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Everything posted by colonel_claypoo

  1. thanks so far for the comments. no problem, it's not a downer for me, i'm a realist and i know that it's probably not a good idea to tour under such circmstances. the problem is that the other bandmembers are not thinking ahead enough, i feel, and i wouldn't know how to aprach them wih my concern. anyway, one thing i mixed up, sorry, is the fact that we don't have a promoter but a booking agency and they get their share each gig. i'm not sure if promoter and booking agency are the same??? bottom line is, where totally on our own and i our genre (metal) there's not much to harvest, money wise i think. furthermore, we don't even have any merch or a cd yet. that might change until autumn, tough. as a result, i think that our income will only cover the travel expenses, i.e petrol and rental for the motor home. everything else we'll need, which is plenty, will drag us into a negative balance in the end and i don't want that. i don't know about the idea of touring your home country first. in our case, that would be germany and we feel that the market here is jaded, so to speak. thanks for the help guys.
  2. hey everbody, i need some financial estimates for touring in europe. this autumn we might play a total of 20 gigs ranging from portugal to scandinavia in 30 days. it's going to be our first tour ever and i'm seeing us running into serious financial problems if we don't calculate this through. therefore i could use some advice. we have a promoter who gets his share and we're completeley on our own, only touring with another band and not in the same vehicle. so we'll have to organize transportation, accomodation and all the relevant things to survive by ourselves. i guess we'll be playing clubs from 50-150 people and most clubs only pay door deal. i can't think of a way how to calculate the required budget. does anybody have some advice please? your comments don't need to be based on the notion of touring europe per se but anywhere in the world. just looking for a cost estimate and what to take into account. thanks!
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