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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. Thanks for the constructive criticism everyone. I don't claim to be very good at playing bass but do enjoy it. The bass in question is a G&L l2000 tribute recorded from the DI of my Genz Benz Streamliner. Bridge pickup. I will have a word with the band member with Qbass and see what he can do with the EQ. I had read about the Streamliker being too bass heavy in the mix and becoming too muddy, so I had my guitar treble up to try and compensate As for the "ahem" bass solo on the Middle, it wasn't supposed to really stand out as a solo, I was just playing! I ain't really good enough to warrant a bass solo! Thanks folks.
  2. Evening all. Please have a listen to one of our demo's that we mixed at the weekend. I don't own the recording desk so borrowed it when it came to recording. I think it is clear that when I play on this song www.soundcloud.com/sulasula-1/brace that there is a fair amount of fret noise, I tended to play this around the neck pickup. I don't mind it but some others might. What do you all think? Feedback greatly appreciated.
  3. Ha. Started already with that one. Just wait, next rehearsal, whenever that happens, everyone will say..."so, I have an idea for a song...."
  4. I had one for years. Never a problem, sounded brilliant, was versatile, and was great at rehearsal with 3 guitars. Glwts
  5. Ola. So, two debut gigs cancelled and huge (feels like anyway) delay to reveal/release of our debut self produced album due to illness and injury (a broken heart and a broken arm) within the band. So, we eventually got some mixing done last night and are pretty happy with the way this has headed. still a bit tinkering to do but here we mostly have it..... www.soundcloud.com/sulasula-1 ....missing a couple of tracks, and mastering.
  6. Hello Phil. Are you producing the drawings on CAD? If not, I can have a bash for you when you have dimensions. Using Autodesk Inventor.
  7. I have to say I am very jealous. Was window shopping that same bass last week. GuitarGiitar have a lovely looking FSR Pbass coming in too and love the look of that also. Hope it is still around when I am shopping next feb. Anyway, yours looks lovely in the Thomann pics and the neck is a perfect width ( for my hands anyway). Hope you get on with it. Pics!
  8. That is lovely. Not a fan of black basses but I am of this. GLWTS
  9. The little lemmings inside your cables will carry your notes either way. Sounds like a fault to me. Go through the normal checks. Is it all on? Are knobs up? Swap the cable for another. Try the head with another cab. Try the cab with another head.
  10. The little lemmings inside your cables will carry your notes either way. Sounds like a fault to me. Go through the normal checks. Is it all on? Are knobs up? Swap the cable for another. Try the head with another cab. Try the cab with another head.
  11. Ah, see! My good luck rubbed off. Well done with the Eden head by the way. I like the look of them.
  12. I would have this in a flash if I knew I would survive the wrath from her indoors as it would perfectly compliment my Streamliner 600. That font sucks. GLWTS
  13. ^+1 Especially the headphones thing. I also was amazed at the difference in quality of a very good practice amp compared to my merely "good" ampeg practice amp I had. Try a few and see if you notice any difference. It has made my practice a hell of a lot more pleasurable.
  14. Pearl Jam live in Milton Keynes 2014. My bootlet just arrived through the door. I am re living every second and it is a whole lot of awesomeness.
  15. Yeah. Positivity abounding around here. That is what I wanted to hear! Especially that there is another band in exactly the same state as us...what're the chances? We will keep writing for the second album and get some mixing done. Looking forward to that, plus designing the artwork is my job so I have sometjing positive to do there too.....was just looking forward to gigging.
  16. Ramble On. Don't have to explain why...do I?
  17. So, had a post a couple of months back proclaiming my happiness at the first gig for our new band and my first real gig ever. Long story short, that one fell due to issues between the venue and the promotor. Roll on a month and we get another gig lined up for this weekend 18th Oct and another in December for our album launch night. So, what happens this week. Drummer admitted to hospital with heart concerns and guitarist breaks his wrist playing fives. Obviously, main concern is health of my buddies. However, gutted at definite cancellation of first two gigs and definite postponement of third gig! Anyone else had sh*t luck like this?
  18. Thanks very much for that. I will email them immediately.
  19. Hello everyone Does anyone know if I can source a 3 hole control cavity cover in the UK or Europe for a build I am doing? Cheers Garry
  20. Hello. Have taken pictures but my computer is knackered. Can I add photos from my phone? So far, just spent a few minutes on the pup and control cavity routing. Looking good so far. Cavities are pretty tight on the pickup covers. Need to see if I can source a 3 hole control plate somewhere. If not, I may make one from an alternative material to the usual.
  21. Hello Topi Morto www.soundcloud.com/sulasula-1 for our more or less finished stuff and search Guitarmaggedon in soundcloud for our much more less recorded stuff, work in progress. There is a set called "the album" there I would very much appreciate any feedback. Thanks. Garry
  22. We have self recorded a few songs, just waiting for a time when we can all get in the same room for final mixing and mastering. When I listen to the rough tracks on my cans or on either of my hifis at home, the bass frequencies, including my bass guitar and the bassier drums, all sound clear and present. However, whenever I listen in either of our cars and on a stereo at work, the bass frequencies seem to almost disappear. Anyone have any ideas on something we can do so this doesn't happen? Cheers, Garry
  23. I had a Vox am plug. Fell to bits. I use my Boss Micro BR for practice now. You can play along to MP3, record rehearsals and gigs, it is a 4 track recorder so you can record ideas or full tracks, it has a built in drum machine, it has a built in mic and you can plug in a stereo mic too. Love it. Fits in the pocket too. For the money I think it is a brilliant piece of kit.
  24. Saw him 2wice in recent years in Glasgow but he seems to have stopped coming to Scotland. Can't blame him though as the crowds weren't exactly massive, even in small rooms. His ability is incredible and his songs are great. Maybe it's because he's a grumpy sod. Actually, the last time I saw him was in the ABC 2 and Cheap Trick were playing upstairs in ABC 1. His promotor-sxheduler should have been shot. 12 string bass thumping through the ceiling all night while he was playing.
  25. So. I made a bass a couple if years ago from scratch. It turned out ok but the body was far far far too heavy and the finger board wasn't very well radiused. This time I am going for a P bass look with Wizard PJ pups and scratch plate harking back to 51 - 56 era. So a bit of a mish mash. Body is mahogany in 3 pieces and I will chamber it this time to reduce weight. Neck will be hard rock maple and hopefully some sweet Birdseye maple for the finger board. Today I made up a body template shape and tomorrow I will cut the pup areas in it. Fingers crossed I make good headway with this one.
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