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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. Coool. What albums was the amp used on? Would love to listen to find out what one of these sounds like recorded properly. Good luck with your sales.
  2. Well done for getting these finished and having photographic proof. You must be very pleased with yourself. Looking forward to getting stuck in to mine. It's inspiring to see the finished product and to hear it too.
  3. It's not just music either. Appropriateness. What about Captain Pugwash!
  4. Phil, at some point in this thread I remember you hinted you were going to try and drop the volume of the cabs. Did you ever get around to doing this?
  5. [quote name='Ashdown Engineering' timestamp='1445350234' post='2890785'] Seems a bit harsh? Whilst we can't be all things to all people you've tried a representative product from every range we make and didn't like any of it? We make/have made a lot of different stuff from £60-£3500... [/quote] Don't worry. Most sane people just ignore such sweeping generalisations. I have used some Ashdown gear and have been impressed so far. Was thinking of shipping out my Streamliner for an ABM but only thing holding me back is Streamliners headphone and no speaker load capability. Love the Tourbus 15 and the proper big valve stuff sounds great and looks great to me. Good to see a manufacturer making an appearance here.
  6. Thomann says £515 for the PF20! That's over 1000USD
  7. I wonder if Mr Wal will be along for a look at this thread and use it positively for market research purposes.
  8. Yeah, those new Ampegs are a great idea but stupidly expensive for what they are. Can't believe Ashdown are the only ones succeeding at this kind of level at the moment.
  9. Does anyone make a decent quality small all valve combo that would be particularly suited to home, rehearsal, recording use then combined with another cab for more volume? Thinking 5 - 20 watt.
  10. Well done Phil. Enjoy. I will start mine after Christmas.
  11. I have 2 basses. One an American Special P and the other a G&L L2000. Also have all the hardware (including a Wizard PJ set of pups) except body and neck for a build I was going to do. I have one electric guitar, an Ibanez Roadstar from 1984 that I rescued out of a skip, and one acoustic guitar. Think that's all I'll be allowed.
  12. There's a markbass LM2 plus two Genz cabs for sale together in the classifieds at the moment. That might work.
  13. I have had mine for a few years now. Love it. It has a great neck on it and everything is bolted together well. Fit and finish is generally very good. I play in a loud band with three guitars and a heavy drummer and it cuts through well, even with my Streamliner when the amp is set to a valvey tone. Only negative for me is that the pots do crackle a bit if I haven't played it for a while. Electronics are the same as the U.S. version, though I suspect may have slightly less expensive pots. The wiring cavity is filled with a spaghetti like mess of wires. Also, make sure you carry a spare battery, as when potential falls the bass starts to sound like a bunch of wasps in a biscuit tin pretty quickly, even in passive mode.
  14. http://geargods.net/category/news/ Some more insight into the cabs
  15. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1444075485' post='2880153'] ? Don't get you Thunderpaws. [/quote] Just a rubbish attempt at humour. The op seemed to be humming and haaing about keeping or getting rid of said bass. Decision made to keep.
  16. Is that the end of this thread then?!
  17. Does the new Subway go down to 2 ohm?
  18. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1431089521' post='2767704'] I haven't gigged this set-up yet but my motives for buying it were the same as the op. It took me a while to find the second cab but got there in the end & it's very stable stacked. [/quote] I have one 210 like that and would love another. They are uber hard to come by.
  19. shoxking title for a thread. I'm sure lots of people rehearse many things in bed, for me, bass isn't the first thing I thought of!
  20. When I tried all the P Bass in GuitardGuitard when I was choosing mine I played them all through this. it was amazing. Everything sounded brilliant. Should have heard the Nate Mendel through it. Amazing. My P American Special really suited it well. No way I will ever be able to afford anything like this.
  21. Ok. Dunno how that happened. Try this one. All o did was copy the link! Anyway. To me, this sounds the clomplete business. I see there is a similar thread just below for the Zeus Octave Fuzz. http://youtu.be/fS1bGwzbyHs
  22. https://youtu.be/ElddNGPhtsU
  23. And the cost....Holy Molley. Had a look on Thomann and am astounded.
  24. Was impressed with the Ashdown Tourbus 15 when I tried it. Saving for a Yamaha THR10 though.
  25. http://youtu.be/Md0y36zWd4Y
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