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Everything posted by funkgod

  1. I played in one well known local band for 15 years, was out all the time set hardly changed, in the end the reason i left it had become so boring, you just become numb to it all, then went to a jam night.... What a BUZZ.. i had forgoten what that felt like, it was the reason i started playing, it catapulted me right back to when i started like a wake up slap in the face
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1441292954' post='2857667'] Yup, they are particularly useful for newbs. You get stage time in a relatively friendly atmosphere, you get to play with a variety of different musicians, you get exposed to a much wider range of music than perhaps you expect. Above all, you learn to pay attention to what other musicians are doing and playing so that you don't get left behind by an unexpected change or repeat, so that you can spot when the guitarist has decided to take a second solo, etc. And you learn to wing it, to busk a tune you've never played before, to vamp on a chord while the singer tries to remember the next verse, to recover from mistakes (yours, and those of others). I've never once regretted learning these things. Yes, you can make useful connections too. Not always, but sometimes. My main band (Junkyard Dogs) still has as its core me plus two guys who met at a regular jam session, while another band (Sapphire Grooves) has as its core me plus two other guys who met at a regular jam session. [/quote] All that. Reading some of the other posts, i think It is good for pro's also to do this, nothing worse than arsey pros that cant be arsed to let their hair down have a laugh and give others the benifit of what you can offer them, its unbuyable pr, Reading Rick wakemans book there is a great bit where he regularly goes down to the jam night and mucks in ( then hired the jam night band to do the whole king Arthur shows, like it was nothing..... "what you doin on friday bob,,, eeerrr playin a gig at the mucky duck,,,,,,, Oh fancy a gig on sat then !!!) Also i know so called pro players that as good as they are they would not dare do a jam night, it takes them out of their confort zone, to scared to be seen making a mistake. Turn up muck in and enjoy, a learning curve for all levels
  3. Going to have to do two here if you dont mind... Alan Whites solo Album "Ramshackled" of all the yes spin offs and solo stuff this was by far the best. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi60D3fms2M"]https://www.youtube....h?v=hi60D3fms2M[/url] And one of the biggest ripped influences check out Labi siffre, Remember my song.. everyone had a piece of Labi, Madness, it must be love, eminm, i got the. And hold on is that JK i hear in the vulture ? phrasing, tone, style, could almost be a jamiroquai blue print. anyway a great album [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn0EaB4pXPs"]https://www.youtube....h?v=yn0EaB4pXPs[/url]
  4. Easy, Tower of power, Back to Oakland. I have prob 800 funk, soul, acid jazz rare groove, cds from old to bang uptodate , stuff from the great stuff Freestyle rechords is putting out to all the stuff from the mighty New cool collective as well as new stuff from the usa, but of them all I keep going back too "Back to oakland" My last birthday I was 50 and my daughter managed to find a great condition copy of it. In the 80s while all my friends were into new wave, pop, charts, rock, I remember playing it to my friends, as excited as I was with TOP no one was really into it. As well as yes, rush, and the temptations, I was really into Tower of power, I remember getting a copy of back to Oakland and being just floored by the track squib cakes everything about that track made me want to play, I wanted so bad to play like that, That LP moulded the way I play, think, listened and expected how a band should sound in terms of tightness, level of playing, attitude everything and also as it turns out, how I now think about writing songs. Back to Oakland came out in 1974, can you believe that ,74 ?, bump city came out in 72 ! as much as I love bumpcity in 72 must have been such a buzz, I like Back T.O more for nostalgic reasons, I feel I have learnt so much from that than any other album, and im still learning from it, for eg ,on squib cakes about ¾ the way through the way the bass gives way to chester thompsons Hammond bass peddles is just seamless