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Everything posted by funkgod

  1. Hi lowdown, big fan of JTQ been to see them about 10 times have about 18 cds, also have B.N.Heavies but like Jtq pref their early stuff when it was rawer. i was in a Acid Jazz band about that time very early 90s "wait a minute" then was my bible we use to do about 7 tracks of that album, such a great Album that is. Went to watch them at the Manchester Academy a few times had great nights there, 93 with "k-creative" backing ( remember them?) was there also in 98, so was made up when they released " whole lot of love live 98 at the Academy". i think i pref them with Gary on bass it had more drive then, If you liked that rawnes in ya funk you might want to check out garys other bands, he has done some top draw projects that really is worth a mention. https://www.youtube....31901FA676EB88C https://www.youtube....h?v=g6lqQHVlsws Also "Smoove and Turrell" are doing the rounds at the mo and well worth a peek. https://www.youtube....h?v=J-3Pe1eob5A Im still hoping New Cool Collective will come over to the uk, my cash is waiting, cant wait for that... https://www.youtube....h?v=cwybOlUNB9g
  2. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1480004509' post='3180959'] (OwEn) [/quote] ahh buggir. sos, amindid
  3. yea, bang on he reminds me of louis johnson, has the same technique and power only much more developed.
  4. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1479933323' post='3180443'] It shall be so. [/quote] Owen , you da man looking forward to that, cheers
  5. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1479551470' post='3177380'] CAKE! [/quote] Owin, if you go to the NW bass bash would you be taking along your 5 string double ? im dying to see that, just too see if my hands can cope with a 5, as im on the look out for a doublebass again, and what the sound is like. cheers
  6. Funk,,, maceo said "its what you dont play"... Great ..im off to the pub then. I dont think that line captures more than what this song creates, the great melvin davis captures this well, its all about timing,,,, https://www.youtube....h?v=UUu0DNPlv5Y oh and some melvin... ( slap haters turn off now !) https://www.youtube....h?v=fYFlNRnfPSM Just got given 2 cds by brian Culbertson, " bringing back the funk "is well worth checking out, https://www.amazon.com/Bringing-Back-Funk-Brian-Culbertson/dp/B0017ZU3F4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479929621&sr=8-1&keywords=bringing+back+the+funk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCopcNpzc60
  7. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1479901094' post='3180099'] I wonder if adding a small circular neodymium magnet under the polepieces of the G string would help without affecting tone too much. I've heard about people adding a couple of magnets like that for higher output... I have no direct experience on that. [/quote] hi yep been there too, iv still got a load of varying sizes, as tried it on jazz basses as well, i never really liked it, in fact on weak jazz pickups i think it made them even worse if ever you took them off, it sort of demagged them ??. (unless that was a perception of it being louder before??) sure loads of guys on here are well versed to giving good advice about this, but yes dabbled in that also, but in the end just did what i did above,
  8. A lot of stingrays have this issue, moving the pickup for most does not really sort the Issue out for one that is bad as the four middle poles are higher so if you raise the bottom of the pick up to try and make the g louder the d gets louder, The main prob really comes into play when I play swing or walking bass lines when I move to the g all the loudness drops out. There is a cure I have done and covered this before, Now here is my disclaimer .... I have done this to all my stingrays and works great, up to you if you want to try it, or get advice first.... The four middle poles will push down, don't attempt to raise the end ones as the coils are wrapped around these and so a lot of tension on them , but if you press down gently but firmly the middle four will go down and even out all the poles, then when you raise the pickup the g will be as loud as the a an d , I can post a pic if wanted of all my poles flat inline, makes a big difference, Now will say again, only try this if it's really bad as a last resort before say changing the pickup, and if you are not up to it, then get advice about it, Hope it helps here is the pickup after the pole height adjustment, its now so much better. ( for me) [attachment=232578:IMG_1026.jpg]
