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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. Last night was in Glasgow to see MR BIG. They were magnificent. Didn’t know where to look, was Lisa like a tennis match watching Sheehan, back to Gilbert, back to Sheehan, and so on. The sound was ace though Gilbert was a little low in the mix for rythm stuff. Pat Torpley was along for backing vocals, a bit of percussion and took the drums for a ballad. A sensational night. Took this video with my phone and posted it on the inter web
  2. What do experienced designers/builders think of this for cabs... http://www.kiravans.co.uk/index.php/aluminium-corner-profile-for-15mm-plywood-morland-220cm-length?___store=admin&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjcjXmavK1wIVQTobCh1xdA5EEAQYByABEgLNmPD_BwE
  3. Hi everyone. My band, Sula Sula, will be playing at the 13th Note in Glasgow city centre next Saturday the 18th Nov. We are supporting a new Band called The Zombie Economists in their inaugural gig and they are followed by Psychobabe FREE entry, good range of drinks, vegan restataunt upstairs and we take the stage at the back of 8pm hope to see some of you there if you are looking for a free night out in Glasgow next weekend All three bands will be sporting rock type originals with the odd cover.
  4. I just bought a Scrambler pedal today. Can’t wait to try it with my Streamliner. It’s replacing a Bass Soul Food that blew a few weeks ago. Tried it against the NM2 Ashdown pedal. Sounded fuller and richer to my ears with nice response to fingers and pick. If I had £200 to spend I would have tried lots more. Was playing through an Orange OB1 300 in the shop. That’s an impressive sounding amp! Will post back when I’ve used the Scrambler in anger at rehearsal on Wednesday.
  5. Check out Paul Gilbert’s live version. Was on one of his live albums a few years ago. It was a Japanese recording. Just looked, here it is: https://g.co/kgs/LkFqwn
  6. Hi Higgie, where are you based?
  7. Does anyone have experience of both these for a low mid gain drive? Always on at low gain occasionally with gain up a fair bit? Which one cuts through better and high sounds creamier?
  8. Thanks danbowskill. I need a new drive pedal and now I am torn. Think I'll just have to try and get to a shop and try some out. I play a P Bass too, grungey kinda alt rock. I play with three guitarists though we have a few bass driven songs. Will look to try this versus others like the Way Huge Green Rhino, EBS MultiDrive, OCD, and anything else quality below £150.
  9. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1505156882' post='3369916'] Arrived today .only had a 10 min blast before going out ......sounds ace, quick impressions are the hot tubes reminds me a bit of the dod250 and the crayon screamer Esq? Both sound lovely . [/quote] What're your thoughts after a few days with this pedal? Sounds pretty good on YouTube! Does it do the subtle thing well?
  10. Where are you based?
  11. Here's a link https://www.gak.co.uk/en/carl-martin-bass-drive-bass-overdrive-and-preamp/94386?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6trJ1eGn1gIVypPtCh1Plg4wEAQYDSABEgJxS_D_BwE They make it sound pretty convincing in the blurb. Does it do what it says on the tin?
  12. [quote name='WeeWheels' timestamp='1496584821' post='3312452'] Hi. The for replying. I was using a daisy chain on both occasions. Seems to be luck of the draw from what I've read. It's an Ebayer too. Pretty gutted as it's a great pedal. Is there a way of plugging this in to avoid blowing it. The power was on both times I used this too. [/quote] I blew mine last week. Using a daisy chain from a Diago supply. Have used the same supply for two years. EHX suggested the power supply was the problem. U.K. Ehx haven't got back to me yet
  13. Was just about to post the same pedal here. My Bass Soul Food just died so fancy a shot with this. I'll never buy another drive without the blend pot, so this is great....two drives and a blend pot! Doesn't seem too expensive either for what it is, £110 ish from what I can see.
  14. Contacted ehx via messenger last night. They got back within 2 mins. Suggested the power supply was the problem. Funnily enough I just replaced the daisy chain on my Diago supply. Anyway EHX put me on to their uk people so I'll see what happens there. I'll also contact Diago and see what they say. It's a replacement daisy chain after all since the last one stopped working.
  15. Playing at home, turn my bass soul food on and a spark came from the pedals power socket. Electrical fire smell. Dead. Power light still comes on but nothing happening. Anyone else have experience of this? I bought it two years ago so I'm thinking warranty is stuffed. Not happy. No money for a replacement. It's been well looked after too and looks in perfect condition.
  16. See if someone will swap your 15 for an 8 ohm cab?
  17. Just traded in my MXR Dynacomp as a straight swap for a boxed Keeley 1962. Absolutely fantastic bit of kit. I'm middling in my guitar skills and plugged in to my Vox Lil'Night Train with no idea what it would do to the tone. Wholly crap, it has transformed the amp into a serious tone machine. A wide range of gain available (even a good touch higher than might be expected) and the harmonics come through lovely, rich and clear. Within ten minutes I had about 5 new riffs worth looking at. Super happy. As a drive pedal I'm finding it sensational. I don't need boost as I play bass mostly but I'll let our guitarist have a shot and see what it does for solos.
  18. Stereo Embers with Mike Mcreadie doing Bring it On Home. https://youtu.be/x7Q7M2J_ypw
  19. Aren't all eq sections carefully designed?! Good luck with your sale bump.
  20. Just discovered a band I am sure are going to be HUGE!! Greta Van Fleet. Discovered them on YouTube and it appears they have two sold out shows coming up in London...sure they will come to Scotland next time! https://youtu.be/VCSayVA_3Cc
  21. Welcome!! Where in Scotland are you and are you in a band?
  22. Hi Nash, I have replied to your pm. Have a look, let me know what you think. Cheers.
  23. I have one of these and it's great. Easy to use, the instructions are excellent with a few suggested presets. https://www.andertons.co.uk/p/1611900-007/compression-pedals/seymour-duncan-studio-bass-compressor-pedal?LGWCODE=1611900007;56375;6335&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6Knl15Lb1QIVR7XtCh3VcwkZEAQYASABEgLYXfD_BwEe pedal has a pretty simple EQ switch which combines with the compression to offer a pretty good range of tone shaping. Maybe a wee bit pricey though, sure I paid about £130 for it.
  24. Updated first post with a photo now....thanks Dad...
  25. How can I post a photo of the place here that I have on my mobile? Don't have access to a computer at the moment.
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