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Everything posted by funkgod

  1. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1476572670' post='3155395'] Might be the standard Wal Mk 1 Matt lacquer which is very thin and allows the grain to show through a bit. Very unusual, quite unlike a poly or nitro-cellulose gloss finish. As I recall it was melamine based. Of course, without looking it's difficult to tell and in that transitional phase who knows what Ian and Pete were trying out. Still, the level of work required in a shellac finish does make it seem an unlikely choice. Never know, though. [/quote] Hi trev prob pending how much time they had on their hands at the time, mine is 82 and is definitely wax polished finished, i remember pete talking about it when i had another refinished, if i had another one made i would go for body stripes and a hand finish
  2. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1477347867' post='3161691'] When you copy / paste the YT link , take out the letter 'S' from the https bit and ipsofacto, you will get the vid showing [/quote] cheers fleebag al try that. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1477349705' post='3161705'] Funny that as that's pretty much where I'm at as well Love my Wal as it is a joy, so easy to play and sits so well in a mix. She's semi retired now after 35 years of hard graft with me for the L2500's, but still comes out to play for the occasional prog gig and rather more regular & laid back originals band. It'll be the last bass to leave me. [/quote] its funny how many wal players tend to also go for the G&L, when i was teaching bass some ( a few of them are on here) who also have wal basses also have and mainly use G&L, one who had a few wals said due to the places he plays, he was too scared to take them out, so after trying a few basses he ended up like you with a very nice L2500. and loves it,.
  3. [quote name='davegriffiths91' timestamp='1477237063' post='3160758'] I'm tempted by this. I literally live around the corner! [/quote] Hi dave, they are supporting craig charles doing his funk dj show at the live rooms should be good,
  4. hi specto, Wal-elitism (Walism)..... welllll, i did not want to say so .... but yea, i like to think so Joking aside, i use my G&L more than my wal now, been using mine for 30 years and the poor thing has done it all without a single moan, when i say done it all, to put that into perspective, its on its 3rd wal case, its done ALOT, so now its sort of retired, I did have a problem replacing it, the only thing i found ( and i have alot of basses to choose from) is a G&L L2000 the heavy older ones. (But esp the E series with mk 1 pre amp) has not got the tone scope of the wal but has the power and feels right. Edit.. ( if any one has an E series G&L (fretless or natural necked ) please get intouch, cheers)
  5. Anyone going to watch Smoove and Turrell Chester 5th nov ? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-3Pe1eob5A"]https://www.youtube....h?v=J-3Pe1eob5A[/url]
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1455384817' post='2978694'] I've never looked cool in my life!! Apart from that, I've been through my very loud shirt phase and now I'm into black; black jeans from M&S and black polo shirts from Primark. [/quote] cool, but you have to have the white levi jacket as well im going for white jeans black polo/ or t shirt and white levi jacket and cool 60s chelsea boots , [attachment=230588:co2.jpeg] Bass gear, my girlfriend got me one of those tshirts from asda years ago wth the monkey playng a double bass.......... But,,,, it was a valentine's tshirt and the monkey had a rose in his mouth .. so i got a sharpie and coloured it in so you can't see it, i like it now.
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1477218475' post='3160578'] We are told (with some vehemence...) in another topic, that, with judicious EQ from a Good PA System, one may get a more-than-adequate bass drum sound from a humble biscuit tin (this may be slight exaggeration...), but even a modest drum can become great through FOH just by fx. Would this not make redundant the need for a Wal to get 'that' sound, as, presumably, it could be 'dialled in' with modern technology..? I'm not convinced, myself, but some would argue the case, I think. [/quote] hi dad, you not being convinced is right, in this case the old saying is 100% true.. sh!t in, sh!t out. The source has to be good. There are some sounds a wal can get that no other bass on the planet can get. here is one if your into dub reggae or ragga, pick up pot to neck pick up only neck tone to "0" pot pulled out vol pot 10 also pulled out for pick attack. that sound is the lowest bass sound i have ever heard but still has a high click to it, but still tight sounding, you wont find that on any other bass. wal players will know what i mean big fat and lush,
  8. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1477173176' post='3160398'] Alan Spenner... what a bass genius! Mind you, Gary Tibbs wasn't to shabby on his Wal nor was Johnny Gus on a Wal bass built by Wal before he built Wal basses... Thoroughly Waltastic band, Roxy! [/quote] He was, i think if there was ever a single note that you could say thats a wal "al name that in one" that 1 note in avalon just pops right out at you
  9. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1477172626' post='3160394'] Those deserve a proper embed... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2V-VzQ8kV0[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pv-Iokvimc[/media] [/quote] they do, i dont know why my links come up as lines?. every time i hear him i just want to play along, just for that tone.
