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Everything posted by funkgod

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1475259849' post='3144578'] SKOLS Noodle Bar? I'm sure Twincam will have something to say about that... [/quote] ahhhhh crap, of course, cheers edited
  2. there are only a few so far, so common bit of support,,,, it will take yall 10 mins, lets av em.
  3. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1474887439' post='3141213'] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyK0y02HvVc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=KyK0y02HvVc[/url] [/quote] I take it back, this is so much better. EPIC Keef is now my stage advice Guru.
  4. OWWWWWWwwww go on then, It's just so adorable, i can't help showing it off I think this 35 year old one is one of only a couple of E series in the uk, some info on the early L2000E you might find interesting, Some of this I have not put in the comparison between this and a sabre. [url="http://basschat.co.u...stant-brothers/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/190734-79-sabre-v-81-gl-2000e-not-very-distant-brothers/[/url] 1) The fingerboard on the Early L2000E and some early L2000 is unstained Ebony not rosewood. 2) Leo curved the finger board bottom like he did on the early fender basses see pic. 3) The L2000E had a skunk stripe down the back of the neck on both maple and ebony boards. 4) Leo also went back to the 3 screw tilt neck, From L2000E and then on to the L2000 5) Slot pole pieces, When you move these 90 Deg slot inline with string or across, it sounds different, slightly. 6) The L2000E and for the first year had "Schaller" stamped tuners, with the norm alloy tuning heads to cut down weight. 7) Like the early Musicmans Leo started the serial numbers off from B00... 8) Series 1 pre amps together with the early slot pickups on the early L2000E the OP is huge so were tamed down as were too powerful i think the transients from the pups were too much and were blowing chips, anyone with info on this ? EDIT..... just found this from a post basses from Leo forum... explains "8" a bit better... "The first E's had a preamp that did not allow the treble knob to function when the bridge pup is solo'ed. This was due to the early E preamps' chip not being able to handle the hard transients generated by the MFD's. The second generation E preamp was slightly tweaked with capacitors, and allowed the treble control to function in all positions,including the bridge pup solo'ed. E's and later L2000's all used the same preamp from early 1982 to 1992. Sound differences? Second-gen preamps sound clean and deep, adding big lows and highs that are not harsh or tinny. The bottom end on first-gen preamps can knock down buildings. Nothing sounds as mammoth as a first-gen E in OMG mode, and add in slot pole pickups, you can adversely affect the sperm count of the first 20 rows" Thanks El tookay. [attachment=228966:IMG_0992.jpg] [attachment=228973:IMG_0995.jpg] [attachment=228967:IMG_1000.jpg] [attachment=228968:IMG_1002.jpg] [attachment=228969:IMG_1010.jpg] [attachment=228970:IMG_1003.jpg] [attachment=228971:IMG_1005.jpg] [attachment=228972:IMG_0994.jpg] [attachment=228974:IMG_1004.jpg]
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1474994961' post='3142167'] hey, what happened to the amazing post you had before!? [/quote] i edited it, and thought i had posted 2 the same, so i edited 1 of them to the post above only to realise after i pressed post i had lost it, i was so miffed i could not be bothered to do it again bugger
  6. Some great looking basses and guitars on the G&L site, If I could afford it I would love an asat guitar, next on my list I think.
  7. here is how you deal with it, 2:10 of this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uai7M4RpoLU
  8. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1474703181' post='3139906'] I was concerned about the lack of a tone control but my worries were unfounded, I reckon Leo got it right. After a little experimenting and blending of the two volumes, I could get all the tonal variations that I wanted. [/quote] Hi Gary how are are you ? the early L2000 and the L2000E did the same thing in passive mode, no tone just two volumes. the two outer pots were the same volume, the middle one did nothing. a strange choice.
  9. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1474630855' post='3139394'] First time I've seen/heard "King Thumb" actually playing with a band! Quite a tasty player! As is this guy - Jodie Bremaneson of Skerryvore. With a lovely blue G&L... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KexIrXcxVHE[/media] [/quote] Cool Clip, enjoyed that, Henry Thomas is a fantastic player, very tastfull playing and is up there with the best of them. dont see him with his wal any more, mainly his very early G&L and his westone thunder, Would love to get him on bass chat, could open a thred called ask henry .. Mods ? [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1474632708' post='3139423'] No mention of Cass Lewis yet? [/quote] pete, any clips ?
  10. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1474562824' post='3138861'] It's the venerable Wal in full active mode going into a one channel of a DBX compressor - set with some limiter gain, half attack and long release/medium ratio into a 3 Leaf envelope follower pedal (Bass Direct do them), then into the other channel of compression with more limiter gain, less attack, higher ratio and more release and recorded direct onto Ableton 9. I've been known to use the 3Leaf, plus a Qtron and DOD envelope pedals driven by Darkglass tube distortion - which gives a most interesting effect! [/quote] 3 Leaf will check that out, i do use the qtron on a few songs but this sounds more ,,,, fluid. you say your wal is going into it,... when i use my wal into the qtron its almost like its overdriving it so i had to put a volume knob on the qtron. i have the same problem with the G&L , as both active and high o/p but when i use my jazz it seems to wah better,,, so i dont think the qtron likes a hi input sig,,,, have you found anything like this ?
