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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. When did you sell it Dood? [quote name='dood' timestamp='1489350272' post='3256290'] You might want to drop me a line. I sold that bass to the father of the guy who sold it and I know it very well. [/quote]
  2. If you could invite your dream band or super group of your making to dinner who would you invite and why? Invite for the quality of chat, stories and maybe an after dinner jam session! Mine would be: Singer - Eddie Vedder Bass - Geddy Lee Drums - Dave Grohl Guitar 1: Paul Gilbert Guitar 2: Jack White There's no way I'd be able to keep up, with the chat or with the music!
  3. I'd agree with the screechy blackboard feeling with the anodised aluminium scratch plate. Sounds great though, what pups are used in these?
  4. This is an identical twin for my bass. Absolutely stunning neck. I chose it over an American Stabdard when I bought mine as I loved the neck so much. Sounds great too.
  5. Here's mine. Fender American Special Precision 3 Colour Sunburst with Rosewood neck. Fender custom shop cables. Snark Pedal Tuner Seymour Duncan Studio Bass Compressor EHX Bass Soul Food Genz Benz Streamliner 600 Genz Benz Focus 210 cab DR HiBeam strings.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1488023107' post='3245089'] If you own your songs, I would say no. Are your originals copy written? Are these all bands that are signed with labels with huge followings? How much money do you think this will generate for this guy? Blue [/quote] What's the easiest way to copyright your own material?
  7. Played our third gig with my band on Saturday and loved every minute. The crowd were frwaking awesome. We play our own stuff and dropped in one cover which went down a storm. There were people dancing and pogoing all night and we were even asked for an encore. Venue was The 13th Note in Glasgow, a small but sweet venue. Great beer on tap! Anyway, if you fancy a listen I recorded this using a teeny wee mic at the back of the room into my wee Boss Micro BR. https://soundcloud.com/sulasula-1/sula-sula-live-13th-note-180217
  8. Good luck with your sale. Lovely amp. Would have it if I hugged more.
  9. Hi folks. My band, Sula Sula, will be playing at The 13th Note in Glasgow this Saturday (18th). First band on at 8:15, second band 9 then us at 10pm. Plenty good beer at the 13th Note, just around the corner from Guitar Guitar. We will be playing originals and our own take on one cover. Please pop by, say hi. £3 on the door for three bands ... Bargain!
  10. Just watching a couple of videos from the NAMM show and it's mentioned a lot that Rosewood isn't being used anymore...lots of manufacturers using Ebony instead. So, is Rosewood banned now for musical instruments? Does Ebony grow more or faster than Rosewood? Are Rosewood guitars worth more now? What other alternatives are there for Rosewood?
  11. Is it possible that it boosts in active but cuts in passive?
  12. My p bass has the bent plate bridge on it. What does the high mass bridge do that offers an advantage tone wise? Is it purely for sustain? If so, my bent plate seems to sustain pretty well.
  13. I was in Guitar Guitar in Edinburgh the other day, some lovely Fenders there at the moment. And a much improved store as a whole lately. Red Dog music had a couple of nice P's in too.
  14. When I got my P bass a couple of years ago I went for an American Special. Think it was £800 ish. The Nate Mendel was just over 700....and that's now nearly £900!!
  15. I see TC have a budget range out now. Think I'll go for there skysurfet reverb
  16. Jimmy Eat World, The Middle.
  17. I have one of these as my only amp. It's great. Very versatile and sounds great live and recorded.
  18. [quote name='bobbytodd' timestamp='1474712795' post='3139988'] I found the trick with the streamliner is to roll the bass knob back to 9 - 10 o'clock and boost the mids.id never sell mine I love it [/quote] Exactly what I do too. And boost the upper mids. Played through an old Peavey 410 in the rehearsal space this week and had to set the bass back to 8 o'clock.
  19. If you don't have a cab you won't feel any trouser flapping!!! Or heft/girth/welly/punch!!!
  20. More girth = less movement More girth = more mass Both must surely affect the way vibrations vibrate. That and the one million other permutations and combinations that surely affect tone, like air density.
  21. I am on the hunt for a cheap reverb pedal too, but my cheap is about one third the price of your cheap!!! I'm wondering if the Tone King or Joyo pedals are any good?!
  22. We play football at the local rugby clubs indoor pitch on a Sunday night. We have a key so always end up playing for over two hours! Unfortunately there are no amps or guitars there. Legs are buckled by the end though.
  23. Oh to have a well paid job!! This would do nicely! http://m.guitarguitar.co.uk/Product/160608298360007
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