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Everything posted by funkgod

  1. Hi all, just wanted to ask is anyone still using their red head ? and how they think it fairs to other stuff they have tried, modern or old, Im still using mine, and have tried a few others a few years back but just keep going to the red head. so nothing new in the last 6 or 7 years, and there is a reason for that i think its become part of "my sound" now, and as much as i try when i tried others i am just now so use to it, that i don't think the others sound like me, or more to the point, sounds like it, but its not just the sound its the way like your bass you get use to it. i know exactly what setting to set if i want that nice clean studio sound with a bit of click from the frets, and the same if i want that Motown sound, its just something you create over a long time using something and being able to dial in that sound right away, familiarity could be the death of advancement here i know, but again there is something else going on that i feel is missed on a lot of things today, again its "familiarity" its abit like your studio headphones that you have had for years, and have got so use to them you know their faults, you know the hi's in them are not exactly how they sound in the monitors and that lack of wide mid in them, but you are so use to them you know how to eq the mix to compensate, so when you try a new " better " pair you then have to RE eq your head, and spend time re eq ing just to get to the same place you was with your old pair, and i think that goes with alot of things when buying new gear, trying to get "your" sound out of a new piece of gear is it just something you had before ? now... on saying that, i know it takes some a lot of trying new gear to find their sound and its only when you have tried quite a bit of gear you say to your self, "well actually i loved that sound from my old trace elliot, i was more at home with that" and you learn to live with that, its a great adventure and a learning curve that most of us go through, all to get that sound that is in our heads. so ... after all that, im stuck with the red head, and cant see myself in the future with anything else. although i do have a 2x12 silverado that does the same thing, its just to big to take out. i have a few extension cabs i use with the red head depending on the gig, but overall im very happy with everything it still gives me.
  2. only one left for £20 this £20 will go to a charity of my choosing. and i choose the funkgods lack of beer fund. this will help mr funkgod to relax and enjoy a late evening appointment with Mr barleycorn and have flaggen of mrs thrickle spicks old festival nogg at ye old tavern end t road.
  3. if its good enough for Rocco tower of power, its good enough for yall. Bass solo @ 7:00 🙂
  4. no takers ?, ok then, time for some persuasion a bit of torture.......... ready..... £35 ! ! bosh take that for two speakers ! cool ay ? anything between 35 and 70 each on ebay if no takers by sunday al pop them on ebay
  5. not seen that clip befor and yes i think this sums dee up very well, its just insanely good, almost fusion jazz in parts, . was watching this clip below and jon blackstone goes on to say at about 38:15 about Dees white jazz bass being left in his will to Clive franks, who was the FOH sound guy from eltons band, elton would not have anyone else do the job, Clive also mixed and produced a lot of eltons albums, seems he was surrounded by a lot of very talented people at that time, im sure there are a lot more unsung heroes that have helped push eltons buss.
  6. im good at funk, i know i am, cus i can play all the right notes, at the right time, but not necessarily in the right order
  7. are you selling the bass station ? or i have a cool A station i could swap you wth, i have it for sale in the Accessories & Other Musically Related Items For Sale or swap for a bass station or drum station, pref a drum station as im talking to a chap via facebook market at the mo who has one, we will see, cheers. regarding the bass its a nice bass well set up, get saving 🙂 🙂 cheers
  8. look great dont they 🙂 The "E" means Electronic, for electronic pre amp, now im not sure about what ref this has regarding the mk 1 preamp but the mk 1 preamp was a bit of an animal and would blow chips so they made the soloing of the pickup non eq so you could not put too much boost through the chip and blow it. i think they dropped the "E" when they made all L2000s active with the mk 2 preamp, im sure someone will come along and correct me soon :-) but something like that i have a few "E" series G&Ls and there is something different about that pre amp, it is powerfull and you have to be carefull using it as the lows and overall power out of it will push speakers to their limit. its a very powerfull bass and the only replacement i have found for my wal which goes some way to getting that power under your fingers, i still have the wal, had the too since the 80s, and to be fair to the G&L apart from the scope of tones and focused mid out the wal, for the tones i use theres not alot in it :-)
  9. Going on from my other post, i wanted to open this conversation out a bit more about dee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dee_Murray a couple of things here. one to keep dees name open to be remembered as the fantastic bass player that he was and the raw deal he unfairly got from elton john who should of stayed with him and Nigel the drummer, but used them for the first load of great albums, sacked them, then used them again and then sacked them again, just a horrid thing to go through given all they had put in, some guy did a great youtube clip about this subject, its interesting. Also this... Im not sure about the dee murray and G&L advert, i did check out some live stuff about 80, to about 84 ish and i never saw dee using this bass, around this time he was using his stinberger stick bass mainly, and his white jazz now and again, does anyone know or can find a link of him using this G&L bass or any info ?