magic, I spent so much time trying to get that groove them peddles were getting, fantastic phrasing, and check out one of the best style changes I have ever heard ,that change from ballad to fantastic sounding swing off a snare roll, in about 4:45 of “ just when we start makin it” And although its swing , rocco still sounds like rocco and manages to keep his signiture style of quad chromatic runs and funk feel locked in.. Check it out Magic. Also new cool collective is a very close 2nd along with James Brown/Maceo/Byrd[sup] [/sup] [quote name='CHW' timestamp='1439478898' post='2843238'] Corduroy- Dad Man Cat [/quote] Yep, dead man cat good shout,, but they also did the worst one ... the awfull "Click" party to the bus stop, NJK Millunnium, cloud nine Jazz in the Present Tense by the Solsonics is very good and a really great Album by "The sound Stylististics" called deep funk which is our own Gary crockett on the freestyle lable. [url="http://www.freestylerecords.co.uk/"]http://www.freestylerecords.co.uk/[/url] while we are on about Gary Crockett ( dont worry al be finished in a min ).. As welll as the in your face stuff hi did with the Perceptions ( well worth a look) he did another rare unheard of cd Album called Interstellar in a band called "The Super-Phonics" which is like a crossover Acid Jazz/Disco project featuring all the guys from the Sound Stylistics. It never sold much and was meant for Japan but has a load of very catchy gems on it which will take you right back to chic, including one ' Studio 55 ' which is a bit like' Get Lucky ' but 6 years earlier !!, here ya go... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Interstellar-Super-Phonics/dp/B000Y19E5W/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1441102500&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co...41102500&sr=1-1[/url] Sorry just caught myself waffeling, once i start... ok....al get me coat
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1440330981' post='2849840'] I'm planning to try this as soon as I migrate from bass to mouse on stage. [/quote] Great idea, then if you skype all you need is this.... no more back ache or late nights... feet up.. beer ...gig [url="http://www.bgfl.org/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/music/piano/double_bass.htm"]http://www.bgfl.org/...double_bass.htm[/url]
  6. god ...im crap i keep gettin 50. eeerrrrmmmm anyway... its grooveless... yea.. and i always play infront of the beat anyway.... and eerrr im using an old mouse.....
  7. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1436510286' post='2818649'] Obnoxious old bastard and not as good a drummer as he thinks he is. [/quote] [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1436462855' post='2818383'] No amount of talent excuses being that obnoxious. [/quote] [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1436460342' post='2818349'] Dreadful man, dreadful drummer (IMO), great film. [/quote] all these,
  8. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1437648344' post='2827791'] Maybe you mean " I wish I knew how ( it would feel to be free ) " by Billy Taylor . If so , then good call ! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brBtTluod_w[/media] Also covered by Nina Simone , The Lighthouse Family and maybe others ; [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sEP0-8VAow[/media] [/quote] ah yea great song we use to do the jools holland version.
  9. dont you just want it, it could inspire you to write your next classic and its got 3 locks on the door to keep all your goodies safe and sound. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FREE-garden-shed-Preston-/131562327920?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1ea1b9cf70#ht_334wt_975"]http://www.ebay.co.u...70#ht_334wt_975[/url]
  10. ( if you want a killer sing along track try,,,,, wait for it.... Bob the builder,,,,,,,,,, but punked) live and let die,,,,,,,,,,,,,macca. miss bitch.... new cool collective Always goes down well when we do it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-kxKq_A0XY
  11. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1436369354' post='2817598'] Not interested in any of the streaming services until they start paying the artists a fair share. Until that happens I'll keep buying the old fashioned way. [/quote] bang on, very intresting read, cheers, It said very clearly what i already had in my head, and have long supported this.
