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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. I had a ba115 , basically the same but with 100 watt 15 inch driver. The style switch moved tone progressively from what I thought was a pretty mellow sound towards a more trebbly sound. I always had mine on number 4, for what it's worth. It sounded pretty sweet overall. Had no issues, except Big hiss with the trebble anywhere past 12 o'clock. I thought the di was hard to work with.
  2. Thanks hoppo. Will try and fund one to check out.
  3. Hey Hamfist...is the neck pocket cavity ok for the mighty mite neck or is it another routing job?
  4. On the back of this I have my eye on a PJ version on eBay at the moment. I have all the hardware including wizard pj pups and a badass bridge to turn it into something sweet. It'd be cooool.
  5. Anyone used these for home jams with a couple of acoustic guitars and think they are any good? Is the 15 in the same cab/housing as the 10...size matters. I had a wee go of the 10 in a shop yesterday and couldn't believe how small it was...I thought it was a darn cute wee thing!
  6. Wonder how loud she is?! If you think of her mouth as the driver and her body as the cab, and stick by her rules, it paints a pretty funny caricature...well it does in my head!
  7. Would be spot on for me for home jam and recording sesh.
  8. Not in the market for a head at the moment, got a streamliner last year, but if I was going to chose between the rootmaster or the new fender rumble on price, features I think the ashdown has it...all be it in a slightly bigger package.
  9. Aesthetics are the best I have seen from Ashdown too. Credit where it's due. Wonder how much it'll cost?
  10. Any idea how much the new 500 head costs?
  11. Any idea how much the new 500 head costs?
  12. Yep, me too. Even if they had re-packaged the genz streamliner it would have looked like a better bet on paper. Wonder what these sound like compared to the current heads?
  13. This is all well written, interesting stuff (for dumb asses like me). Thanks v much for doing this...looking forward to seeing the results. Once you are finished designing the 12 can you design a 108 or 110 for home practice?
  14. Haven't the newer ones had their valve issues sorted? I think I read an interview with someone from Orange who said they had realised they were crappy so sourced better ones.
  15. When I bought my Genz Streamliner I also tried Hattie stuff. Found the streamliner to be more organic! sounding with my G&L L2000, especially on the neck pickup. The tone bloody sounds like it's coming from a wooden instrument.....ah, it is. I have a focus 210 cab and if you got two, you'd have a modular 410. As someone said above...there are cracking deals at the moment, check out bassdirect for their Rig deals. Liked the Hartke sound too mind.
  16. Hey all, thanks for your feedback. Well, recorded 4 tracks after playing around with di and Mic blend. This is home studio recording so the gear isn't pro level....but I was impressed with the output from the humble behringer comp after mixing it in with the guitars. Still some levels to change when mastering so not all done, but generally happy. Would like a bit more warmth to come through as the comp seems to have cleaned my tone up a bit. Will see what happens next time. Hopefully have 12 songs done and dusted by April.
  17. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1389649003' post='2336626'] Haven't you just invented a much more complicated way of doing what's already possible with a "kickback" style amp? Have you seen some of the crazy ideas you get patents granted for?! Besides....kick backs have a tendency to roll around the car when you drive fast! [/quote]
  18. I have yet to see a cab with a rotating driver so you can angle it up a bit for home practice/rehearsal then fire it forward again for stage time...sheesht I should apply for a patent on that!
  19. I will keep you posted when I have it done. There are some other mods I and my guitarist buddy are interested in too. Happy New Year...
  20. Hello Clauster, I was going to ask if you are happy with the results, but since you've done three....it'd have to be "yes"
  21. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1388189488' post='2319416'] if you have the option, do both. that way you can chose what sits better, and blend etc... its worth doing both if you can [/quote] I was hoping someone would say that! Though it would mean a wee trip to the shops for a decent bass Mic that I can't afford!
  22. +1 to the genz focus cabs. I have a 210 that I use in rehearsal with my streamliner 600. I am amazed by its sound every time I play it. Surely value/sound cannot be beaten with these at the moment. It isn't super light but I carry it with one hand. The handles are great. The 210 cuts through absolutely fine, and that's through 3 guitars and loud drums.
  23. Just ordered Monte Allums mod for my ODB3 boss pedal. Anyone have experience with this? Postage takes 3 weeks.
  24. Hey Japan Axe, i was worried for the same reason as you, though in rehearsals it has been relatively ok so far....as long as one guitarist in particular remembers how to turn the gain down. We are all going to be in the same room when it comes to mastering, so volume/levels shouldn't be a problem. It's getting that punchy warm stuff, with the odd flurry, to stand out that I am concerned with. It's gonna be fun...not used my di yet, so will see how it goes on Monday.
  25. This week will record grungy Indy rock with three guitars and me on bass. Will DI from my streamliner, question is, for a big sound, with defined mids and top end for occasional runs, will the di likely do the trick or should I Mic up too? May seem like a silly question but it's all new to me! Cheers
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