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Everything posted by burdy

  1. i got myself a (an?) headless bass made by [color="#FF0000"]rodeo [/color](who dat?) after coming over from the dark side and putting down my six string to experience the joys of bass. deep joy followed as did other guitars and the poor headless bass sat neglected in the corner until recently rediscovered by chance whilst cleaning the garage..etc..etc.. enough bs. whilst redicovering the joys of aforementioned geetar i managed to knack the tuner/bridge.....dont ask. anyway... to cut to the heart of the matter i need a replacement. it was made by [color="#FF0000"]'overlord of music' [/color]who , in their wisdom , have either gone out of business or , are the only company not to be found on t'internet. lord lucan is to be found easier. sooooo..... has anybody got a tuner/bridge for a rodeo headless bass or know where one can be found. crap tho it is i love this guitar and am loathe to consign it to the dustbin. if anybody has heard of either company and know how to contact them i would be deeply gratified for the info heres hoping....
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