  12. yep i got ripped off, i paid for a pair of tannoy speakers through Paypall to a guy, studio owner as well, in luton, they never arrived, he never had no proof of sending, he said he would pay me back, as he never sent them in the first place, he just out and out robbed me and was smarmy about it... So next time i pass luton, im 100% booking in to the studio and if no cash i WILL be taking their worth in mics + fuel + he is getting an Archy before i go !, maybe 2 An archy ... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N7NTHSdquw"]https://www.youtube....h?v=2N7NTHSdquw[/url]
  13. Maybe a bit overkill/ pricey for what you want, but incase you see one cheap The Roland boss dr880 is da bomb. here is about as much as i know on it, maybe helpfull... I have been through ez drummer and other software drums although a while ago now, i will have to have a look at some now as i know they have got alot better, but IMHO in terms of sound quality, then, they were not a patch on the dr880, you just got so much more with it The sound samples in the dr880 are huge and are real studio quality with nothing added these samples are as good and the same as the later Roland td kits, I have the td12 updated kit and the sounds in the Dr 880 are as good. You really can't tell the difference between this and a real kit, Usability and programming is very good, songs don't feel like loops, loads of options here. You can also put your bass through it or guitar for some great preamps and effects, I use the power bass patch on every track, if you like funk it ads punch to the track with out it being muddy, Of all the 500 preset loops there is also a bass track with different styles and sounds you can play as well, so if say your Latin is not upto scratch this then is a great learning tool, You can also add these bass sounds and styles in your drum tracks in different keys to suit your song, In the end it becomes so intuative that you can't be with out it, I would be lost with out mine and if it broke I would replace tomorow, Some may say a tad expensive at 450ish but it still selling like hot cakes tells you a lot, and I think it's worth every penny, you can check them out on YouTube and I know dawsons have them in, worth a look at least, quick demo... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJWfNxImK08"]https://www.youtube....h?v=vJWfNxImK08[/url] review... [url="http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/DR880"]http://www.sweetwate...re/detail/DR880[/url] manual and info.. [url="http://roland.com/support/article/?q=manuals&p=DR-880"]http://roland.com/su...anuals&p=DR-880[/url] [u]Down sides and poss future upgrades.....[/u] While you can separate the the drums to 4 individual outputs say bass drum master L, snare master R , hihat + congas and othes to individual A+B outs, and even then your guitar or bass to headphones out, i would like to see 8 individual outs to save all the drums on seperate tracks on my recorder.like what they did on the TD20 drum kit brain. This is one area where software drums win, and roland for the future i think should address this to keep up. [u]memory[/u] ,,, I have done 15 songs stored in the memory all ranging from 4 to 6 mins long, now it will store loads of songs but what sucks the memory up is you taking 1 of the 500 preset loops for say a verse and if you adapt it and save it as a user patch ( you can save up to 500 of these,,,,, the manual will tell you !!!) im up to 200 and i am now out of memory, so i would like to see a larger memory. Now thinking i have to save the songs, you can but the songs are not what is sucking the memory, its the adapted patches ( the songs are construced from a mixture of these adapted patches and whats in the pre set ones) so if you save the song but then get rid of a load of your user adapted patches, then when you play the song it will have holes in it where you have deleted parts to save memory, ,, if all that makes sence. when you do a midi memory bulk dump or back up it does not save the adapted patches. the only way you can save the songs is play them as midi out and save them in you seq on say cubase as midi, at least when played back through the dr880 its still the same patterns but may not be in cubase because of differing midi drum maps so.. a flash memory card here would be perfect to save all the user patches to sets of say 200 with the songs as well, as a connected job lot then at least i could save songs in banks of say 15 with the right patches,then just delete the memory on 880 and start again. I know you can use any software drum map and score say from cubase to control it, but i would like to see its own dedicated software to make editing even easier, and also with a drum score option to print out the drum score which is standard in the pro market now and also very handy as part of saving your songs history, and great to give drummers who can read to play live, or for studio time pre send them the score, it saves so much time, if the next version had these options as well as say downloadable drum samples update, it would be the perfect drum machine forever,
  14. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1436100634' post='2814908'] Basically, I'm very old, and old fashioned.....(46).... And I like CDs....there, I said it. Like everyone else in the world, switched to Amazon years ago for buying mine, but now noticed that their prices have crept up, and then they wanted postage if your order was below a tenner ( when most Cds are 9.99!!) and now, just seen they want to charge postage if order under £20!!! It's actually now cheaper to drive to town and get from my local HMV, which I am happy to do as I like browsing too, but are there any other decent sites that offer good value, or is ia a classic case of Amazon out pricing everyone til they go bust,then bumping prices back up, the capitalist dream in action? Second hand stuff via Amazon marketplace is still good value, maybe that's the best option? Cheers!!! [/quote] im a bit of a cd geek as well must be an age collecting thingy, thing, as i am even older than you ( alot) been collecting funk, acid jazz ,rare groove, jazz, fusion, ,,,, (you get the idea) for years must have well over a 1000 just funky stuff, most of mine came from amazon and about 50% of them less than 10p and even 1p yea you are right, a great selection for 1p i think zoverstocks have an automated system where by if someone goes on and put a cd on for 5p their system will reprice their copy ( if they have one) for 4p as it seems they are always the cheapest, alot will be 2nd hand and alot of overstock bulk buys but i have only sent about 2 or 3 back as most look new to me for those who have not tried it...... if you go here ( worth bookmarking the link) [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Popular-Music-Search/b/ref=sv_m_h__2?ie=UTF8&node=125554011"]http://www.amazon.co...&node=125554011[/url] type what you want for eg,,,,,, "james taylor quartet" click on price lowest first... bingo 1p cds some times you win and get what you want, worth a try..... ... on trying this out by typing funk in the keywords box i just found "When The Funk Hits The Fan" for ...1p quick check on youtube...... sold. ye haarrr...... oh hold on , im running out of space. ebay is good for that rare cd, i waited years to get wayne johnson grasshopper on cd as i loved the LP ( still have it) only 1 pops up now and again but with prices going to £235 used on amazon thought i would wait, and it paid off, i got it from ebay for £3..
