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Everything posted by funkgod

  1. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1367953386' post='2071567'] Can some enlighten those not in the know? [/quote] EDITED ( Bugger roland rock beat me to it as i was doing this) As cloudburst said the logo was a dead giveaway its the wrong one for a start and someone has rubbed out the EB bit, .... see here for pre logos..... [url="http://www.musicmanbass.org/mycustompage0008.htm"]http://www.musicmanb...tompage0008.htm[/url] and as martin said 3 band eq is an EB addition, and did not come in till 87 [url="http://www.musicmanbass.org/mycustompage0019.htm"]http://www.musicmanb...tompage0019.htm[/url] 1 dot too many on neck. Address on back of head is a EB thing I may be wrong here but i have never seen a what looks like roasted Birds eye neck on a Pre EB.
  2. I think someone better tell him. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/musicman-stingray-bass--pre-ernie-ball/1016567238
  3. i had a gator flight case collected from scotland 24 hour, when it arrived they had managed to put a hole in it with the piece still inside and 2 cracks in it, one on the lid and one half way round the alloy trim !. when i tryed to clame from parcel force they said it was not packed as there was no card around it. I argued that it WAS in its self packing, why would you need to pack what is surely the best packing you can get, They said they would not pay. I threatend them with court stating the above and also a big point, if the collector had seen it was not packed appropriately he should not have taken it. They paid out. For bigger claimes they wil mostly try and fob you off with a letter, this has now become standard practice in the hope you will just leave it. Follow it through with a letter threatening a court action ( not a phone call) stating your next move will be to hand their reply to your solicitor, and once in the solicitor hands you will have to see it through to clame your expences and his. ( so payment after this would be too late) that then will go to there legal dept and if you have a valid clame they will pay out. I send alot parcels around the uk mainly heavy classic car parts, the worst courier i have found is CITY LINK... DO NOT USE CITY LINK, !!!! they have caused me so much trouble, and i had an account with them !!
  4. mmmmmmmmm when i first lent my friends realist i was made up with it. so i ordered one from "an unnamed shop in the uk" !!! when it arrived it had a much lower O/P than my friends so i took it over to his to compare, and... it was not the same the copper bit over the piezo was rough cut and not straight either, the lead was thinner, the jack socket was a normal cheap jack socket with heat shrink over it with no lettering on it like the realist,,,, no doubt it was a copy. so going over the shops head i got on to David Gauge and i had within a week a brand new one sent to me with a prepaid envelope to send the other to them in the usa, PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE David Gauge. And yes they were worlds apart the new one was GREAT. now i was in a predicament, i did not want to get the shop into trouble even tho i know they were trying to rip me off ( then i paid about £120 for it) as he was a friend of my friend, i did not want to ring the shop up and directly accuse HIM , so.. i never sent it to over to david Gauge, that was a while ago now. thinking back now i should of went back and shoved it up has nose... So to my point There are copys out there, just check it.
  5. Another thumbs up for Rufus reid's book. When i was teaching i made all my students buy the Evolving Bassist. But for the most,,,My essential' recommendation.....spend as much time as you can learning things by ear. It WILL stay in It WILL stay in It WILL stay in
  6. i keep my eye on ebay incase one pops up, as do a few others on here enjoy, you wont find better for what you paid.
  7. i love this clip where he makes a d!@k of himself trying to up stage michael jackson. first he takes the guys guitar takes one of his plecs and in disgust throws it on the floor !, i would of ripped my guitar back off him right there. i bet the guitarist felt great when he fell off the stage tho. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHaFj7gOWh4
  8. Hi bill congrats, for the money they are unbeatable, Shame these are no longer made now, pity as i have been looking for a fretted one since i got my fretless one, I know a few people looking for these, where did you find this one ? Some info here... [b] HK BASS 6 string fretless, A bargain ??? your thoughts pl...[/b] [b][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/173511-hk-bass-6-string-fretless-a-bargain-your-thoughts-please/page__p__1982017__hl__hk%20bass__fromsearch__1#entry1982017"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1982017[/url][/b]