  9. Call them with the freephone number they will sort it out right away, they are quite helpful on the phone,
  10. I can bring some rare and interesting thingys, for yall to try. Wal...83 Goodfellow classic .....1986/7 number 42, one of bernies kirtchen table ones. G&L L2000E.......... a very rare 1980 Musicman sabre ... 79 Fender jazz fotoflame..... Fender Jazz in metalic burnt tangereen,,,, and the HK 6 string fretless Amazing value for money. Amps i can bring some SWR stuff Swr red head, 2x10 combo Swr red head 2x10 combo with swr 2x10 ext cab Swr SM500 pro Swr 6x10 Goliath And the 'has to be tried to be believed' Boss RV3, digi Reverb and delay in one, As I think you fretless guys are going to love that. [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Funkgod[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Lurksalot - Spector Euro4 , Spector Legend4, TC RH750 , TC RS212 & RS210[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Mr Zed [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Les[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]ChunkyMunky - Musicman Bongo 5HH, Genz Benz Shuttle 12.0[/font][/color]
  11. Room is £60 for the 6 hours. Sunday12th of Feb. for between 12 and 6, 1, Hot food to order 2, big room 3, stage 4 bar 5, seating area. 6, free parking right out side 7, small pa. 8, ( i can if needed provide a larger pa if needed) 9, easy to get too by cheshire oaks. post code = CH65 6QF. phone number, contact details and map.... [url="http://www.whitbyclub.com/contact/4570950131"]http://www.whitbyclu...tact/4570950131[/url] Just need to confirm it YEA NAY ??? if there is any cash left over can i nominate backford hospital ? as one option. or the bass chat forum fund.
  12. Hi All, up date... been down and have provisionally booked Sunday12th of Feb. for between 12 and 6, the place has to be empty by 6:30 for the bowlers. deb and neil are going to have a chat about a price and get back to me. soon as i get the call i will put the post up here and see if we can meet that. back later.
  13. ok cheers kev al pop in tomorrow
  14. I will check on the price of the room and times then, if i go from say 12 to be out by 6 as i think on sundays they have bowling in there later on is that long enough ? al get back to you as soon as, If i book the room, would someone else like to take over the rest of what goes on ? (as i have not a clue )
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1478264733' post='3167999'] All suggestions are wasted on a guy like this. You meet a lot of them in the blues world. It's where many of the Luddites end up. The truth is that most of the songs he deigns to play would have been played differently by the original artist on takes 1and 2. We played a bluesy version of a Sting song at a blues club and half of them loved it, but the other half looked very uncomfortable. [/quote] Its a shame the british blues fraternity has not moved on, i get what you are saying, i was in a 12 piece blues band doing bang upto date stuff from mainly the usa and when we played fests yes alot of people would say what a blast of fresh air, but you would get the pipe smokin crowd saying thats not blues.... christ, move on, all that was done 40/50 years ago and its getting a bit yawney now. dont get me wrong i love blues, but if i go in a pub and hear another version of red house al scream
  16. AHHH my bag, if you want to get away from the norm pub blues that has been done to death and do something fresh, here are some ideas. have done a bit of a mix of ideas, all good enough to prick the ears up of anyone. 1, Maybe someday baby,,,,,,,, delbert mcClinton [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3kVx47xXjk"]https://www.youtube....h?v=u3kVx47xXjk[/url] 2, thats what love will make you do.....junior wells ([url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRj_1vSu83M"]https://www.youtube....h?v=SRj_1vSu83M[/url] ) this is not the J wells version its hard to find but worth the effort. 3 you can't fool me ................lucky peterson.... again hard to get but worth it ... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQPXk6Go3Cg&index=46&list=PLYc0FapKFwGr5j_4tTIxVgkZ_9bnrvIry"]https://www.youtube....IxVgkZ_9bnrvIry[/url] NOTE he did a blues version or Purple rain that i have not heard anyone cover.. worth a look 4 why me...............................delbert mcClinton. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRwWVI_KFpg"]https://www.youtube....h?v=sRwWVI_KFpg[/url] 5 nickles and dimes...................LLoyd jones 6, anything by LLoyd jones !!! check him out... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK16VsWFyjg&list=PLaorFmmzsPLgllb-P_NwxEL_jCxCgetrW"]https://www.youtube....NwxEL_jCxCgetrW[/url] 7 diggin on james brown ............tower of power [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfj8zxGos10"]https://www.youtube....h?v=hfj8zxGos10[/url] 8, boys ars back in town ............bus boys [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltFdS0SJ41s"]https://www.youtube....h?v=ltFdS0SJ41s[/url] 9 surely......................................colin james [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVwMltjWYT8"]https://www.youtube....h?v=hVwMltjWYT8[/url] anything by colin james and the little big band 10 tumble weed ..........................coco [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIpPzn9uAKU"]https://www.youtube....h?v=xIpPzn9uAKU[/url]
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1478183517' post='3167360'] You can have a sh*t in one hand and wish in the other, see what you are left with [/quote] Stored ready for use, cheers A local lad stevie riks does these great vids. check out these Elvis meets John Lennon [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfskjv-pOTY"]www.youtube....h?v=dfskjv-pOTY[/url] Ringo makes Toast [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE45EM4POsw"]https://www.youtube....h?v=XE45EM4POsw[/url] Paul Macca makes a cup of tea.. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omt9NwR2njs"]https://www.youtube....h?v=omt9NwR2njs[/url]
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1478002395' post='3165851'] +2 Long walk, short pier. [/quote] +3 100 yard dash in a 10 yard room. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1478001497' post='3165834'] he did the work without consulting you first. You have no obligations [/quote] Cheddatom is right, it ends right there he/she could of asked you to take it back first, if it was that bad.
  19. thank you all very much for all your input and efforts. Yall really helped, cheers bigred, cheers for all that, it was very indepth and helpfull thanks for taking the time to do that, top guy im sure it will be helpfull for loads on here. we should have a sticky on this subject, mods ? i will have a good read through all the info sent, keep yall posted what choices were made and why but looking upto now like Prs is good to go.
  20. Ok, I have been down there for a chat, we can have if wanted a sunday afternoon in say feb. ( or any time) food wise they can do a set price buffet or better still you can just order food from a menu and just pay for what you order, Now i dont know how this works so please bear with me... 1) is it just for bass chatters ? ( in which case there may be a fee for the room if not many in.) or 2) can this be open to public ticket sales, ? in which case they will let us have the room free if its akined to a charity. now i have used the room a few times free raising cash for Backford hospital which is a hospital for the terminally ill, hospice of the good shepherd, so very worthwhile, [url="http://www.hospiceofthegoodshepherd.com/who-we-are-chester-hospice/"]http://www.hospiceof...hester-hospice/[/url] so if it is "2" then there are some local bass luthers, and also the ones you all know could get involved setting up stalls maybe, and i know one or two "very well known" bass players that might be willing to give us a chat, As said i dont know how these things work, and i know its not Manchester, but anyway its an option for a start.
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1478033414' post='3166275'] What does the MU have to say on the subject..? [/quote] Could not find alot about this. from what i have read from ambients link to prs [url="http://www.prsformusic.com/aboutus/FAQs/copyrightfaqs/Pages/default.aspx"]http://www.prsformus...es/default.aspx[/url] What happens to your rights when you become a PRS for Music member? When joining as a [i]PRS member [/i]your rights are transferred to us. These are:[list] [*]to perform the music in the public, such as concerts, pubs and shops [*]to communicate the music to the public, via broadcast, on demand services, internet services, satellite and cable transmissions and more. [/list] Are they just the same as what sentric are doing? [url="http://www.sentricmusic.com/whatwedo"]http://www.sentricmusic.com/whatwedo[/url] and will collect a % for services offered ? sorry this is all new to me so if joining sentric would i be handing over the rights to my music so they can collect any fees for use and just take their cut. ( they do state you are not tied to them by contract and can opt out and go to another publisher with 28 days notice. so 20% of collected ( if any) i would not know if thats good or bad ? I will have a scoot about see what other sites offer.