  15. Doctor, doctor, i cant stop collecting basses but i can only play "What’s New Pussycat" Is this normal ???? Well, "its not unusual"
  16. so sad, also a big influence on my playing, had everything they ever did up to 90125 singles 12", LPs, and all the solo stuff by everyone in yes RIP chris. my fave Chris clip.... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo-lBnTc3So"]https://www.youtube....h?v=eo-lBnTc3So[/url]
  17. Wirral bass bash also?..ok better make it an even bigger shed. big J, was thinking of doing one a few years back. you there jay ? manchester would be good also, date pending. i could bring1 or 2 surprises and best of all i could bring ...... Biscuits yea.. not any old rich tea stale beer mat no no and thrice no, we are talking a quality biscuit here.. stand back,,, stand back,, no pushing please....... behold .....the ....... Lotus caramelised Biscuit ,
  18. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1435702272' post='2811736'] How come they did not charge you postage on a total spend of £14? Mind on the savings you have made even with 10 euros postage that was still a bargain [/quote] i had 10 euro credit for a review i did on another product ... AND IT GETS BETTER.... the best thing is after doing the above post i did the review on it and guess what ?? yep this morning i got another email from them saying cus i did the review on my card i got another 10 euro credit on my account not joking.... got the below email this morning so did the review on the caddy as well lets see if i get another 10 euros means i got the lot for...... eeerr nothing in fact they have paid me to take it away... life is just fab init Dear ........, Thank you for taking the trouble to leave product feedback on our website, thomann.de As we promised, we are now sending you a shopping voucher which you can redeem the next time you shop with us. Your Thomann shopping voucher: =========================== Your voucher number is: AM---------------------- The value of your voucher is: 10.00 EUR Your voucher is valid until: 31.10.2015 By the way: it's even easier now to leave feedback about your purchases on the Thoman customer centre feedback page: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/mythomann_prodrate.html"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/mythomann_prodrate.html[/url] Remember: at the moment, you get gift vouchers for every short review you submit. Further information about your voucher: ========================================= - You can redeem your voucher online. To do so, just click on the button "I would like to redeem a Thomann voucher" in the final window of your shopping basket (payment). A box will appear; please copy your voucher number into the box.
