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EBS_freak last won the day on January 26 2022

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    my own personal hell

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  1. At least Im not alone!
  2. 1000 pounds - competing with some high end powered 10 PA cabs there.
  3. The digital aspect of the Mipro will have even the best analogue compander based IEM system beat. The EW is likely to have a further range and due to the lower frequency rf - better for passing through walls and stuff. If you are worried about drop outs and interference, the 5.8 system is going to be way more stable than a 2.4 system. As I say, if you have line of site and can keep the units close to the stage, right now, I’d go MiPro.
  4. Blu tack is your friend. (turn and resqueeze)
  5. I see Thomann have started stocking it now (£469) - https://www.thomann.co.uk/mipro_mi_58rt_58_ghz.htm I believe there's no additional costs on the published figure...? (I haven't bought from Thomann in years)
  6. I dont think there is an antenna combiner for these yet. Before you spend the money - I have the full paddle setups on my Sennheisers and Shures... and even for some sizeable stage, the inbuilt ones are good enough to the point I dont bother with the external paddles. You can always find somewhere at the back/side of the stage to put them. As long as you have line of sight, you're likely to be golden.
  7. Stretch a little to the Mipro MI-58RT (<2.2ms latency - digital - sounds better than any analogue system. 5.8 - so make sure they are by the performance area XSW is dog compared to EW300 G2+ - stay away
  8. Have your "music" build on an external SSD. Remote boot from that on a gig - that way you can always run an "outdated but stable" version. When it came to software and gigging... I was of the mind, if it works and is stable, dont mess with it.
  9. yeah, you have a rear firing sub - tbh, whoever is running PA here is kinda making a meal of it by the sub placement in the first place.
  10. Indeed, you'll be surprised how much can come out of monitors... and of course, the output from this will reflect back into open mics too...
  11. Indeed - additionally, being a trio, I'd hope they are running cardioid to minimise back spill. But the whole PA deployment looks like a nightmare anyway.
  12. ...and most IEMs aren't either... just to add to the fun!
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