  10. If you want a bass to punch through the mix tight and punchy a wal is as good as it gets. here is the late [u]great [/u]"Alan Spenner" showing how to punch through a mix, you gotta love his playing....enjoy [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2V-VzQ8kV0"]https://www.youtube....h?v=o2V-VzQ8kV0[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pv-Iokvimc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=1pv-Iokvimc[/url]
  11. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1477061553' post='3159627'] Yes, lovely tone and excellent playing. David Paton on a defretted Musicman. I love how the line develops and builds. One of my favourite all time albums as well. I still have my Vinyl copy upstairs somewhere. Apart from stunning playing from Rocco and David Garibald on the album, the Brass and Wind Harmonizing is top dollar. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlLVRGb7g7Q&index=3&list=PLG2na-qjU_4qSht7FO2LYmIk9ZWjuNLv8[/media] Oh go on then. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7T5rVp6hWA&index=5&list=PLG2na-qjU_4qSht7FO2LYmIk9ZWjuNLv8[/media] [/quote] Ah you have good taste, loads of fantastic moments on that Lp, i love that seamless change in squib cakes just before the hammond solo where it goes to hammond bass pedals, ( about from 4:10 of your clip) took me ages to learn that before i realised it was chester thompson. real bass comes back in about 6:50. i was in a funk band years ago that did that track and when it came to that bit i had to learn it as the key player could not do it, there is an awkward little bit in it i found tasking to get right.from about 5:15 on, again ... timing ! "just when we start making it" has one of the best changes in feel i have ever heard, the bit about 4:44 after the drum roll where it goes into swing, rocco's playing there is fantastic, he manages to keep the swing feel but also keep his signiture feel by putting in them quad note runs, when i play swing i cant help but do this now, i just cant stop doin it also, have you ever tried to get that feel on " can't you see " the timing in the gaps in his playing all the way through it, masterfull. i got the chop always reminds me of the jackson 5, .... id better stop now, al be here all day.
  12. Has to be the one that made me pick up the bass in the first place 35 years ago, and the one i still aspire to, Squib cakes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvJH0x1CTho a track on my all time fave album Tower of Power Back to oakland, my daughter has just found a mint copy for my birthday, iv now got the old one framed in the studio. all the Inspiration i will ever need is contained right there. And cus i dont want to leave it out, "For once in my life" i dont think i will ever come up with a line as beautiful as that.
  13. [quote name='pineweasel' timestamp='1476376027' post='3153803'] Interesting reading regarding the "crossover" era. Here's my example, PB1805, which has a solid body of, I think, mahogany, and inlaid stripes on the front and back. I've never seen another Wal quite like it [attachment=229846:Wal.jpg] [/quote] Wow they are all coming out now, noticed yours has the pro2E jack casting, does it have the earth lift flip switch on it ? is it also french polished ? I think if i had one made it would be a MK1 and would have to have the stripes on the body, thats Fab. Should start a PB porn thread,
  14. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1476295075' post='3153162'] No, the back is as per pic below. I know Pete was experimenting with laminates back around the time this was made with a few different ideas kicking around, there's a couple on the Wal database - yours is likely there? With regards to the finish, I don't think it's lacquered, as it's not too shiny - a lot of the sheen, especially on the front appears to have faded in the near 37 years it's been around. This is P.B 1848. Did yours have a switch on the Vol control? Basking in the sunlight [/quote] Pb 1848, only 11 away im not sure if the alleged 6, were in the format of body stripes on front and back as after a quick check pb1633 was the same, and the earlyst one on the database, so looking like more than 6 ( the number 6 came from notes from Mick Cookson about pb1859) Yes there are a few of mine on that database including 1859. yes Wal and pete were experimenting with all sorts about that time as i also had a bass pete called the "TUFA" a one off during that time they were toying with laminate tops this being one of the ones done to test the stresses and strains of the construction, very nice playing bass with the pro neck which i think had the two pegs you could see at the end of the head stock where the two carbon strips under the fretboard terminated, Has yours got these ? when i took it to him to be refinished he was gobsmacked it was still around, i cant remember why he called it " tufa" im sure he said tufa wood top but cant find any wood calld tufa, only volcanic rock, something to do with the weight of the dam thing maybe . yes pb1859 had a battery off switch on the vol pot, its looking then yours is hand french polished the same, and not refinished ( thank god), As you prob already know Wal and pete kept a book with all sorts of info in ( his wal Bible) im not sure but im guessing paul will have this now, if you contact paul he wil have the right info on your bass, including who originally purchased it and finish. Very nice to see it, made my day when i saw it,
  15. yep, they are still going strong, did a gig with them a couple of months ago ( backing) in frodsham out door fest, sound as good as ever, If you get the chance try and catch them live, they also do some nice versions of songs worth catching. well done lads keep going.
