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Everything posted by JimmyStrange

  1. Hmmm. Thanks for everybody's thoughts. It was certainly interesting to take a look at the Enfield and Sims. Thanks for the link ikay. The super8 is just too much for me I think! Particularly found the control configs useful in understanding how the thing worked. Dannybuoy - Took a look at the xtender but I don't think I could live with the shape Reckon I agree with Pete. Delano or Nordstrand quad coil - I think the Sim quad looks similar to either as well just with an LED! Bridge wise you've certainly given me something to think about though OS. It was partly the looks that sold it of course, but engineering wise it looked like it should work. What hi-mass options might you suggest? At this point we're contemplating doing a simpler version first as my dad and I (35 and 52 respectively) are fancying slightly different builds. Once it's further underway (more than some roughcut wood) I'll try and shift this into the build page.
  2. Hi All. Happy Friday. I've got a few nice bits of wood knocking around and am planning on doing a 5 string (or maybe 4) fretless build. Maybe some kind of offest stretched ric type shape but that's still up in the air. Before I get too stuck in to the design and build I was thinking I'd best decide on hardware. I was contemplating the Babicz full contact bridge and if the budget allows somw schaller mb tuners but am a bit nonplussed about which pickup route to go down. Was wanting to keep to a single pickup passive design but thought it might be nice to get some tonal versatility with maybe a quad coil that has single, dual, series/parallel options but if I'm honest I haven't got my head about how feasible this is. At this point I'm open to any advice/suggestions about which pickup might be best. Lets pretend money isn't an object Well up to say around £150 anyway. All thoughts appreciated. Thanks James
  3. Have one on me. Someone out there needs this.
  4. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='837146' date='May 14 2010, 01:53 PM']Been gassing for one of these for ages. Just waiting for one at the right price sounds absolutely huge through a decent rig with the sound set just perfectly. I thought I was the only one![/quote] I've got the custom reissue. Cost about £90. A quick search on google finds it. I did pretty extensive research and the opinion seems to be that the reissue is true to the original, built like a jeep too (ie not quite a tank, but you still won't break it unless you're trying damn hard). I play it with my ampeg B2 Combo, which is basically the head slotted in with a 15, and a 410HE. Buy it. NOW!
  5. I just had to get this one in as I can't find any other posts for it. I run: Ampeg sub octave -> Fender Blender -> Sansamp BDDI Three fantastic pedals, any one of them gives a killer sound, all 3 together is just monumental with a capital MM As a player in a three piece the blender is great for giving a guitar sound when needed, but I cannot recommend it highly enough. I almost didn't want to share because I am so happy with this sound I wanted to keep it for myself. I do only use it sparingly in the band set up for obvious reasons. Please try it. you do have to play for a little while when you get it to find the settings that are right for you, but now I've nailed the sound I want from it when its on I haven't had to tweak it in 6 months. If i get chance over the weekend I'll try and add some sound clips. If anyone else has used/uses one of these I'd love to hear what you think.
  6. If you're going for dirty, you could consider the Thunderverb 200. I am yet to find someone who has AB'd these two beasts to get a good comparison. I think GAK sells the TV200 for about 1100 quid. I have tried the AD though and it would be hard to beat.
  7. I note that your Orange AD200B fund is currently at the same level as mine! I guess that means that the 135 doesn't quite cut it in comparison. Still want it though. Anyway just a bump really, until that arm sells. Current asking price £400!
  8. Just trying to work out what I can sell to get this beast! One of my arms maybe? Oh wait...
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