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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. Was supposed to be playing a gig tonight. We don’t do many so it’s a big thing for us when we do. Everyone from the three bands on the bill (our night) turns up on time, load all out gear in, get it partially set up....then. Venue guy says...sorry, your gig is cancelled because the sound guy is refusing to come in because of something one of the bands has written on their Facebook page. Turns out that the sound person is transgender. The Facebook post says “hi, we are (insert band name here) the areas most gender neutral band”. Turns out this was a very offensive comment to the sound person. They didn’t even tell their work they weren’t coming in, it was one of the punters that knows her that said!!! So, pi55ed off and so are the other bands. The band who’s post it was were very apologetic. If the sound person had such an issue surely they should have said much earlier. Most of our fans / supporters were told but a good few weee already travelling, have hotels booked, etc... not to mention the 80 mile round trip for me. Not right. Anyone else had similar experiences?!
  2. Ash can actually be pretty heavy. It’s generally a dense hardwood. There are many species though and swamp ash seems to come in a bit less dense.
  3. Hiya everyone. On 1st March (St David’s Day) my band are playing The 13th Note in Glasgow. We are on at 10 and supported by a friends band, The Zombie Exonomists from 9 and Another band at 8.15. We play our own brand of rock music and will throw in one pop cover. If you are free please come along for hours of free music and nice beer. The venue also sells excellent vegetarian food if that’s your thing ...link to event here for more info Link to soundcloud
  4. This time the same shop have this with what seems like a crazy reduction in price. https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/14031213584338-2770446--esp-ltd-rb-1004-bm-burled-maple-honey-natural-ex-demo-w1 also notes they have some other good loookng deals for ESP LTD basses and guitars.
  5. Mine just arrived. Totally forgot I had ordered it all those weeks ago! It’s heavy, hefty even.
  6. There’s a PF50T in the classifieds here at the mo.
  7. Owned and run by Tom in Airdrie. He does all the work himself. http://www.hoffnine.co.uk/ i have no affiliation with him but have been impressed with ethos, care and workmanship.
  8. Having just picked up my HoffNine 115 today I’d say give Tom a go. Excellent build quality, will custom build in size and tolex/speaker grille type and colour. Neodymium Celestion driver. My 115 was £350 and is a belter.
  9. Happy new cab day! I have just gone 15inch too.
  10. It’s home now. I am absolutely ecstatic at the build quality and attention to detail. Sounds great in the house with my Streamliner and Pbass. Proof in the pudding will be at rehearsal this week but it is sure to be great. So, it’s a fifteen inch 400watt neodymium 8ohm beast. Custom Rolex and grill choice. Attention to detail like, I asked for a side handle and Tom has put little feet on the side so I can place it down without damage. Weighs in at 17kg which for me is an easy one handed lift. It’s made from 18mm play and is rock solid. Delighted. For £350 Ill use this on its own at 8ohm with 350 watt max from the amp and with my Genz 210 at 4 ohm with 600 watt max from the amp.
  11. Dunno. I’ll weigh it when I get it home later.
  12. Coatdyke industrial estate. Sounds like the same place.
  13. He just moved workshop. I’ll see his new place tomorrow when I pick it up. He seems like a great fellow. Honest and up front. Hard working too. Can’t wait to pick this up. My Genz Benz Streamliner is excited too.
  14. Hiya. I’ll just leave this here. Pick it up ASAP as just had a lovely message from Tom.
  15. What about an Orange OB1?
  16. I was going to say that’s so cool, but I was beaten to it!
  17. What about one of these.. https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Markbass-Compressore-Bass-Compressor-Pedal/AXR?origin=product-ads&campaign=PLA+Shop+-+GENERIC&adgroup=GENERIC&medium=vertical_search&network=google&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=14175d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=442538346688&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpr_w_Mre3wIVSxbTCh0hCQtZEAQYASABEgInlPD_BwE
  18. Found this image of a C210 combo version. Maybe someone took the head out of a combo and had a sleeve made
  19. You might be able to get a 600watt Genz Benz streamliner for not much more than that. Mine has been super reliable and would sound similarly immense.
  20. Hiya. Mug anyone is in the market for an Ampeg SVT this could be the best Christmas present ever! £999 from guitarguitar https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/07120610302928--ampeg-svt-vr-vintage-head
  21. Just stumbled across this Fender master built P. Though I can appreciate the work and timbers used to make it, I think it’s fugly! https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/181108334549003--fender-custom-shop-post-modern-p-bass-black-burst-spalted-maple Anyone like it?
  22. Kings of Leon. First two albums raw and direct. Then they started going far too produced and ballady. GooGoo Dolls. Same reason as Kings of Leon. Coldplay. Parachutes is a great album. Same reason as above. I’m hoping that Greta Van Fleet don’t go the same way!
  23. I can’t think of a good piece of bass gear I have bought this year! I ordered a HoffNine 15 inch custom cab though, which may turn up before the end of the year and easily be the best! The worst has to be my Ampeg Scrambler pedal that I thought might replace my blown MXR Bass Soul Food however, it’s conpletely different and not in a good way. When I tried it in the shop it was through a completely different amp and it sounded glorious. I gave it too long to try and prove itself so now I am likely to sell it. When I do I’ll be getting another bass soul food!
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