  16. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1476199967' post='3152235'] I have a 1980 Custom, and it does sound great - it sounds very compressed on the bridge pickup fully on with a very nice attack/bite to all the strings - I rarely use the neck pickup although I sometimes blend a wee bit in to add a bit of girth. No other bass sounds like it, although a Stingray can sound close (ish) in my opinion, but is a bit more aggressive. My Stingray (and my RAY34 for that matter) feel nicer to play as well, and the weight is not so bad with a neoprene Mega strap. I'm gonna have a local builder make me a fretless neck sometime... D. oh, and here it is.. [/quote] Now that is nice and interesting, .... wal never made alot of basses with multi body cent lines, and definitaly not with twin ( triple really) sandwich layers between the core and top, each side. ?? i think he made about 6 brothers, yours if the same is only the 3rd one i have seen. this looks like a LH version of my old one which i had for a while and sold to mike G, USA Think he still has it. which was the Last Pro bass made number PB1859, is the back the same as this ??? [url="http://www4.cs.fau.de/~koesters/Privat/Wal/walspec.html"]http://www4.cs.fau.d...al/walspec.html[/url] (pics taken by me) [attachment=229721:PB1859.jpg] [attachment=229722:PB1859-2.jpg] Edit,,, sorry another question, Mine and the other one i have seen were both hand waxed french polished and not lacquered, (as is the one i still have now). when pete refinished PB1859 for me he did say the others were hand polished. Is yours ?
  17. [quote name='Agwin' timestamp='1476118287' post='3151494'] Certificate printed and on the fridge - thanks Dad [/quote] Well done agwin, and quite right as well, it was well played. And hay..... al be baaak... (done in my naff terminator type voice) with me new strings
  18. great bass playing paul, good to hear a stingray with the treble backed off before it gets to clicky, i liked both versions of the the song, but can see the disco version being more appealing for radio use and the like. the quality of the video and editing on the youtube clip, looks top draw, who did that ? hats off to who ever did that. As big red says, cant wait to hear the unmastered version to hear what was done for the money, what about a sound cloud link when voting is over? Great stuff, hope it does well, voted and fingers crossed.
  19. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1475762658' post='3148564'] It appears that there is a petition to stop folks moving into areas adjacent to known music venues and then complaining about the noise until the venue is closed down, depriving both venue workers and bands of employment. As the MU say, "Keep music live." [url="https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/168135"]https://petition.par...etitions/168135[/url] [/quote] good call ez, 7940 is me, need at least another 2060 give it up yall, a good cause.
