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Posts posted by funkgod

  1. Some mods that might help, given the pickups are ok....worth a try maybe.

    on some wiring the earth runs through the pot to the actual plate, so the control plate is the earth run to the jack socket, anything to save a bit of wire !, you could try to tighten all the pot screws and jack socket screw ?

    If you feel like a bit of a project then here are two mods that made mine much more reliable for over 20 odd years with no problems, ever. It also sorts out that crackly sound jazz's get when the jack socket gets a  baggy ring,  owww errrrr misses 🙂

    1, put a stereo jack socket in, this then will have a pin you can solder to that has a prong contact on to the sleeve of you input jack, as well as the ring of the socket.

    2, Run a solid piece of twin and earth copper wire over the top of all the pots right to the lug of the jack socket, then solder to top of pots and jack socket, with a bit of wire sleeving on it between the pots. then solder a link to the other earth lug on the jack socket, ( or just bend the end of the long one and do it in one)

    This is the Hogie 1, Mod

    simple, tidy, solid, reliable. 100% good sig.


    ( image is only to show the earth mod)




    • Thanks 1
  2. i would love to see this set


    SET 1

    Mr Blobby
    The smurf song
    Iv got a brand new combine harvister
    Muscat love
    MacArthur Park
    Ob-la-di ob-la-da
    Barbie Girl
    The Birdy song

    SET 2

    I Never Promised You A Rose Garden
    puppet on a string
    id like to teach the world to sing
    Billy dont be a Hero.
    disco duck.
    Mandy ( barry manilow)
    Some times when we touch.
    Witch Doctor - (Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah  Walla Walla Bing bong)
    itsy bitsy polka dot bikini
    monster mash

    ENCORE 1

    ......check out the two hand tappin on the guitar before van and steve v,

    ENCORE 2

    And this to end on, ...im sure Paul Young would want to forget this and wipe it of the face of the earth, Sorry Paul :-)



    • Haha 1
  3. It always amazes me that a back line of a band learn every note and are usually solid but for the most brass players who are reading always manage to fu@k up and play without commitment to notes and they are reading ! i think im going to adopt Mr Toscanini work practice and get my whip out 🙂

  4. Bass player needed for wirral based band gigs waiting. practice this week

    vocals, keys, guitar, drums and you.

    any age, all easy stuff, pref someone local,

    please pm me your number and i will pass it on

    1, Living For The City..............
    2,  Superstition.......................
    3, Turn Your Love Around........
    4, Piece Of My Heart..............
    5, Natural Woman or ..............
    I Can’t Stand The Rain or .......
    You Might Need Somebody...
    6, I Can’t Go For That............
    7, Steamy Windows...............
    8, Pink Cadillac......................
    9, Beggin’..............................
    10 Boogie Oogie Oogie..........
    11 Locked Out Of Heaven......
    12 Lost In Music....................

    Set 2

    1,  I Can Make You Feel Good....
    2, If I Can’t Have You.................
    3, Valerie..................................
    4, Never Forget You .................
    5, If I Ain’t Got You...................
    6, Master Blaster .....................
    7, Band Of Gold.......................
    8, Forget You...........................
    9, Signed, Sealed, Delivered ....
    10, Le Freak............................
    11, Uptown Funk......................
    12, Run Away Baby..................
    13, Get Lucky..........................
    14, Good Times.......................

    15, september

    16, Nights On Broadway (Candi Staton version)

  5. I am interested to see how many musicians think music is getting worse, cant just be me. i will be honest i don't know what is in the charts right now, i think as we get older we choose a direction and tend to explore that to the point of it getting so involved everything goes by the way side, i am very guilty of this, on saying this i do believe music is getting worse. here is a vid, i wonder how many people agree with this, and the big question for those that agree  is there a way back ?

    i realise this topic is going to open a few cans, so i am going to try add a poll to see if you agree with the vid or not. Be interesting to see the outcome.

    The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful.


  6. There is going to be arguments for and against this topic, i think its sad that you are not even allowed to even talk about a chord in a song with out some sort of copyright infringement,  on saying that we can argue that yes you can talk about it you just can not make money talking about it, so once your video on you tube starts to make money for say a million views then that money would be taken away from you because of copyright infringement, i am wondering how deep that rabbit hole can go ? for example at your next bass bash if you paid for a famous bass player to come and chat about playing bass, if he talks about other bass lines other than his own then going on the above would he have to give his cash to universal music group ? going on this maybe he would, . i have a feeling its about to get worse, i have a vid on youtube showing how to connect two digi mixers, not in the manuals, never been done before, it took allot of working out, if my vid gets enough views to make money, (not that i did it for that) could that then be taken away as i am using a branded product to make that vid ? i think so, it would be never ending, sad really,  just another way to stifle creativity,

    your thoughts ?



    • Sad 2
  7. Not bass gear...unless you use a wedge as a monitor, but a great idea anyway, how about stage monitor wedges, that when you clip two together they make a box to stop them falling all over the place in the van and to save space, you could even make them stackable  and get 4 of them in a nice neat box, it cant be hard can it ? would surly sell like jaffa cakes.

    • Like 1
  8. Samson Q3 microphone, studio use only for sax, trumpet and trombone, or drums
    perfect working order,.