  19. if you pay through paypall there is no charge but i think paypalls exchange rates are a little iffy.. i got sent the invoice from thomann for €19.30 i paid through paypall at what [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]pay pall ch[/font]arge 1 GBP = 1.34425 EUR €19.30 = £14.36 GBP [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]now really the rate should have been...[/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]1 GBP = 1.4059 EUR (or.....1 EUR = 0.71128 GBP[/size][/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]...)[/size][/font] €19.30 = £13.72 GBP so paypall made 58p off me..just on the conversion i suspect tho that the more it is the less they take as a % on the rate. but no charge as that was taken out of what thoman get not what i sent. so now your probably wondering what on earth you can get from thomann for £14 ???? check it out, check it out,,,,,,THOMANN RULE OK i needed a new midi card for my mackie Hdr24 and a new drive rack for another storage hard drive (the pull out drive bay) RRP= updated midi card €403.68 [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/mackie_serial_9_interfacekarte.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...erfacekarte.htm[/url] Pull out drive bay €109 [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/mackie_media_tray.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._media_tray.htm[/url] Thats €512.68 worth of gear i needed for £14....... Yep £14 and they sent it [u]free[/u] and paid the paypall fees Im a very Happy Bunny Thanks Thomann, you have helped my beer fund tremendously
  20. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1434999656' post='2804625'] Two of my favs are Joss Stone's cover of L.O.V.E and TLC's waterfalls. Neither are particularly challenging or showy, I just regard them as two of my favs. [/quote] Never heard Joss Stone's cover of L.O.V.E before, just checked it out ...thats ace reminds me so much of "for once in my life" by stevie wonder which funny enough is my all time fave "beautiful" bass line Along with " Starchild" by Level 42, not hard... just so dam catchy [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcAcnp6d9wM"]https://www.youtube....h?v=mcAcnp6d9wM[/url] just noticed Phil Gould's strange drum style in that vid, left hand hihat right snare aka left handed ??
  21. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1387678531' post='2314538'] [/quote] Nice hat collection, im going to have to go for that top hat, but.... if you can get the tassle off a fez and put that on it and then may be the Mad hatter wording around it...cooool
  22. if you are using windows just for the music software ( which is prob best as you dont also want to use it for the home pc as too many things running will no doubt upset it) then you wont want all the rubbish you get with win 8, stick with 7 use it just for the program. and have another pc or pull out drive with win 8 on for home stuff. easy.
  23. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1433581348' post='2792212'] Cheers chaps! It's taken the best part of 6 months from start to finish, but I'm pleased with how it's turned out Better still my wife and our eldest have taken a keen interest in the old piano, so I'm envisioning our family becoming something akin to the Von Trapps if all goes to plan (minus the backdrop of Nazi occupation.., although our local authority has turned Tory again). I just need to find the time to get set up in there and start making noise - currently dealing with newborn baby needs: fluids in, fluids out [/quote] paul this just wont do mate, it just wont do, i feel like you are letting the side down badly............. where's the vital to any studio .....lava lamp ? ? tttssss tut tut..... you can redeem yourself tho.. its not too late, here ya go.... [url="http://www.glow.co.uk/lava-lamps.html"]http://www.glow.co.uk/lava-lamps.html[/url] ... looking great alot of work done there, what are the ceiling boxes made from ? the side ones look like fabric covered wood frames ? these gave me the idea for my ceiling .... my ceiling is bare at mo so looking at your ceiling boxes made me think of doing the same and suspending a sort of wooden framed fabric covered sound board in the middle only about 2 inches depth ( as i dont have your height) but about 5 foot by 4 foot would really help my room i think. All that aside i am more impressed in how you convinced mrs skol that it was not a garage you needed, but a studio ... all bow.. kudos kudos
