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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. I have the Bass Soul Food. It's brilliant (according to me) and can also be used as a clean boost. It has a blend control and I loose no perceivable bottom end, it has a drive control and the dirt never gets nasty, it has a treble control which livens up my Streamliner nicely helpin it to cut through the mix and bring out some lovely harmonics. It's not expensive.
  2. Well, the Revstar won't be happening. Just traded for a PRS Soapbar. Pick it up next week. Excited.
  3. Tuner pedal is pretty handy. For Rock I love my EHX Bass Soul Food, always on, brings some added sparkle and life to my amps normal slightly driven sound too
  4. And Peavey.
  5. My favourite is Bernhard Fanning of Powderfinger fame. As well as his band work saw him in a very small acoustic intimate gig recently and he was brilliant. Just realised my actual favourites are Eddie Vedder, Ben Harper, Robert Plant and Sammy Hagar, but Fanning is a great underdog!
  6. Looking to find somewhere to play in Edinburgh in August. Probably 60 to 100 paying guests. Any ideas where we should be looking?
  7. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1457549173' post='2999611'] Nice, you going to give it a review once you've had a bit of time with it? [/quote] Will do. Hope they have some left by the time I sell enough stuff. I am going to go to a one bass, one acoustic, one electric set up. Might take a while to get there.
  8. Need to sell some stuff to get my hands on the 502T. Its beautiful.
  9. Just watching this recording from 1982. What a damn near perfect bass sound. Immense. Shame his presence in the video feed is minuscule compared to the audio feed though.
  10. So, got completely fed up waiting on Rimmers Music not delivering my amp (ht1r) after over 3 weeks so just cancelled my order, only to pick up a Vox Lil Night Train head and cab for much less money. It's also a ltd edition gold one apparently. Going to pick it up tomorrow.
  11. Hi all. Just received an email saying my Blackstar HTR1 is delayed and won't arrive for two weeks! So, looked at what else is around and stumbled across the VOX AV15. Does anyone have any experience of using this new amp. Only has one tube in it but is all analogue which is cool. Any comparison with the HT1R or others in the same price range?
  12. My Streamliner rocks at this, as do many heads of similar type. New Ampeg PF20 and 50t are all valve and have a DI you can run with no speaker. The DI comes off the output transformer too. Same with that Mesa head, 488 or something.
  13. I have the Caline. Bought it from Amazon. It is pretty good for the money, better than the rubbish Diago one I had which failed, as did two of my band mates. No noise issues, I have a tuner, comp, two drive, a flanger and a looper.
  14. Anyone used one on bass?
  15. I have one of these. Find it does subtle well. Gets much better with a high gain drive in front of it.
  16. Gutted. Weekend arrived. Supposed delivery day was yesterday but it still hasn't arrived. Now I am away for the weekend too so will have to wait until at least Monday night.
  17. Hi Dosy. Same reason here. I am not that good at guitar so home recording is where it's at for me at the mo. It has to be the same board for my bass gear. I have a Boss ODB3 which I have done the Monte Allums mod to. Sounds immense with guitar. Next for me is a delay pedal. Don't have lots of cash so need something works well for both.
  18. I have a roll of sticky back foam that is similar to the stuff that mouse mats were made from in the 90's. PM me and I'll send you a bit.
  19. From experience. What effects do you all have that seem to work just as well on guitar as on bass guitar?
  20. Gigged this last night. My Streamliner was providing the noise for all three bands and my mate also borrowed my bass for the first band but didn't use my pedal board. So basically my set up without the compressor and the EHX Bass Soulfood. Listening back to the recording I made of the whole night, the Studio Bass compressor did a fine job. Raised the overall perceived volume whilst adding clarity and punch to the notes. Every one of them. Highs were more sparkly. Lows were easier to make out and carried more weight to them. This pedal doesn't have led metering lights so I don't actually know how much it was compressing, but right now I don't care. It made my signal more controlled and more punchy.
  21. I will place an order for one of these today. Hopefully it'll arrive Monday as I have a day off. Does anyone have one. Seems perfect for house jams with no drummer. I am crap at Guitard but want to become a better guitarist. Tried this, a Vox modelling amp and an Orange Crush 20 in the shop. This sounded amazing compared to the Vox and because of its immediately natural tone seemed to be easier and more confidence inspiring to play.
  22. I would love one. However, tried a Blackstar HT1R yesterday and going to plump for that instead!
  23. Thanks for all of your comments, just the useful ones ;-/. Well I have been put in a very fortunate position. I received two compressor pedals for my birthday. One is going back. I am going to combine the dosh from that with my £35 to get an, erm, guitar amp. Y'know, one of those that go with an evil 6 string guitar thingy! Fairly certain it's going to be a Blackstar HT1R. It's amazing the time people take to give advice on here, and I have to say, I already have most of the things people were saying. The one I need to get better at using is my book "Aerobics for Bass Guitar".
  24. Well, used it last night at rehearsal. Found my favourite setting after reading the manual ( yes I know :-/ ). Added girth, punch and a good bit sparkle at the top end as well as evening things out nicely, especially when using a pick. How do I upload photos using the mobile site?
  25. Super happy. My in laws bought this for my birthday. Will have a chance to use it at rehearsal tomorrow night and have a gig at the weekend. (13th Note in Glasgow on Saturday if anyone wants a cheap night out). Will also be doing some recording soon so it'll get a right good try out. Report, and pics, to follow.
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