  10. Some info and tasty old adverts to wet ya whistle. https://glguitars.com/made-in-fullerton-basses/ Im not sure about the dee murray advert, the great bass player elton john should of stayed with but sacked twice ! RIP loads of info on line about this great player, i did check out some live stuff about 80, to about 84 ish and i never saw dee using this bass, around this time he was using his steinberger stick bass mainly, and his white jazz now and again, can anyone find a link of him using this G&L bass ? iv att a youtube link (see below) about why dee and nigel the drummer was sacked, interesting.. i think this should be a great topic to open on the General Discussion page, al sort that out. more there....
  11. aaarrrrr cheers nick 🙂
  12. G&L L2000 USA late 89 90 ish fender signiture pre fender law suit bass Well sometimes you have to let a few gems go, and here is one of them. This if from my G&L collection, and i have had this since about 92 when i px my stingray for it for the extra sounds it had over the stingray it was 2nd hand then but not used so its about 89 90 ish, i sold it once to a chap that never used it and kept it under his bed so i bought it back of him, Its in amazing condition and really belongs in a collection, it has fenders logo on the headstock which leo was forced to remove by fender, i do have along with its original warrante cards a letter which was sent to all the uk distributers telling them of the lawsuit and all G&L products will no longer carry the leo fender name, so here is a rareish bass that slipped in just under that date, its in its original case, also in amazing condition, it still has the curved finger board left over from the E series like they did on the early fenders and also has the "B" serial number like the early Musicmans, its all original and unmolested, and sounds great, i have used it on a few recordings and released tracks, and on one live tape, a shame to see it go after such a long time owning it but, we are all just keepers for now, so up for grabs is very nice getting on 40 year old bass in stunning condition not to be missed as i am sure it will be a long time before another as good will pop up. im not asking alot all things considered, just a fair price for a great bass, i will take a px for studio outboard gear, or a px/swap for a fretless L2000 ( Unlined fingerboard only please) i don't need other basses amps or fx thank you So...im looking for at the mo........ yamaha REV7 or REV5 Reverb units yamaha Pro R3 reverb, TC Finalizer, Electrix Mo Fx, Novation KS Rack synth G&L L2000 Fretless (consider jazz fretless unlined only) Mackie D8B Desk Mackie HDR OR MDR 24 track Recorders Old Roland TD5 drum brain (TD5 only) frontier apache adat patch Korg synth 01/w (not M1s) Nord Electro or stage 88 Nord synth collection is from ellesmere port only or org your own collection, but would pref it collected so you can try it. cheers all all his friends are sad to see him go, i think they are throwing a party for him... arrrr thats nice of them 🙂
  13. for guitar combo fender twin, line 6, messa, marshall or bass cab used once to try in a fender twin 16 ohms each so wired together makes an 8 ohm cab cheap to clear,, collect from ellesmere port
  14. SOLD, on facebook market........Full Roland 2008 TD3 drum kit with some upgrades, a PD85 Snare, worth a fair bit by its self, and double bass drum pedal, cheap to clear, all working perfect can demo. great base kit to upgrade yourself,
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  15. Hi All, looking to sell or swap my synth for either a bass station or drum station. rack version only please. its great synth for not alot of money, totally underrated with loads of options for a 1U rack unit, perfect working order and sounds amazing, i have two of these, but only need one so one can go. some info here. https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/novation-a-station British synth makers Novation take their now classic Bass Station Rack to the next level. The A-Station is polyphonic, adding 8 voices of polyphony to their 1-unit rack-mount synth. Unlike the original Bass Station and Super Bass Station which were real analog synths, the A-Station gets its voice architecture from the SuperNova synths, which use analog sound modeling. The A-Station has the layout and shape of the famous Bass Stations, but its guts are basically a slimmed down SuperNova. It has 25 knobs for real-time control, and all knobs transmit MIDI controller messages. The A-Station has three oscillators which provide sawtooth, triangle, sine and pulse width modulation. There's even a simple FM synth engine which can be dialed in for sharpening the sound. Oscillators may be set to Unison or Sync'd operation and a Noise source is also included in the waveform engine. There is a nice lowpass resonant filter with switchable 12 or 24dB/oct slopes and ADSR controls. A second ADSR envelope is available for the oscillators, as well as two LFOs with sample-and-hold and MIDI sync. On-board effects include reverb and delay. Their send levels can be controlled by the Mod wheel which is a nice effect. A 12-band vocoder is also on-board for processing external mono sounds such as drum loops or vocals. The A-Station's pads sound great when vocoded with external sounds. External sounds can also be used as an oscillator, run through the filters, envelopes, etc. with much better results than were possible on the original Bass Station. There's even a built-in Arpeggiator whose speed synchronization and sweep range can be stored with the program for instant recall. Unfortunately, some of the older Bass Station's problems still have not been addressed in the A-Station. Namely, the lack of a power switch, a puny 2-digit LCD screen, and it's still not multitimbral. But for clean analog sounding synth bass, punchy leads, pads, filter sweeps and more - the