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Posts posted by funkgod

  1. No words are needed, just give her this....:-)



    Joking aside,

    If ever you get asked " What do you think ?" the only way is to say something, and just be honest, as said she genuinely might not know, so can take two routes ,

    A, take the good advice and try and do something about it, help even, show her intervals, or

    B, call you a tosser and henceforth always be a bad singer, in which case she will find out eventually, and remember your good advice



    • Haha 1
  2. Hello All, just thought i would give a shout out to to the amazing talents of Doug wilkes.

    very little is known about dougs work by the most, but is in the more pro level shell we say, circles, doug is based in KEEL just off the M6

    doug has made guitars and basses for the likes of dave gilmour and sting and is a true custom builder of guitars and basses in that he does not have a template of one or two designs with a few options, doug will build you ANYTHING no matter how bizar, want a half mandolin half strat with a harp over the top doug will make it.

    He has been doing his thing for a loooong time now and has come up with some amazing designs, i remember in the late 80s a friend having a half fretted half fretless stick bass with slap plates at the begining of the neck to save the strings chewing up the wood, a great design, i was round his last night picking up a bass ( more later) where he produced one of these amazing things with a more modern john east preamp in, a really strange unique design ( its one of these i think sting has)

    so, my fender jazz fotoflame has on it the most amazing slim 62 neck which i love, but always though the body was a bit light and so not giving the low notes that tight bottom end which i love in my wal and G&Ls so guessing this was down to weight when i went to pick up my G&L he had done i got doug to have a look the fotoflame is starting to peel and is badly cracked on the body so something needed to be done, he  looked at it and said wait there, he came back with a slab of flame maple he had brought back with him from the usa years ago and said iv had this sitting around for a while now just waiting for the right job, and this is it, so a very very very reasonable priced was agreed, and left the jazz with him and my goodfellow to do a laquer crack,

    He is just ordering some nice wood from the usa so next in line is a flame maple jazz neck a replica of this 62 to go on the nice body he has made then i will put back together the fotoflame as original and hay presto i get a quality jazz based on the one i like,

    just as a side note here when you look on ebay for these fotoflame jazz basses and strats what you will find is loads of fotoflame strat bodies as guitar players have also jumped on to how good the necks are to play and are picking them up just for the necks then getting bodies made, then selling the bodies i think also the pickups on the strats are very good so also kept.

    sorry back to the story...I went to pick it up yesterday and here it is, turnaround less than 4 weeks, on the rear is heavy ASH and on the front is not just a veneer ohh no not good enough for doug, but a SLAB of flame maple bookmatched that half the thickness of the body all hand carved to get that rounded arm corner, he coulkd of split the slab into 3 and made 3 tops out of it easy, tried to show this in a pic, what you cant see is the finish its like a piece of glass 🙂 here also is my G&L L2000-E he did, before and after

    im really made up with both of them thanks so much doug your a star.

    Dougs site... http://wilkesguitars.co.uk/













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  3. ebay are getting more greedy by the year, remember when you sold some thing for £10 + £5 post  you was only charged 10% on your sell value not the post, but now as yall know they charge 10% on the full £15 you get, so now everyone had to put there post price up by 10% and what ever % paypall charge, fair enough so the only person who is loosing out here is the buyer, they are having to pay the extra if you put the extra on, if you do not it comes out of your pocket, which goes into ebays pocket thank you very much.

    I was selling classic car parts all over the world, selling heavy stuff overseas was a real pain in the crack, like post to austraila in my case once was £85 ! for something i sold for £30, this is where people take the pi@@, once they get the items  they just say  " not what i was expecting" or "there is a fault" i dont want it, , " please can i return it?" knowing you have to pay them their money back, and now your £85  out of pocket for what you spent on the post  AND you have to give them £85 to get it back as well,  so if you want it back it will cost you £170 or even more if the post price is higher , so they keep it, and get their refund. then they bar you from bidding on any of their stuff so you cant do it back to them.


    iv had my fill of ebay,

    Rant now over,,,,

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. i am not sure this will do for apple owen, but there is a guy on ebay selling off a few of the M-Audio R8, 8in and 8 out, with routing options, with an external power supply,  i got one to move my stereo mix from my d8b digi mixer to cubase via smpte to master and im very happy with it i am using it with windows 7 and cubase 5, and the driver works well in both, i offered the guy £50 for it so he will except £50, but check if you can get a driver for apple in case you are looking at it, but its a great little box i now use for all sorts of things.




  5. hi jazz , it wont sound any different, its purely looks, unless you change the tone cap value, otherwise  its still the same pickups going through a carbon track pot, show me the back side of it and i will send you a mod for it while you are putting it in, wont make it sound better but will be much more reliable 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  6. ouchhhh makes you wince as its going, mine fell over in the studio an 1830 thedore heuber and snapped the head clean off, i had popped out to get a coffee when i got back i wondered why everyone was just staring at me with white faces, my mate broke the ice by saying... " maybe it will play in tune now" 🙂 so you need one of these, what ever is holding this up .....