    Designed to excel in kick drum and instrument miking applications, the Q3 provides consistent output with unmatched sound in high SPL situations. The Q3 can be rotated up to 90 degrees for easy positioning. This microphone brings great sound without feedback to any stage or studio.

    Neodymium element delivers maximum output
    Hypercardioid pattern reduces feedback
    Mic rotates 90 degrees for easy positioning
    Transformerless design reproduces extended low end frequencies with minimal distortion
    Aluminum humbucking voice coil
    Switchable 10 dB pad facilitates use with high sound pressure level sources such as bass drums
    Switchable 12 dB per octave high pass filter helps eliminate stage rumble
    Triple-plated multi-stage windscreen allows close proximity use with minimal noise
    Multi-axis shock-mount mic element enables quiet performance
    Sturdy Zinc casing and "anti dent" ring
    Foam-lined carry case, mic clip and "Euro-metric" mic stand adapter included
    Gold-plated balanced XLR connector for maximum conductivity


  9. im going to go for the SWR red head.

    When fender took over, im not sure whether they made it any better or worse,  but i think people just did not like it cus it was fender ? but in any case sales fell when they took over, now ... here is my thought on it, i may be wrong ! i think the original pre fender super red head had a great following being helped promoted by the likes of marcus miller which helped define his sound, Now... the bass community is a small patriotic bunch that likes to follow our fave product and in our own way help support that product, and the red head had its following, it had been going a fair amount of time before being sold to fender for 8 million in 2003, so, long enough for most bass players to have heard of them before fender and they either passed it by or went with it, so its established core users were already there, ... when fender took over they had ideas of revamping and selling more units, as is the idea of most bigger company's  when they take over a smaller company, ...you can guess what happend, yea, they never got their sales they wanted and so about 10 years later fender axed it, and i think nearly all swr products, a shame,  i think for the red head i dont think fender had anywhere to go with it, as swr had already engineered a product that you could not squeeze anymore power out of a small box with two 10" speakers, so in terms of power v size and features and sound it was already at its pinnacle.  I am not sure if there is a market now for a new red head as most bass players will see right through it as making cash from an old name, but i would not mind seeing a new incarnation of it just to see what could be done, weight cold be one thing !.. i love my super red head and will use it till it falls to bits or blows up, i don't think there will be another to take its place, we will see.......

    here is fenders list and history of swr products. interesting.


    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Nicko said:

    Bass payer, solo record.  Be afraid.  I'd probably pay $30 to not listen to it

    In fairness, i have his first solo album, some killer tracks on it. and for the most its mainly the tower of power rhythm section,

    it even inspired me write a song we still do live  called "Everyone on the funk bus"

    should be interesting to see who he uses for this project. i think if gariboldi, and thompson are on it then its going to be good to go, and if he gets bruce conte or jeff tamelier as well then whats there not to like, we will see, i hope he gives jimmy herring a call tho, then that would really be something, else.


    • Like 1
  11. On 07/06/2019 at 11:16, Doctor J said:

    It largely depends on what it is you're trying to cut through. There is no default "cuts-through" EQ setting. If the other components of your band push the same frequencies do you, then you're all fighting over the same sonic space and it sounds like mush. You've got to work with the other instruments, give each other room. Generally, definition will come from mids and high frequencies so, unless the other instruments are thin and trebly sounding, you won't hear yourself if your tone is all low end. You've got to have mids in there. Don't set your bass tone in isolation. What sounds good on its own frequently sounds crap in the context of other instruments.

    bang on this is right, with one addition if i may, All Basses are not made equal, all have different frequency's that want to jump right out the bass, two basses the same wont sound the same, that peak frequency will be different in each one, and also how you play it, for example... i play in a 9 piece soul band, i can not use my active jazz for that, its not deep enough to create that tight bottom warmth thats needed for this as all of the higher frequencys are already taken up by keys guitar sax trombone trumpet the only place left for me to shine through is in the lower end and for that i use a 82 G&L L2000E which has a very tight low end sound, due to the powerful  humbuckers...Now for my funk band and the 80s band i use the G&L but any slappy songs gets done on the jazz with MEC gold active single coilsto cut through which is more middy treble sounding aka marcus miller, perfect for them songs, my G&L is far too bassy and low end power to slap you would need dam good speakers to stop them popping, even when you roll back the bass, its still too bass heavy for them types of songs, though does have very good slappy sound of its own,  so all in all if i want to cut heads of i use the jazz, if i want to wack them in the face with a cricket bat i use the G&L, ..thats as far as i know really, here are my to weapons of choice,


  12. On 11/05/2019 at 20:41, musicbassman said:

    Janelle Monae? Run of the mill? Aww, c'mon !


    yep bang on, i was reading through all this thinking that everyone had missed janelle, her band is killer and she is such a great front person out of all them bands on i would of gone just too see her and the band, here is another version.....


  13. aawwww go on then another one, last one promise....

    Any one remember Bus stop by The Fat Back Band, ? cool track no doubt, but has anyone heard Chaka Khan's use of that as backing track version ? she did a really cool vid for it, those of you with a sharp eye and a long memory may recognize 1 iconic dancer from back in the "Soul Train" days.

    inspiring for ideas...


    original version...

    Chaka's version, well backing track anyway.


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