  9. Bugger... didnt see that
  10. Robert randolph and the family band .......unclassified Keb Mo......................................................just like you blues traveler............................................ four/ straight on till midnight lloyd jones.................................................Trouble monkey Dumpstaphunk.......................................... listen hear JTQ........................................................... Absolution (live) Maceo parker............................................ school's in Van Morrison.............................................Best of Worth Checkin out Robert Randolph, His Version... of billie jean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK561tuWA90
  11. Already a post
  12. Again so many great players that work well together 1) Rocco Prestia and David Garibaldi 2) David Garibaldi and Rocco Prestia 3) Jerry (Jerome)Preston and jamal Thomas (maceo Parker) 4) Mark king and phil gould 5) Gary Crockett and Andrew McGuinness (JTQ) 6) Ernie Mckone and Crispin Taylor (push) 7) Gary willis and Dennis Chambers 8) Dave Weckl and tom Kennedy 9) Randy Hope-taylor and Andy Gangadeen/Richard bailey 10) will Lee and steve gadd
  13. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1365772806' post='2044287'] A couple more Jamiroquai type songs: media]http://youtube.com/watch?v=yn0EaB4pXPs[/media] [/quote] WOW that is so close, could almost say thats where jk came from right there. i remember labi siffre with that song he had in the charts but never knew his other stuff was so good Cheers.. im off to Amazon right now
  14. Stevie Wonder is GOD... bands like Jamiroquai, or in the field..... try .. PUSH they are very good, the last cd was a killer if you take away jk's voice Incognito sometimes james taylor quartet sometimes New Jersey Kings sometimes The sound stylistics sometines The Quiet Boys.. ( check out the cd Bosh) Buckshot la Fonque (more jazzy but still fresh) Maceo parker ( is the last word in funk) dumperstaphunk ( ivan neville's mad funk band, Tony Hall on bass ,,, now there is a bass player!) early corduroy... sometimes Down to the bone...sometimes ( so many great easy grooves to learn) Soulive ....again sometimes ( i love soulive, drummer is great, (bit like tower of power ...sometimes)) Oh and check out 'Robert Randolph and the family band's cd Unclassified... i cant take it off. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLtj24m9B-g[/media] not a clip that really sounds like Jamiroquai, but check them out [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHVyyZpfBNg[/media]
  15. Yes it is Derek forbes also played with Simple Minds,The Alarm, and Spear of Destiny, now playing with big country. Voted Best Bass Player in the United Kingdom in 1982, not that bad at all,a few timing bits,but who cares its live and still a great tune. He is a very forcefull player anyway always pushing the beat, sounds like he is doing what marcus m says... take control. (if you want bad timing check out disco inferno !) Im with lowdown gary...if i was to flick cake in the changing room it would be at the girl singer on the end !! i think he is good player. and very down to earth. that wal sounds very compressed, do you still have it derek ? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZs_l9hF8IY[/media]
  16. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1365587364' post='2041330'] An individual Mexican made Fender will be either good or bad, just as one made anywhere else will be either good or bad. When considering a single instrument only you can decide, and only your opinion is important. Now there may be an element of truth to generic comments thrown around about materials, attention to detail and thoroughness of QC etc. when considering the entire output of a factory over a period of time, but when one is buying a single bass then it really is completely irrelevant. The bass you are going to try/buy is either good or it isn't. End of. I wouldn't get hung up on country of origin. There will be stonkingly amazing Mexican Fenders and absolute dogs of USA Fenders. [/quote] Bang on, luck of the draw and thats all there is to it, if you go into a shop and try 4 out and you pick what you think is the best, who is to say that 10 mins befor you another chap has just walked out with the 5th one which was the best one at that time, and who is to say 10 mins befor him,,,, bla bla bla the two worst basses i have had one was a highway one jazz (usa, dead spots on half the g string and a very low vol dead E string, this was so bad i did not want to sell it on here!) and one was a 70s stock jazz, (usa, neck just warped with with the weather changes and sound was not that good) out of all my jazz basses the best 2 are a mex stock 4 string, and a jap fotoflame 4 string, both of them (to me) are better than any usa ones i have tried.
