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Everything posted by Rosh

  1. Rosh

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    [quote name='51m0n' post='748167' date='Feb 17 2010, 10:51 AM']Fixed for you.... [/quote] Phew, cheers -- didn't know what I was saying
  2. Rosh

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    I won't have the money for a little while yet -- bit poor at the mo as I've just been made redundant (boo!) Just have to make-do 'til I can afford then I could buy a 3U gig bag and be happy!
  3. I'm looking for something similar myself! Jazz-wise the exact one you have looks immense -- I'd just want the chrome bits on the bridge!
  4. Rosh

    Free VSTs

    [quote name='Tait' post='747206' date='Feb 16 2010, 01:39 PM']i don't suppose there's any chance of having this pinned so people can post links to free VSTs they like and its always just there for reference? i love free VSTs, take for example my favourite in the link the OP posted, the cosmogirl II. its a great sound, lots of fun to play with, but i wouldn't want to pay for it because i'm never really gonna use it in an actual song.[/quote] Yes please mods -- that would be fantastic for us!
  5. Rosh

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    [quote name='51m0n' post='747247' date='Feb 16 2010, 02:09 PM']The 2000 has more inputs, can run off a mic, calibrate to your input signal and some other bits and bobs. Go to the Korg site and download the manual, its the same for both units, so you canreally see the differences. Oh and the 2000 has a built in racklight, with which you can impress chicks, win friends, influence people, and end world poverty - at least thats what mine said....[/quote] I'll take a look now, thanks! I'm just after a reliable bass tuner I don't need flashy extra lights to call in a mothership! [quote name='civictiger' post='747613' date='Feb 16 2010, 06:57 PM']the 'ultrabass' option on the head is a bit OTT but i think thats just to impress people tbh hehe.[/quote] Is that the same as "insane" on my Line6 Spider amp? No point whatsoever -- just sounds crazy!
  6. Rosh

    Hello there!

    [quote name='silddx' post='747307' date='Feb 16 2010, 03:03 PM']Cool name, cool look.[/quote] You are the first to say so! So thank you very much! [quote name='Marvin' post='747467' date='Feb 16 2010, 05:10 PM']Welcome. And if you're wandering silddx does look like his avatar in real life, and yes I am a small round robot [/quote] Good job I believe everything I see on the internetz! Marvin, how could you be in such a cruddy remake?!
  7. Rosh

    Free VSTs

    Nice one, bud! I'll give those a good going over later!
  8. Rosh

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    [quote name='51m0n' post='747131' date='Feb 16 2010, 12:40 PM']They are slower than the Korg DTR. Some would say unusably so.[/quote] [quote name='Dubs' post='747150' date='Feb 16 2010, 12:51 PM']Also tend not to be that accurate with the lower frequencies...[/quote] So basically unusable for live situations with a bass? Which is what I'll be using it for What is the difference, then between the Korg DTR 1000 and 2000?
  9. Rosh

    Hello there!

    Why, thank you! Which soap opera are we talking about? I don't care for any of them? There always seem to be dramatics on forums
  10. Rosh

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    [quote name='M4L666' post='746914' date='Feb 16 2010, 09:49 AM']Only Behringer amps/effects are bad, their pro-audio stuff is actually pretty good.[/quote] I've use some of their stuff before (pro-audio wise) and it seems quite good, their mics too -- What's wrong with their tuners?
  11. Rosh

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    Well my pedal goes on top of my head anyways (Tuner out) but has started to break and is unreliable! I'd rather buy a good one that will last now, than pay for something that will only break again!
  12. Rosh

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    Cheers man, I'll check it out! It'd be good to have something a bit more permanent and that way my head won't look lonely!
  13. Hola, just thought I'd chuck a thread in here to say "hello" to you all! My name is Skott Devall and I'm the bassist in a band called [url="http://www.myspace.com/honeymoonfresh"]Honeymoon Fresh[/url] from Stafford, Midlands! Hope you're all well, I'll be sticking around as this place is ace! Cheers!
  14. Hello, I'm new to this place and I have to say it's fantastic! I just wondered if you guys could give me some reccomendations on rack mounted tuners? What to avoid etc?! I've been using a pedal upto now but want to tidy up and bit and have it with my head on a rack/flight case! Cheers in advance!
  15. I have this exact amp and head, it's a fantastic combo! Well worth this price so **Free bump**! Would you consider selling the 2U case alone? That's the bit I need!
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