  24. ye harr managed to do it..... soundcloud does not like win xp have downloaded some folk funk gospely blues all mainly done on the tascam msr 16 and rough mixed on my A&H GL3500 40... [attachment=194274:IMG_4877.jpg] funky idea, not finished yet hence out of tune guitar at end of verse and no brass yet and a nice folky one quite happy with the results i just have to finish them now.... [url="https://soundcloud.com/mr-funky-7/got-me-2-with-claps-rough-format"]https://soundcloud.c...ps-rough-format[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/mr-funky-7/butterfly-sue-rough-idea"]https://soundcloud.c...-sue-rough-idea[/url] @ dan... [quote name='dan_thebassman' timestamp='1432721039' post='2784201'] The first five are all analogue, the last 3 digital, judge for yourselves what sounds better, I know what I prefer! [url="https://soundcloud.com/paulhegleyband/sets/paul-hegley-band"]https://soundcloud.c...aul-hegley-band[/url] [/quote] thats cool some of it reminds me of early zep, and... something else. love when i hit the bottom, and tumbling down, its catchy and more to the point great results for analogue, perfect stuff for tape
  25. [quote name='dub_junkie' timestamp='1431212459' post='2768941'] Maybe a Boss RV5 for the modulation setting? I've owned a couple of thoseand regretted selling them afterwards both times.It was only the purchase of a Hardwire Supernatural which stopped me from missing the RV5. I use the supernatural on my guitar board but I do put my musicman silhouette baritone/bass guitar through it and it sounds brilliant. apart from a spring and plate it has some really great ethereal ambient shimmer type settings. [/quote] dub, have you looked at the older rv3 ?...... try it , its so much better than the 5,imho took this from another thread.... I have the TC Hall of Fame, but the one for me is a boss RV3 which is reverb and d. delay. if you can find one, its so much more than the hof, works fantastic for bass, no loss of volume or tone, the bottom end is still there, and not muddy, clear as a bell it has D,Delay as well, you can use just the reverbs or just the D.Delays or both together. also these are not just presets, well they are but are very controlable you can also use it on vocals in the studio, keys, guitar, or on anything really. Boss dont do this now and was only made for a short time from 94 to 2002, they pref selling you two pedles now ! guitarists love them and very rarely let them go hence not many around, but it has been overlooked by bass players, recorded with fretless bass its pure bliss, and sounds as good as anything i have heard on cd, loads of reviews if you google it Worth a try if you find one you wont be sorry. and hay if you dont like it ... sell it to me, ...but i bet you keep it, [url="http://www.bossus.com/products/rv-3/"]http://www.bossus.com/products/rv-3/[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVIjrEd4qvk"]https://www.youtube....h?v=TVIjrEd4qvk[/url] if you see one cheap snap it up, as the prices are on there way up... some info.. [font=Arial Black][size=5]RV-3 Digital Reverb/Delay[/size][/font] The RV-3 was launched in the mid 90s after 4 years without a Reverb pedal in the Boss lineup. The RV-3 is a combination reverb and delay pedal with four different reverb modes plus three delay modes with delay times up to 2000ms. There are an additional four modes that combines delay and room, hall or plate reverb types. The bottom label was changed from pink to dark gray, January 1999. [font=arial][size=2][b]Modes[/b] [/size][/font][list] [*]Mode 1: Delay 32ms-125ms [*]Mode 2: Delay 125ms-500ms [*]Mode 3: Delay 500ms-2s [*]Mode 4: Delay + Reverb: Room 1 [*]Mode 5: Delay + Reverb: Room 2 [*]Mode 6: Delay + Reverb: Hall [*]Mode 7: Delay + Reverb: Plate [*]Mode 8: Reverb: Room 1 (small) [*]Mode 9: Reverb: Room 2 (large) [*]Mode 10: Reverb: Hall [*]Mode 11: Reverb: Plate [/list] [font=arial][size=2][b]Features[/b] [/size][/font][list] [*]New DSP (Digital Signal Processor) developed for the RV-3 [*]Reverb effect gradually fading away when effect is turned off [*]Stereo outputs for 3D reverb sounds [/list] [b]Specifications[/b][list] [*][b]Controls: [/b]Balance, Tone, Reverb Time, 11-way mode switch [*][b]Connectors: [/b]Input, Outputs (A/MONO, , AC Adaptor [*][b]Current Draw: [/b]70 mA (DC 9V) [*][b]Weight: [/b]420 g (15 oz.) [*][b]A/D Conversion: [/b]16 bit linear, 128bit oversampling [*][b]D/A Conversion: [/b]16 bit [*][b]Sampling Frequency: [/b]32kHz [*][b]Recommended AC Adaptor: [/b]PSA Series [/list] [b]Labels[/b][list] [*][b]Pink[/b] - Made In [b]Taiwan[/b] [*][b]Dark Gray[/b] - Made In [b]Taiwan[/b] [/list] The RV-3 was sold from March 1994 to August 2002. [url="../../uploads/monthly_06_2013/post-9522-0-20564800-1372609416.jpg"][/url] [url="../../uploads/monthly_06_2013/post-9522-0-20564800-1372609416.jpg"][b]monthly_06_2013/post-9522-0-20564800-1372609416.jpg[/b][/url] [b]19.71K[/b]
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