  17. 2 drunk 2 funk JUDGE FUNK ...... [attachment=132224:jfunk.jpg]
  18. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1364483191' post='2027101'] So proud of my jazzy-funky band just wanted to share these clips from a recent gig - we're at Spice of Life in Soho on 2 May if you want to come and check it out[/quote] Mike its always a pleasure listening to your clips. i just wish the band was up here in the northwest,,,,, Prob just as well really cus id want to nick your drummer! first one reminds me of a snowboy track we did years ago Beyond the snowstorm, its that semi move all the time ,still love/play that one, great band, Thanks
  19. Yea i think it was based on concorde's cockpitt, not as bad as you think once you get into it just another learning curve. A manual here to see if its your thing.... http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/LC2412.aspx tutorial here,,,, but looks confusing at first, but handy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y1_LenI-pU
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1364313027' post='2024688'] We use Thomans Starville 4 LEDS. One set of 4 lights a small 5x5mtr area in a pub well enough. 2 would be better but we never really have enough room as it is, so anothe tripod..?? I find the illumination good enough. We hire other stuff in if required. The tripods themselves are cheap and nasty...and the foor controller is ok... but the lights themselves are where the money is well spent, IMO. The other components can easily and cheaply be replaced [/quote] Im with you, I have been using the Thomans Starville led par cans now for years and they have been great. i use 4 per side with a behringer dmx controler as the starville dmx master 1 packed in. lots of good reasons for getting them, power saving .. if you use the old par bulbs 500w even 1000w each thats alot of power to use on the usually limited sockets at a venue the bulbs are almost wasted anyway unless you have something for the light to fall on so a fogger or a hazer will help the lights make the show. the great thing about the dmx controllers is you can program each song, worth spending a bit of time to get to grips on Just test/try on one song see what effect it has and befor you know it your hooked, and add other bits along the way the dmx bars are very handy very quick to set up, all wiring power and sig is internal. And a big plus is they are light,( excuse the pun ) so hamster if keep your eyes out on ebay you can get some gooood used deals, i went for these.. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/stairville_led_lighting_kit_par56_10mm_s.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ar56_10mm_s.htm[/url] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/behringer-eurolight-lc2412-Dmx-Light-Mixer-Controller-/300880933995?pt=UK_ConElec_LightingLEDsStrobes_RL&hash=item460de6b46b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item460de6b46b[/url] i know £204 x2 is alot for lights then fogger and poles, but as said keep your eye on ebay. i got a real good deal eg my controller as above for £35. PS,,,, another great investment if using lights, to get the best out of them get a black back drop ! ! worth the effort.
  21. gringo ming and the m***ers all bang and strum it all bang and slap it, cool papa joe and the sisters of fonk Bruce bongsteam zak flash and the real deal leap of faith failed faith Hitsville allstars bubble wrap relief 2013 noah's fetish been there done it the flash tones phunk not funk punk funk Trash street education on the third day theater show bullfrog ball ragdoll rage trash pack north of hell A clowns pocket The spam Daggers Big bad world grumpy crow piss pirates spank-a-dang ..........a tower of power track purveyors of sin pop star brats ......... great name for a girl band evillive...................... i like this i can see the mirror image poster already resident evil ............. surprised there is not a band already. bilbo's big bag dog rough blond........... girl band? too drunk to funk.........a dead kennedys single but surprisingly no band !!,,,,,be quick gas mark 10 life cog Rusty Nutz ...... maye a bit too close to dumpys treadmill life Alternative sex the plank slappers al stop now..... my fave band name but its been used is Ykickamoocow
  22. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1363381356' post='2012239'] Not rock in the musical sense but there is a rock just randomly lying on my girlfriends bedroom floor. No idea how it got there (she doesnt either) but its been there for about 18 months and it feels wrong to move it. Its like having a pet rock. [/quote] Ahh, i should of known that header would bring the wolves out, Matthew 7:7= Ask and it will be given to you.
  23. Another epic one is Chris squire when he did not know who jimmy hendrix was ( at the time) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo-lBnTc3So
  24. [left][b] Favorite rock 'n' roll stories and boogie woogie boasts,[/b] C'mon let's have them, even if they are your own.... Im sure there is a great book here. One of my fave rock stories, is when Jeff beck and cozy powell went to Motown to record an album with some of the funk brothers...... We started playing, it was great. James was locking up with Cozy's drum pattern. Then I looked around — Cozy was wheeling the drum kit out of the studio. They're going berserk. He has moved the sacred Motown drum kit out of the studio and wheeled this stupid double kit of Ludwigs in. The studio tech came up to me and said, "Didn't you guys come in here for the Motown sound?" Yeah. "Well, it just went out the door. [color=#000000]Read more: [url="http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/jeff-beck-on-his-legendary-unreleased-1970-motown-album-20100225#ixzz2NXfoDsSf"]http://www.rollingst...5#ixzz2NXfoDsSf[/url][/color][/left] [left][color=#000000]Wilko Johnson talks about Ian Dury[/color],,,,,,,[/left] [left][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DgV5t1VkNg[/media][/left]
  25. For smaller club gigs i have for over 15 years been using a SWR 350 super redhead, in that time i have tried a few just to see what they were like, tried the Eden metro, but it could not get to the volume of the red head with out farting, i took it back after 1 gig, i did spend time at a practice with it trying but was disappointed with it. I also tried the markbass cmd102p that was about the same, so back to the swr, it might just be my playing style but the eden and the markbass did not work for me. i have for bigger gigs an extension cab for the red head with two eminence 10 KAPPA 400w each which take alot of shifting, and an swr500 and swr 6x10 cab for the outdoor gigs. i think even today the red head takes some beating for its size, and the sound of it i love. if you are looking for an swr used then go for the early Super redhead 350, i have not tried the later 400 one some info here.... http://www.swramps.com/en-GB/products/search.php/?partno=4420100010
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