  7. On 24/04/2021 at 13:36, Barking Spiders said:

    What irks me about articles like these  and  'who's the greatest' polls is they assume there's no other music genre of note apart from rock. I could name scores of steel string acoustic, jazz, country, Flamenco and classical players off the top of my noggin who could've  played the @r$3 off Prince, Hendrix or pretty much most other rock players. For starters let's go with  Segovia, Paco de Lucia, Tommy Emmanuel, Albert Lee, Danny Gatton and Joe Pass.

    yep spot on.

    lets just say that word again " the greatest"........... ok, to who ? you !

    we all have our " greatest"

    for me, as much as admire fantastic players who have obviously put allot of time into their playing, and some pushing boundaries, i will never remember anything malmsteen, or mclaughlin has done yet i will remember stuff by george benson, knopfler, gilmour, carlton, jimmy herring, wayne johnson even zappa because those guys play with melody and its melody that catches my ear, its that that i hum walking down the st, im not saying here that malmsteen, or mclaughlin and the like dont play with melody but just too much of the other stuff leaves me a bit cold and reaching for the FF to the next track.

    Regarding Clapton, i dont think he was overrated claption like it or not took music to another level in cream, all be it pushed by baker and bruce,  and was THE first publicly named rock GOD before the term was used for anyone, it was made for him. painted on the fence for all to see, also contrary to what most believe hendrix and clapton were very good friends, in fact it was clapton that was left waiting for him with a present of a left handed strat he was going to give him the night they had arranged to watch sly and the family stone, the night hendrix died.  i think Blackmore was better, and i think clapton and esp Blackmore were better than hendrix, hendrix was raw and ground braking no doubt ....but not better, ........to me.


  8. Cheers guys, thanks for the nice comments, yea made up with it, i will get some sound bits on youtube when i get the chance,

    Im now just thinking of adding a pull up switch to one of the pots, well...changing one of the pots sorry to one with a pull up switch to take out the tone cap and bypass it, so it goes full tone or add another value cap for a more trebly sound than the other one, so a bit of experimenting may be on the books soon, iv just fitted one to ians rick 4000 and makes a hell of a difference, so much more tone out of it now, i would say its transformed it to a much more usable tool. just my op. 

    we will see, thanks again guys.


    Thank you, thanks to doug, he is a bit of a star, he is just doing me a flame maple topped ash body for my fotoflame jazz bass, and refinishing the worn out body on my 82 wal, also doing a lacquer crack on my early goodfellow.

    and his prices are very good too, any repair work needed he is very VERY reasonable, yea give him a bell

    the bass is now done, as said i went for an antique finish, doug is very perticular about his finishes for example on this he did not just spray the edges black but hand done the finishe in an "antiquey" as he calls it brown and also adds something to the poly to blend in, a bit like a violin finish and its like a mirror, here ya go, thanks doug.

































    • Like 4
  10. yep, its crap,

    this whole subject presses more buttons than i can cope with......

     i work my tits off getting a studio together good enough to release good quality tracks, the hours involved getting them tracks together would scare people, the amount of years spent learning all the instruments played on them tracks, for what ? for others to earn money for all my hard work makes my blood boil.

    i put a post up a while ago saying "allot of times its our own fault for giving it away for nothing, i see people putting whole tracks on youtube, WHY, FFS all you have to do it put part of the track on youtube with a link to your site where if people like it they can pay for the down load, easy"

    so then i got into an argument with one guy saying " if we did not give it away for nothing, our songs would not get played at all "

    And thats what we are all up against !

  11. Everybody at some time has looked at a price and said to themselves " WHAT? FOR THAT ?"

    i know anything is worth what someone will pay for it, so im trying to think of basses that are really worth every penny against

    others which i would call just taking the pi@@

    so 1,  great value for money basses ? what is going at the mo which is great value for money ?

    for example im just looking at the sire marcus miller on ebay for 360 buy it now looks great  and when you stack that against a mex jazz for now 150 more or even a usa jazz to me its looking pritty good spec wise, but are they really worth it ? ( im looking for a fretless)

    and 2, which ones do you think is over inflated ?

    so... would anyone pay £7,749.00 for this



  12. i still have the original pots from my pro2E, pete said dump them and sent me some solid shaft ones like gray plastic you have to cut down slightly, i think i had to widen the holes slightly as well.

    Also done a number of jobs on my custom bass and for a few guys on here also, main problem when you get lack of punch and lowish power is the two electro caps by the transformer, if if goes dead completely or again intermittent on and off then there is an earth pin that goes right through the board to take it to the back of the board, i re soldered that and bingo, good as new, worth a check, what else,,,, oh yea the jack plug twisting when it becomes loose over the years of playing and it twists the button cap leg shorting out something and also if it twists so far the tip of the jack plug connector that shuts of the battery will shot out against the back tone pot steel laminate, so if loose make sure you tighten it as soon as, you can do a mod or get it done at wal if its the older wal to have the battery shut off on the pot ( turn and click for off)  like the later ones.

