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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. Have nearly been in a couple of bands before but have been recording original's with friends for many a year. Last year, said friends and others started writing and rehearsing, and in August we will play at a local festival called Music v Cancer. Should be about 300 people in the crowd, in Bo'ness Town Hall! I have played a couple of one off songs for our schools little battle of the band's...but this is a different ball game. Really, really looking forward to it.
  2. Music v Cancer will take place in Bo'ness Town Hall on the 22nd and 23rd of August. Friday night looks like 6 guitar bands, including mine, Sula Sula, and basschatter Johnny's 5 Second Warning. Looks like being a brilliant night. Search Music v Cancer on FB for more info. Not much info so far but I do know I am looking forward to it immensely...
  3. The led's that light up the valves stopped working a good few months back. Tonight they started working again. Very happily surprised. I was playing my 6string guitar through it at the time and had the gain pretty high. Felt a bit warmer than normal. Wonder if that has expanded something to do the self healing thing. Well chuffed....I can see my valves again....in a bright blue far out glow. PS: sounds pretty good as a guitar amp for home practice as well as being a beautiful bass amp.
  4. 13th Note sounds like a winner. Will put it to the rest of them on the band...most of whom Johnny Frog also went to school with!
  5. It would be good to get a basschat fb page set up for moments like this.
  6. Thanks Ralph. Helps a lot. I will get on the fb page you mentioned and share this with the band. I have been playing, self taught, for years but never actually hugged, aside from a couple of cameos, so am mighty looking forward to it when it happens. We have 12 songs half recorded and rehearsals always seem to go well, so it's all good. 3 of the other members are seasoned giggers.
  7. Our band, Sula Sula, have written and are recording 12 original songs and one cover. We are all 40ish, old friends from school, and are having a blast. We are looking to play a gig, first half of August, and think Glasgow would probably be a good bet. Probably to play 6ish songs on a bill with others. We play alt/classic rock stylee. Any suggestions on where we might play. We have some ideas but I dunno if we are missing something. I guesse we will have to organise it pretty soon too. Cheers, Garry
  8. Thanks Danny....I will trawl the web later.
  9. Neither of these comments help, especially the first one!
  10. As the subject says....bass guitar mostly...a wee bit drums.
  11. Hey fellow chatters. I am not that great at setting up ny bass. Eg. Getting the height of each string correct in relation to the finger board and the other strings, getting the truss rod just right so the neck is straight. Recently bought fender flat strings and had to tweek the truss rod more than a quarter turn...which made me wonder if I was over doing it. Anyhow...point of the post...what tools, if any, should I look in to that would help me get the set up consistently right?
  12. Happy Birthday dude! And...more importantly, has anyone played around with his new signature pedal? What's it called...Mahem?!
  13. Cheers. Suppose I could''ve done that myself!
  14. Thanks for the feedback. I was gonna fork out for some more Elixir nano's but might give this route a try instead. Think I like the idea of THUMP. Might suit my band just right. Need to consider options now.
  15. If so, what do you think? What genres are you playing? Any suggestions to try? Cheers Garry
  16. So, I bult my own from scratch previously, but kinda stuffed up the neck around the volute area and the fret board when I was filing the fret ends. I have been a busy busy person since all that but have rekindled the flame, so am going to build a new bass. Aim is to make it all original but will start off using a Squier neck until I have enough time to do that justice myself. Neck - Squier P. Seems ok, nice piece of rosewood on the fretboard. Nut is a little rough so will see how that goes towards the end of the build. Body - Will be made from South American Mahogany that I found drifting about the workshop. 3 piece. I will hopefully find something nice to cap it and bind the edges. Want something with an interesting grain that'll take a nice trans finish. Hardware: Badass 2 Bridge. Hipshot tuners. Wizard overwound PJ pups. Schaler locking strap buttons. Knobs: Volume, Tone, blend. I have wired this up already. Strings: Going to give flatwounds a shot. Think they might work well with the overwound P pup. Aesthetics: Thinking something loosely based around an early Tele bass but with a twist of some sort. The last body I made was freeking heavy, but a lovely shape, which I will try and reproduce. Cheery bye.
  17. With my G&L my volume is at about 75%. Seems to work/sound better with my amp that way. Think it's fairly HOT.
  18. I have a G&L L2000 tribute. If you put the pickup selector on "neck" it sounds just like a 70's P bass. Honest! Straight trade? ;-/
  19. Does anyone from Orange frequent this forum and care to stick up for them selves? Seems there's some non-love going on here.
  20. Congrats Chuffed from Scotland. Good luck to your venture...let your creative juices flow.... Your band got a name yet?
  21. I mean, "be heard". Though at same volume settings I hear fine with both pups. I will try the "turn your bass down please" at next rehearsal. Will also try some different mid settings and see what works. If all that fails, will try the eq route. Thanks for your suggestions.
  22. I have a G&L L2000 tribby going into my Genz Streamliner. The band has 3 guitars, and to be honest, on my middle pick up selector I cut through fine. Trouble is, I LOVE the tone I get on the neck pickup only but it doesn't cut through as well, especially live. Sounds fine recorded. Question is, is this something an eq pedal would fix? Any recommendations? Ta
  23. Anyone got a picture of sycamore on a bass?
  24. If it's all about getting technique back...I would find what I like the feel of...generally...then browse the 2nd hand ads on here. There are some astounding bargains to be had.
  25. Hello. I am after a neck for a project. Have had kind offers of second hand p bass necks...mostly Squire. Question is, does anyone ave any experience in using the necks that Niche Guitars have in Blackpool....are they really good quality? My options are new from niche or second hand from a basschatter.
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