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Everything posted by jhk

  1. if you go to e bay ............... `flightcase fittings` you`ll see very good,reasonably priced sets of wheels for `wheely board`..................... make sure two of the wheels have brakes which you can lock on uneven stages etc!!! I find the 4 inch/100 mm in blue the best......... good luck!
  2. `cant believe they`ve not sold .............................. bang tidy basses!!!
  3. I have one of these and they really are a great all round bass .......................... and at that price very well worth look!!!
  4. Brighton`s Bernie Goodfellow is a very worthy mention ..........................
  5. A cheap source of materials to consider between the battens is rock wool(the green type not yellow,yellow only good for thermal properties)also roofing felt, as these all have different densities and are very useful in absorbing sound.Maybe worth considering is when you come to the walls,if possible kick out the angles where possible so you don`t have constant 90 degrees symmetry.This will help deaden the room by cancelling an amount of reflection between walls.Try to isolate(floating )floor from wall . hope this helps ....................................
  6. What helps me on hot stage is a `clamp on` fan halfway up my mike stand which blasts upwards past my hands and onto my face to help keep temperature down and also dry out sweat!!!
  7. Yamaha RBX range S/H are well worth a look and IMO will provide a better quality bass than the OLP...................
  8. jhk


    For some reason they are not viewed as sexy or seductive as other makes,yet generally outclass a vast amount of competitors....................... I love `em!!
  9. [quote name='BB3000S' post='1193510' date='Apr 9 2011, 07:48 AM']Wonderful, put a big smile on my face - like this: [/quote] just watched it ................................ MMMmmmmmmm me too!!
  10. I`m sure there`s an EDEN WT800 head just put up for sale for around £500 .......................... deffo worth a look and listen!!!
  11. [quote name='ras52' post='1149691' date='Mar 4 2011, 05:26 PM']OMG it's soon - how time flies. Looking like Sunday for me - I love Laurence Cottle's work with Claire Martin.[/quote] +1 to that .............................. saw them in brighton a few months back ........................ he was brilliant!!!!!
  12. [quote name='Doddy' post='1142455' date='Feb 26 2011, 04:23 PM']Sorry,but I'm going to be pedantic for a minute You know the company isn't called David Eden right? The company is called Eden and 'David' is the series of speaker cabs. There is no David Eden.[/quote] I`m not so sure .................................................... [url="http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2007/12/woiochannel_19_and_former_mana.html"]http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2007/12/wo...ormer_mana.html[/url] ..................... just like that ......... FFFzzzzzzzzzzzz
  13. [quote name='poptart' post='1125738' date='Feb 13 2011, 10:24 AM']Hi There is no surcharge if you call the shop, I will post for free, so you just pay £12.50 per tickets, regardless of how many you need there is no surcharge. 01926 886433 Monday - Friday 9.30 - 5.30 Saturday 10.30 - 2.30 Or call in the shop to pick them up your self ;-) Regards Mark[/quote] I`ve already bought a ticket.............................. but thanks very much for your offer!! regards
  14. [quote name='lancastercomputers' post='1083853' date='Jan 10 2011, 02:20 AM'][url="http://musiciansclassifieds.co.uk/m/events/view/London-Bass-Guitar-Show"]http://musiciansclassifieds.co.uk/m/events...ass-Guitar-Show[/url] im looking forward to this mark king ! 12.50 on the web - 17.50 on the door [/quote] Like your self I`m looking forward to the show .................................................... juat a niggle though ............... the online price is actually £14.03 as they sneak a £1.53 surcharge on for each ticket bought.A little annoying as they don`t employ anyone to take order and they do not use printed matter,envelopes or postal costs.
  15. jhk

    Best 2x12

    [quote name='E sharp' post='1096924' date='Jan 20 2011, 10:35 PM']Not exactly flavour of the month , but there's still some guys on Talkbass who mention the Eden 212XLT as being one of the all time top cabs .[/quote] They are great cabs ............................................
  16. marty siggery ............... crowborough i think ............a bit nearer than brighton [url="http://www.siggeryguitars.co.uk/about.htm"]http://www.siggeryguitars.co.uk/about.htm[/url] hope it helps
  17. just to add to the collection ............................ trb6p series one with Bernie GB p/up eq mods plus trb5p series one with aguilar pre.
  18. Reading this only re-enforces my resolve when selling my gear,as I do attract a bit of negative comment when stating that I won`t do shipping etc..I`m so gutted by the position both parties have been placed in.We all love to think that good faith and decency will prevail but life is just not like that.I truly hope that there will be a happy ending to this dismall story.
  19. jhk


    surprised it lasted so long before a sale ............................ these are fine combos!
  20. from my gear list you can see i`m a big fan of eden ...................... all of mine are USA build.Amps are so easy to use ...................... never far away from a very usable sound!! I don`t have to spend ages at gig faffing around for sound .........................
  21. really surprised this has not been snapped up!!
  22. [quote name='markstuk' post='998692' date='Oct 24 2010, 11:04 AM']PIcture fixed :-)[/quote] AH ........thank you very much .............`Just like that!!
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