  11. Good Enough for henry larry and bernard, its good enough for me, here is some G&L porn,,, the power of the L2000...E. henry thomas [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yao64rkG1Uk"]https://www.youtube....h?v=Yao64rkG1Uk[/url] Larry graham [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-vPM-MlCLs"]https://www.youtube....h?v=s-vPM-MlCLs[/url] bernard Edwards [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14kXaX5D6Ng"]https://www.youtube....h?v=14kXaX5D6Ng[/url] So you say to people when asked, what do you use, "a G&L" and they say... what? whats that ? does not help not being able to find any as stock in shops, so people cant see or try them, i think the importer is JHS but why are they not advertised over here ? [url="http://www.glguitars.com/"]http://www.glguitars.com/[/url]
  12. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1474535562' post='3138594'] I thought I'd do a beautiful melody evoking that feeling of autumnal colour, kids scuffing leaves and playing conkers, hot chocolate round the fire and burning folks who've tried to blow up parliament. Then I thought, sod that, I'll do this instead: [url="https://soundcloud.com/leonard-smalls/really-free-man"]https://soundcloud.c...really-free-man[/url] [/quote] Len what pedal did you use for that ?... i want one [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1474504305' post='3138502'] What a nice little piece, indeed very mellow. [/quote] Cheers, wish i had wrote it, credit should go to "wayne Johnson" mine is a bass adaptation of a very nice track called "Marina" from the "Wayne johnson Trio" album is called "Grasshopper". Very hard to get on cd, but worth tracking down if not just for some of the best bass playing iv have ever heard by Jimmy Johnson, its a must have for anyone who like melodic bass playing, and top draw guitar and drums without it getting too tec arsey. i like yours i can hear the theme you was aiming for in the playing, it does capture that chaos well. well done.
  13. i stand behind our singer, i could attach one of these to the back of his neck, when he sings flat i could kick him on his right side and he could adjust, when he is sharp i kick his left side. only trouble is, he is so sh*t ........ at the end of the gig he would have to go to hospital
  14. Comon yall lets have them noodles here is my quick noodle, something mellow.....( Not the norm ) inspiration from "wayne johnson", Marina. hard to squeeze into one min, but fun trying. (dont know if its ok but bass content starts at 0:03 and finishes at 1.03, but the clip does not finish till 1:08 with quiet ends, is that ok? .... if not i will chop the quiet ends off to fit) bass= washburn XB600 Ped= Boss RV3 on setting 4, vol 1 pre A = SWR super RedHead di out [url="https://soundcloud.com/mr-funky-7/bass-noodle-1/s-t0zZH"]https://soundcloud.c...oodle-1/s-t0zZH[/url]
  15. Its just what you get use to at the end of the day, fo eg, i have a few pairs of headphones by Beyer like dt100 and some beyer dt100 canford compensated in the studio as that is what some people like. But me, i cant stand them, i think they sound god awfull, talk about bad bass. i have some cheap AKG K44 had them years, and i love them, i can hear things better in them, so... when i mix a track for cd using them i know what the bass will sound like on a cd and i know what the cymbals will sound like and everything inbetween on a car cd player and an MP3. If i use the Beyers my mix will be all over the place on cd because i cant hear bass very well in them so will add more in the headphones to get what i am use too, result is a bass heavy mix on cd and mp3. so its just what you get use to, if you keep changing you have to re eq your head if that makes sense. monitors im using the Roland DS-90s which have been fab, [url="http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/DS90/"]http://www.sweetwate...re/detail/DS90/[/url] But my back up pair, which are not bad but will be a jump in quality for you against pc speakers are good old tannoy reveal actives you can get on ebay for less than £100, quick look and found these for 80 quid with 4 hours left to go. here ya go... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tannoy-Active-Reveal-Near-field-Monitors-/232082219025?hash=item36092da011:g:rr8AAOSwOyJX2UXw"]http://www.ebay.co.u...r8AAOSwOyJX2UXw[/url] but as markstuk says these newer ones are a great deal. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/tannoy-reveal-402-monitor-speakers-/152244353068"]http://www.ebay.co.u...s-/152244353068[/url] but just like dt100s its just what you get use to.
