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Everything posted by Thunderpaws

  1. Hi everyone. At rehearsal this week and playing through the room’s Hartke amp. Both pickups on full and lovely full sound with no unwanted noise. THEN...rolled off one of the pups a tad to alter the sound a bit and my bass replied by making quite a bit of hum. Turned both full on again and him went. Turned the other pickup down a bit and hum reappeared. So, both pups full on = no hum Either pup down a bit = hum Anyone have a clue what’s up? It hasn’t done this before. It’s a MIJ Geddy. Ta.
  2. Hiya. I’ve just removed the chassis from the combo and will make a case for it to become a head this week: Is notice there that there is a connector saying “link for AH100”. What’s that for?
  3. I took my new old BLX80 to rehearsal last night. I have to admit that I was surprised at how loud this little (freaking heavy) thing is. I was also surprised to find out that it cuts through in the mix better than my Genz Benz Streamliner (even with copious eq fettling). One issue I had though was a horrible high pitched howling now and again. Could it be the weird cabinet slot design and too much air squeezing out? I am now thinking about taking the head out of the combo and using it with my other cabs. First time playing with the Trace Elliot sound and I liked it😃
  4. How does the 30watt all valve compare in volume to the 500watt class D? Always wondered how a set up like this would handle rehearsal and small gigs with a loud rock band.
  5. If you have PA support you’ll only need your amp to be loud enough to hear in the mix with your drummer and other guitars. Is there a monitor you can use from the PA?
  6. No worries. Hope you enjoy 😀
  7. Here you go... https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/171229320033008--fender-rumble-studio-40?gclid=Cj0KCQjwqs3rBRCdARIsADe1pfTrD614Jo4ZS2mKM8PqU9dduNg2Jdr-se1ys5ccfc7EmwNJ6xRgwzwaAsCIEALw_wcB
  8. And opened it up to find this inside.....what is it....not stock for sure.
  9. Hi everyone. Just picked this up for a very little amount of money. Markings on the back say min load 4 Ohms.
  10. I wonder if they are talking about the speaker rating rather than the head?
  11. This is the one I’m getting. Hopefully it works well. Does it have the Trace Ellliot sound that people rave about?
  12. I’m picking one of these combos up in the morning. Apparently quite rough around the edges. I fancy doing this head removal lark too.
  13. Looks really nice, super cool even, I love the look of the white version. What does the P pickup position do for the sound, does it brighten it up a bit?
  14. I messaged him a couple times firstly asking what type of jazz bass it was. He replied saying it was a Geddy lee made in Japan. I replied to ask him about the neck plate and his reply was about scratch plates saying he had changed it. He’s now removed it from sale.
  15. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/550221842444937/ dont know now if you can follow the link but this is for sale on FB marketplace as ... “Putting the feelers out on this one. Gorgeous Fender Jazz bass. Rarely played. Comes with genuine 3inch leather strap and locks. Offers.” picture of back seems to show a Geddy Lee signature, made in Japan at heel. but with an American neck plate. What do you think? I’ve asked the seller how much he’s looking for
  16. Did any bears die in the making of your advert?!
  17. That’s brilliant for him. Perseverance and skill pays off. Congratulations on everything he’s achieved and will achieve.
  18. What is it and what does it do?!
  19. Genz Benz Streamliner sounds like it would fit your needs too.
  20. Where are you based? I am a teacher with access to a laser cutter. As long as it’s not PVC I could do it for you. I’m in central Scotland.
  21. That’s beautiful. If it were a 4 stringer I’d love it but still not afford it.
  22. http://hughes-and-kettner.com/support/oldie/
  23. Just saw this pop up and thought someone here with more money than me would like to snap it up!! https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/190702345659008-3501587--dingwall-d-bird-standard-4-string-aquamarine-pf-4921
  24. Hi everyone. Not often I get the chance to post new recordings. The band I’m in find it difficult to meet up regularly due to work and life commitments an it’s a hobby for us. Anyway, just finished recording our second self produced album called Loud, Fast and Keep Going. We’ve decided to use paid for social media platforms as it’s pretty inexpensive. Biggest issue I had (apart from my ropey playing) was getting a consistent bass sound. Some songs it seems to cut through nicely, others it gets lost a bit. Here are my favourites from our album:
  25. Yeah, I don’t slap (mainly because I’m no good at it) and many tube videos seem to be all about the slap. That video shows a few usable tones. The drive seems pretty spot on.
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