    Just thinking about that, there is no reason you could not do that the the pro2E or 1E, so .... while you are fitting a new pot fit one with a master shut off switch also and switch out the earth ? save you taking the jack out and if like me you used one jack to the amp and the di to the desk then that would save you taking both out and looking for them when you go back on. 🙂 im sure paul could do something here.

  13. started off playing bass and piano  bit of guitar, banjo and slide and have always had a few flutes knocking about, and have been asked now and again to play  percussion which i love and have a great set up, but when i started to write and record my own tunes then that opened up a whole new world for me, 1 i got sick of asking brass players to do parts so i got a trombone then another then another got 4 now so i do all the trombone parts, no mad soloing just lines and melodies and then i started on trumpet so got  one then a better one then a better one again got 4 now, which im only good enough to get my lines down again no solo stuff, drums im not sure how i got into that or even when, just one of them things over the years again not to a  fantastic std but good enough to get the basics down on my tracks, and a blues harp gob iron iv had for years, so i play all these on my tracks to varying standards, crap on most but ok on a few, thank god for cut and paste 🙂

    so iv ended up with

    1 Bass ...... have a few of them

    2 Guitar, ...have a few of them

    3, drums ...acoustic and roland electronic kits

    4, percussion... congas/bongos timbs rotos and all sorts of things that go bang when you whack them.

    5 keys.... nord and CME UF8 and racks

    6 Flute,... 5 of them yamaha, TJ, bla bla bla

    7 Trombone, 4, jiggs king besson and a lovely 100+year old Hawks and son

    8 Trumpet, 4 of

    9 Banjo,...a nice old framus + steel guitar/dobro

    10, mouth organ.... not played that in years always had one in the car for boring trips and ques !

    BUt... iv just in the last year or so had the lust for a nice set of marimba/ vibes, think its roy ayers been seeping through all those years,  iv found my self checking out prices looking for space to put them, would love a nice set of them in the studio, pref ones with butterflys/rotating paddles from a motor in the resonator pipes ( like a mini leslie speaker in each pipe) maybe...one day ... when i can afford one

    ahhhh....thats it im off to look again, no harm looking 🙂


  14. On 21/01/2021 at 15:39, WinterMute said:

    I had to get rid of the barefaced Big twin for lack of space, my studio is a converted single garage circa 1920 I think... small anyway.

    I do try to keep the clutter down and the loft above holds all the cases etc.

    Works for me.


    IMG_6378 2.jpeg


    IMG_6379 2.jpeg

    MMMMMMMMMMMMM AMEK niiiiiiiccee,  gimme gimme. :-)

    • Like 2
  15. had one for a short while, sorry to say i did not like it, for me i need an all rounder bass, for all styles, what i found was for slapping it was useless as the neck pick up was really close to the neck and i need a bit of space there to get my fingers under the strings, if they had moved both pickups back a few inches then great, but , just could not get along with it so... back to the G&L.

  16. kit.jpeg.105fd2673a8324aa637fda398d90006c.jpegYou could try one of these 🙂


    Joking aside, in case you decide to get it out the bag, a great upgrade to your 550 is the DR880 which is a fantastic DM,  if mine broke today i would have another by tomorrow, all my tracks use this, i love it. sorry cant help with software though.

  17. Here are a few,

    of them all the two stand out ones the dark wal in the middle iv had since the 80s and nearly worn it out so that is retired and the red 83 G&L L2000 is the only thing i have found to replace it in terms of power and the sound that i use, both are as good as each other for the same reason.  The very early ( first few months) thumb bass sounds great very clean sound but just cant play it live, i cant take my eyes of the fret board everything feels too fat left by a few fretts, and just cant get use to it, the green 6 string XB600 washburn for what i paid is a real surprise, such a great sound low action and nice fast slim neck for me is bang on, all my 6 string fretted stuff is done on that, i would put that per sound against anything, sometimes things just work at any price, this one for me is my proof, each to their own and all that 🙂 IMG_1360.jpg.b0c48f5183991828e3e5a65c801cc3eb.jpg



    • Like 4
  18. 2 hours ago, lowdown said:

     I have that Album, yes it is great.

    Terrific playing all round, and like you say, top notch arrangements. Especially the harmonising on the Winds and Brass.


    Ahhh i knew you would have it :-), it a very underlooked album, "beautiful" is a perfect descriptive word for it , what is great about it is.., although he did arranging for it, he did not impose himself anywhere he just let the arranging carry it and sat in it with just great complementary bass playing, now i have heard him play with Jacques Loussier on the Bach album and i cant listen to it, as good as it is its all just too 'Pianoy' and makes me feel miserable  for me "around about a bass" has far more scope and depth, i have not heard much of him playing with Miles yet, i will have to check some of that out, 

    each to their own and all that.


    @BigRedX 2000?? WAT....thats just piggery :-).... if only i had the space.

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