  16. sounds great to me, used my jd at a few functions, tis indeed a good all rounder, even more suprising at the end of the night when you get your spot you play it cool and do a solo with your fingers, " Well..... i was'nt expecting that"
  17. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1473003234' post='3125932'] Playing with a 50s rock 'n' roll band this weekend, an audience member came up and said "do you know any Oasis?". It's stuff like this that happens all the time now. Having been around the live scene for the best part of 30 years I can only agree with the general replies here so far. I guess for me it's in my blood and I can't imagine not doing it. My view is I always play to whoever is there and try not to sulk / strop when playing to 6 people who are only half watching. [/quote] do you know any Oasis? i think he must have been taking the pi@@ the !w@. should of dedicated the next 3 in a row, R&R songs to him. Thats the spirit, im like you, wont ever give in, keep the faith
  18. Nothing worse, scumbags, will also keep a look out. Good shout bluejay.
  19. Cus yours is a 4x10 In this case, one good thing you can do to help that will give best results is get the bass cab off the stage floor ! Good big lockable wheels help as they add an air gap. i do pa hire, and the same prob happens alot, and the best thing is a stand. easy for combos, 2x10, and 4x10 (not so easy with 6 and 8x10) . it has to be a stand, not a box of some sort like the drummers plastic bass drum case, it will still be there just not as bad and add boom. I always for the last 25 years use a stand, used it with my old set up, a trace 4x10 and trace 350, and now with a swr redhead 2x10 some times with a swr 2x10 ext cab, so i can have the redhead on a stand and the 2 x 10 on the floor under it, and if i get boom unplug it or put it on the stand, done. This also helps do two things, 1, because the cab is high, about back height, you can hear what you are playing much much clearer and.... you dont have to have it as loud on stage, win win. 2, if you set up next to the drummer and he uses a monitor you can put his monitor under the stand saving stage space, for functions you can wrap black cloth around hiding the stand and the bass drum monitor just leaving your cab in the air, looks very tidy, win win. so recap... win win + win win= win win win win folds up, and you can use it for all sorts, if you dont use it your guitarist will, if he does not clame it the key player will, and if he does not the sound guy will for the desk, so is just dam handy to have. just had a quick look, these are very strong, height and width adjustable. (look for "keyboard table") look for a strong square tube leg rather than a round tube leg worth a go, Hope it helps, something like this.... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PROFESSIONAL-KEYBOARD-TABLE-STAND-DJ-EQUIPMENT-NOTEBOOK-TURNTABLE-MIXER-FOLDABLE-/281424882678?hash=item41863aebf6:g:iKYAAOSwSHZWcwWg#ht_6648wt_1028"]http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_6648wt_1028[/url]
  20. yep, had a few amps over the years with valves in, At mo im using swr gear which has 12ax7, a red head in the studio another red head for small gigs and an sm500 for bigger gigs. I got some "MESSA" valves from ebay the ones in the black and white boxes....run a mile, they are awfull, the only time my redhead broke at a gig was when i put one of these in that day to try, mid song just a very loud distorted buzzing, nearly took the speakers of the amp and pa out, lucky i had the one i had taken out in my spares box. i also put one in the red head in the studio but took it out right away and binned them. found the best one for my amp was the original one that was in it, and have an old mullard that sounds good for live with a good strong kick ass o/p, but found it just slightly buzzy for studio, i think alot of copys are on ebay so now i always order from source. As Colin says "Watford valves" are great guys who know their stuff, and fantastic backup. they do all the "stars" amps and can tell you who is using what and more importantly... why. cant go wrong there You buy cheap, you buy twice... in this case... maybe alot more.
  21. [quote name='dontregartha' timestamp='1473284721' post='3128789'] With you all the way there. As the bass player in a seven piece Funk Band - apart from our keys player who must be some kind of octopus...! the bass player has a sh*t load of stuff to learn for a set. But you have to learn it so you can then start to FEEL it and lock with the drummer. You can't do that if you're reading the dots or tabs. Yeah a good horn player makes it come alive and I know they need the dots to work well together, but learning it is the only way. [/quote] Cool, send me PM with a link to your band, and al put a link on our site, trying to communitise funk bands ... ("communitise" ? i dont think thats a word..... sounds good tho, am usin it) We have an idea to do a "funkfest" soon, so its good to get contacts. but yea, dotts for practice, but on stage i want to see movement ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb-YiYyo9tw
  22. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1WuLUkd-lI"]https://www.youtube....h?v=p1WuLUkd-lI[/url]
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT1iDKkZNYU
  24. Hi Greek, not seen that before, cheers but here is abit of a gem,...... i get great ideas from a funk radio station in the usa called "wefunk" hosted by guys who really ( REALLY) know their stuff. every show is archived so you can back over them and catch some awsome artists you will have not heard of before, a real eye opener to some of the unheared of talent ( over here) that is still keeping the funk alive, also have some great intresting inside info we can learn from, For eg, if you check out the stevie wonder 867 show there is a conversation about "fulfillingness first finale " interesting. now im a huge stevie wonder fan and i have never caught stevie calling out the jackson five before the "do wapp" chants but he does and it was the jackson five doing them vocals, cool, check it out, so it has great info as well. so back to your point, yea i get some great ideas listening to that show. enjoy... http://www.wefunkradio.com/show/867#play_aa
  25. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1472667573' post='3123146'] Geezer Butler? Pffft! [/quote] yea, i got geezer,,,, what a crock.... i want my money back.
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