  20. Looked like a great day, sorry i missed it, sold my double bass a short while ago, got an accustic fretless to do the DB gigs with, but its not the same, so this has got me gassing again. im off to ebay right now
  21. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1475574642' post='3146958'] I recently sold an ancient, large and heavy (29Kg) yamaha stage piano on ebay, Eventually sold it for £62 to a charming chap who turned up to collect it on a vespa. He got it home too! [/quote] Should of got a photo [attachment=229262:piano.jpg]
  22. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1475518387' post='3146580'] I can't risk sending kit worth as much as a bass guitar if I know the insurance is worthless - hell, I don't know why we have to pay insurance ON TOP OF the cost to send parcels anyway. Talk about advertising incompetence. [/quote] indeed, and its getting worse, have you seen the list of things that are not insured by some couriers ? for example my hermes (not that you would ever use them for sending anything over £50. ) here is their list....[list] [*]Antiques (objects over 100 years old) [*]Any dangerous, hazardous or prohibited goods (as detailed in our Prohibited Goods section) [*]Articles made largely or wholly of gold, silver or other precious metals [*]Items made of or containing glass [*]Ceramic or composite items of any description including without limitation glass, mirrored items, crystal, ceramics, porcelain, plaster, marble, china, stone, slate, resin, granite, concrete (or any item containing these materials) [*]Items which have been strapped together [*]Diamonds and other precious stones with a value in excess of £250 [*]Eggs [*]TV's & Monitors [*]Liquid food items or items contained in glass or ceramics - (all liquids are prohibited) [*]Any foods solid or liquid contained in glass or ceramics - (all liquids are prohibited) [*]Frozen food [*]Chilled food [*]Perishable food [*]Fire Extinguishers [*]Fossils, Stones, Stoneware [*]Furniture (Unless flat packed) [*]Flat packed furniture with sharp metal edges [*]Human and animal remains including, without limitation, ashes [*]Jewellery with a value over £250 or antique items [*]Marble or any stone derivative [*]Bankers' drafts [*]Current bank notes [*]Currency notes or coins [*]Credit cards / debit cards [*]Uncrossed postal orders which do not state to whom they are to be paid [*]Cheques or dividend warrants which are uncrossed and made payable to the bearer [*]Bearer securities including share warrants [*]Scripts or subscription certificates [*]Bonds or relative coupons un-franked postage or revenue stamps (except a revenue stamp embossed or impressed on an instrument which has been executed) [*]Coupons, Vouchers, Tokens, Stamps [*]Lottery tickets, scratch cards or similar [*]Items which can be exchanged by themselves or with any other item for money or goods or services [*]National insurance stamps [*]All tickets including travel and events [*]Musical instrument hard cases and suitcases when used as external packaging [*]Musical instruments [*]Negotiable documents [*]Perishable goods [*]Plants, seeds, flowers, and plant derivatives [*]Real fur [*]Resin items, amber and composites [*]SIM cards [*]Watches over £250 or antique items [*]Tobacco and Tobacco products. [/list] did you notice sub sections in there also.. "Items which have been strapped together" "prohibited goods" Which is another list and.. "Musical instrument hard cases and suitcases when used as external packaging" so a flight case is not insured which is the best packing you can get?
  23. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1475268651' post='3144686'] I have fretted and fretless US L2500's that I use for most gigs. Great sounding solid punchy basses and I love them almost as much as my Wal. [/quote] hi wal man, yep, i have said it before that my L2000 is the closest thing i can get to my wal in terms of power, it has not got the range but all main freq that i use on the wal is about there on the G&L and its as punchy and tight sounding, my wal is heavy and i like heavy basses, my red 83 L2000 is swamp ash and that weighs a ton but sounds the mutz nutz and a joy to play. good shout needphreid and walman L2500 and L2000 for sale in Scotland [url="http://ayrguitar.com/products/guitars/?type=bass"]http://ayrguitar.com...tars/?type=bass[/url]
  24. Ash, you should of kept that fotoflame jazz you had gettin very hard to get now.
  25. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1475269162' post='3144690'] Cracking, I like the earlier ones without the eye gouger too although it does look ok with the 5 string layout. I do wonder why he went three bolt though it was never great all THREE times he tried it! [/quote] Hi pete yea bit of a strange one that, just wondering if he change to 4 bolt while he was still working there ? i have an 81 an 83 and an 87 all with 3 bolt necks i think he died in 91, so prob stayed with that design till the end Funny enough non of them have that nasty dead spot about C# , D, on the Gstring all 3 are clear as a bell there with long sustain, ,,,,, mmmmmmmm, maybe something there.... mmmmmmmm edit... just checked he died March 21, 1991... So..... who has a 1991 G&L ??? might be worth checking the date it was made
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