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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. Here’s a look at a couple of the new Ashdown bass guitars at NAMM. A bit of the story behind them too.
  2. Where do you get big long speaker cables to reach from pedal board to cabinet and how much are they?
  3. That’s a great purchase for someone. Hang on to it for a million years and sell it for one million pounds!
  4. For not toooo much more money you could get an Ampeg PF20t head. It’s definitely all tube and it’s speaker output is defeatable to use as a recording di post transformer.
  5. Guitar Guitar have this for £299 at the moment as a pre-order. Everyone else seems to have it at £399. Either it’s a mistake and will be rectified soon or they got a deal. Just shows you how much mark-up gets put on stuff, if GG can afford to make a hefty profit at £299 and others are selling at £399 https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/191015349744008--tech-21-steve-harris-sh1-signature-sansamp?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5YqOocWX5gIViZntCh115AEXEAUYAiABEgIlffD_BwE
  6. Managed to get EZDrummer for shy of £60. Have spent three minutes with it and it seems like a whole lot of very effective fun. It was from PluginBoutique.
  7. One of my favourite bands is called Stereo Embers. They have an album called Code of Sound which I think would be a pretty cool band name.
  8. My band is called Sula Sula ..... Latin for Red Footed Boobies😀
  9. Off the top of my head while o brush my teeth: The Broken Arrows Loose Cannons Lose Cannons Mint
  10. Sounds like my kind of bass....”it plays itself”!🙌
  11. You could try Hoffnine. He is based in Airdrie and does a great job with a lot of pride in his cabinetry. He’ll chat through everything with you and value for money is excellent. http://www.hoffnine.co.uk/
  12. I have two spare tickets for Greta Van Fleet in Glasgow on Wednesday. Please let me know if you are interested. Cheers, TP
  13. Going to see Greta Van Fleet next Weds (6th Nov) in Glasgow. Saw them in a v small venue last year so it’ll be interesting to see how they’ve developed on a bigger stage.
  14. How about this... https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/px160124292754006--ibanez-sr1000-pre-owned
  15. Thanks again. Yeah, I’ll send him it anyway and it means he can get used to the plugin so when we are sitting in a room mixing together with the band we can make adjustments together. I’ve paired it with the ADHD Leveling Tool and it’s great.
  16. GK Amplification LE2 does it for me. Instant positive impact on the bass tone and so easy to use. I’ll share this one with the guitarist / leader for mixing duties.
  17. Thanks very much. That’s brilliant. This forum really is the best!
  18. Thanks, I agree, however we are doing it ourselves so in this case I’m the engineer.
  19. Have recorded a couple of rough tracks tonight just to play around with the VSTs I’ve “bought”. Have the Ignite Amps SHB head. Sounds great and isn’t just about high gain. It seems to shout out for a Cab sim...does anyone make a vst cab sim on its own that’s good? Also have the TSE Audio BOD, based on the sansamp bass driver. It doesn’t do what I need it to do at the moment so will file that away for later. Also have the ADHD Audio Tools Leveling Tool. Seems to be quite a sweet limiter / compressor. Right, I’m on the lookout for a cab sim. Thanks again @Mcgiver69
  20. Thanks McGiver. Downloaded BOD and will play around later. Will look into the others too.
  21. Does anyone have any amazing bass amp vst they can add to all of those plugins mentioned so far?
  22. Thanks for your feedback so far. Wr are a five piece playing original rock. Out of this there are three guitars and “clean” guitar doesn’t come in to the equation much. Here’s an example of a bass spun I’m happy with (I never pretend to be great musically so please forgive my playing): here’s an example of a bass sound I’m left a bit dissatisfied with (this song sounds huge when we play it together and I had high hopes for really punchy heavy tone) Cheers
  23. Hiya. We (my band) are just about to start laying down tracks for our third self made album. We do it for enjoyment and don’t expect to “make it”. So far with one and two I have been left a bit underwhelmed by my overall bass sound (except on three or four tracks but have no idea why they turned out good) as it’s inconsistent and tend to get lost in the mix. So far I have: 1) recorded straight in to a multitrack and then the band Leader has fettled in Cubase 2) recorded in to the same desk via the d.i. on my amp (Genz Benz Streamliner) 3) combined the back of amp d.i. Signal with the cab being mic’d Up. No chance in hell the two signals have been lined up with each other to avoid phase cancelling (if indeed there are issues with the tracks) Mic was a condenser (Ashton I think). So, on to album number three and I have done a wee bit research and watched Rick Beatto’s How to record bass video on YouTube. This has left me none the wiser. So options I have (I think) and questions that come from them. I have recently purchased a new PC and audio interface with decent budget monitors. A) direct only into desk and apply a plugin (don’t know which one or how much to pay for a decent one) B) set up my SM57 and use that on its own C) set up my SM57 one one speaker and buy a dedicated bass mic for another speaker, mix the two and hey presto D) buy a pre-amp with a cab sim on board and go d.i. from that (maybe a sans amp or similar) E) any other suggestions I’m also wondering how loud the amp should be when recording (mic’d up) and what kind of room it should be done in....anything I can do to the surroundings to make a difference to the mic’d up sound, more punchy mid present? Cheers everyone
  24. I have one of these. It sits at the end of my pedal board right in front of the amp. To get the best out of it I find that a drive pedal right in front of it works wonders.
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