A-Station is certainly a great piece of kit to have around! For a cool compact keyboard version check out the K-Station. BrandNovation ModelA-Station DeviceSynth TypeRack Engine TypeDigital EngineVA Voices (max)8 Multitimbral1 Oscillators3 LFO2 LFOs: triangle, saw, square, sample-and-hold; with panning, speed and delay parameters NoiseY Engine Detailed3 osc with Square / Saw / Variable Pulse / Tri / Sine / Double Saw / Double Tri / Double Sine waveforms. Osc 1-2 sync, FM, noise, external audio in (mono) Filter (VCF)12dB / 24dB switchable resonant low-pass filter with programmable output EQ Envelope (VCA)2 ADSR envelope generators plus FM attack/decay FXdistortion, stereo chorus/flanger/phaser, stereo panning, delay and reverb, 12-band vocoder Memory400 in 4 banks, (200 factory sounds) Arpeggiatorup, down, up/down, up to 4 octaves, latchable Keys0 Key typeN/A VelocityN/A AftertouchN/A MidiI-O-T Produced:2001 - 2001
  16. Old topic i know, just wanted to point out thats his G&L L2000 series E with slot pole pieces, thats the reason i got mine, he used that alot, check out paul weller live, but not sure what was going on with the control plate so im thinking this was pre production that he might have got in the early 80s because of rock school, maybe a push by G&L for promo in to the Uk, or may be he ripped out the old electrics and made it him self ? no idea, as said i did try and contact him to find out as i have always wanted to ask him about this, so if anyone see him maybe ask him for us all ? its interesting
  17. price drop to 300, it wont be going any lower, i think i would rather keep it than sell it for less, so last call on this. cheers all
  18. BOTH SOLD NOW. SNOOZE YOU LOOZE 🙂 hello all i got two of these for a birthday present but they are 5 string 😞 and i needed 4 string versions so, they are up for sale for just £25 each but would pref a swap for a 4 string version if available. both brand new still in unopend packets
  19. funny you should mention the Furman, i got out bidded on the ART version not long ago that had the digital meter on the front for Volts and more importently Amps, as i wanted to keep a check on what current i was drawing through the main plug. iv got that many transformers now that i have to have remote control switichs on banks, cus as you know when some units are just turned off at there own switch the transformer is still on and will just warm up. so yea a good call on that for a start, and one thats just reminded me to go looking again, Amek 9098 MMMMMM now theres a story, great bit of very usfull gear,, i too have the 9098 eq, which ihave found to be not just good on vocals, but if i put my bass through it, it will suck out every bit of info right out the pickups and a very wide eq to choose from, i love that thing, what do you think of the compressor comp to what ever else you have ? and what do you use it on ? master mix ? cheers @BigRedX what digi mixer did you have ?
  20. have you checked all the ground wires ? you could while its on get a bit of wire and try jumping the earth points to see if it stops. and you could try taking the battery out and see if it still does it, and then again try jumping the earths also try jumping an earth point to the ground nut in the input of your amp, that will tell you if its the solder joint on your bass output jack, or dodgy earth in the lead. good luck
  21. Ahhhh.... cards on the table, im abit of a rack junkie, always looking to see whats in peoples studio racks, purly a learning curve thing. but then i get to wondering why ? based on my limited knowledge of it all. why have that and not this, and just why do you keep that old unit when there is new stuff out now thats suposedly better, or so they say ! and thats what worries me, only based on what i have found and use, i dont think that some newer stuff is better, its different ok, but better ? surly must just depend on what and how you use it. and that leads to another whole new argument, the "which is better", software against hardware argument, which you can google till you are numb, so that can be opend in another topic if wanted. But ... if we can just focus on mainly talk about hardware or rack gear, ok, if you have it in your rack because you dont like some software then fair enough lets have it. ahhh ..that just sounded like a contradiction didn't it, 🙂 im sure you know what i mean. so whats in your rack and why ? compaired to anything ? fave bits you would not be with out, cheap or expensive it matters not. please post a pic... i am sure a few people on here will get something usefull out of this topic. iv been checking out and buying some hardware reverbs lately, so have some good info here, some old gear i think is still very useable. but im going to start with this, The Electrix warp factory. https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/electrix-filterfactory-warpfactory ok the Electricx warp factory, .......basicly a Vocoder on crack ! i got this because im doing funky music and latly disco stuff. i tried the korg Micro that a friend clarky on here has, and its ok, just not enough control, i also have an expensive in its day a TC Fireworx with a vocoder built in, and i found that to be as good as it was, just a bit fiddley to get right. The Warp factory has a waveform built in to it so you do not have to connect a keyboard in the back to to use it, just connect a mic and you are good to go, and it does sounds good, that basic sound has become iconic and been used by many. But once you do connect a keyboard..... it opens up a whole new world, as soon as you play it you just know where jeff lynne gets his sound from, as its like a ready mix packet of instant ELO. check this so this one is in my rack to stay i think, al post the tracks when i have done them. worth looking for if your after that sound.
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