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1478031832' post='3166244'] This many be a reasonable starting point, maybe..? [url="http://www.musiciansunion.org.uk/Home/Advice/Your-Career/Legal/Copyright-and-Performers-Rights-FAQs"]Musician's Union: Copyright and other FAQ's ...[/url] I don't think you'd have to pay a percentage to any organisation for dealing with this (one doesn't in France, at least; the UK may be [s]behind the times[/s] different in this...). [/quote] Merci,, très utile juste ce dont j'avais besoin Cheers dad that was very helpfull, straight to the points without all the fodder. interesting bits.... "Unlike some countries, such as the USA where copyright requires registration to gain full protection (see [b][url="http://copyright.gov/"]copyright.gov[/url][/b]), in the UK, copyright in a work comes into existence when the work is created. However, since there is no copyright in an idea, the Act spells out that musical works, literary works and dramatic works only come into existence as works capable of copyright protection once the work has been recorded in writing or otherwise. Therefore, music (musical works) and lyrics (literary works) only acquire copyright once written down, or recorded on tape or disc, or into a computer, etc, and do not have copyright while only in your head. Rather strangely, this means that if you improvise a new musical work with your band on stage and someone in the audience bootlegs you, the new work gains copyright protection only because of the bootleg recording. If it was not bootlegged, the new work would have no copyright protection." [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1478031970' post='3166247'] [url="http://www.prsformusic.com/aboutus/FAQs/copyrightfaqs/Pages/default.aspx"]http://www.prsformus...es/default.aspx[/url] [/quote] Cheers Ambient, yea that confirms what dad sent, thanks ok thats sorts copyright out, ( i think ) what about the next stage royalties and the collection of, is 20% good for this ?
  23. Hi all i know this subject has been touched on before, and i have back read over old threads, I just want to get uptated, i have about 2 or 3 cds worth of original tracks which we want to copyright, as we have had a few members in the band now who have been and gone, ( with our tracks as mp3, ) i write the songs with the singer and we record and produce them, I have been told we should get them copyrighted. can anyone offer good advice on where to go and pit falls. also is music is copyrighted at time of production of the tracks?, (proof being owner of the original stem files ? (all played by me, and singer)). i have just been directed to a site called sentric music "to do it all with ease" ?. [url="http://www.sentricmusic.com/whatwedo"]http://www.sentricmusic.com/whatwedo[/url] the site offers us to copyright our tracks, and will collect royalties and put them into an account. for this they charge 20% of the taking of any royalties, is this good ? are there any other sites or options we are thinking of releasing 3 ep cds and a 12 track cd soon available for downloads as well. so just want everything right before we get to that stage. Thanks for any help here edit.. oh.. is putting your tracks on soundcloud classed as good enough, as they would be time stamped at time of upload ?
  24. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1477949985' post='3165530'] I still end up referring to that place as the Shell Club ! Are Sundays a good time for the room there ? if so, then I guess we just need an idea of costs and hang a date out to see who can make it . I am not sure a full PA is needed , but its a great offer, I suppose it depends on what the objectives of the attendees is , if it is just a touchy feely mess around on as much kit as you can , then just a bit of space and a few hours is probably all thats required . [/quote] Yep, me too, I had to look up the new name as I keep forgetting it, will always be the shell club in my mind. Sunday's, I will ask about tomorow, The pa idea was good to go in case someone had an idea of use, or knew someone who wanted to give a talk, Keep you posted,
  25. Regarding a place to go ..... there is an option by me, I know its not Manchester, but just as an option incase someone wants to do one in the area. its in ellesmere port, so is central for wirral manchester Chester North wales Liverpool. Wrexham Northwhich its just off the M53 by cheshire oaks ( very easy to get too) Its got a big room with good stage, dance floor there is a divided seating area and a bar and i think if asked they can put on food to order big car park, and i think i may be able to get it for not alot of cash ( he might even let us use it free if we can get a fair few in with food) its at the Whitby sports and social club [url="http://www.whitbyclub.com/"]http://www.whitbyclub.com/[/url] I could ask if someone else wanted to take up the organisation side ? i could also help out by setting up a quality pa, if a band wanted to host to do bassey thingys , (not forgetting its a bass bash.) and ideas, like.. could we do a reverb pedal and a wah pedal shoot out ? if everyone brings theirs we could try them. I dont really know what else to suggest to help get it going.
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