sandberg is way beyond fender deluxe! I owned the most beautiful looking deluxe 5 but it was heavy, the tuners were crap and the preamp had no balls or variation.
I've always been impressed with any sandberg i've played
i can't believe i've only just checked this out! There is some great playing is this clip, but unfortunately won't show the full episodes outside the US.
so if you had F7 going to Bb7 you could play F F# G A. The F# is a chromatic between the F and G and the A is a chromatic of the Bb7 chord if you were to start the chord on the Bb.
Basically a chromatic note is a semi-tone away from the target note and is heavily used in walking lines
Great start linus. Now try using more chromaticism and start the chord on another chord tone other than the root. Also once you feel comfortable, try to avoid repetition.
i would say its simply; time feel, articulation, phrasing and confidence. All things that can be practised.
Time feel: Practice different rhythms to a metronome or clave.
Articulation: Whatever your playing, try playing the notes soft and hard
Phrasing: Listen to lots of music and attempt to replicate it, transcribing is often used for this.
Confidence: Ask people to tell you how good you are
there is also w3 near ravens court park. It is mostly a younger crowd (early 20's) but everyones a professional musician so its too a high quality and you can play tunes such as the chicken, watermelon man ect. without bilbo brutally killing everyone in sight
[quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1328708730' post='1531425']
Thank you.
should have mentioned that this gig was packed last month so i would advise getting there 30-45 minutes before the first band to get a seat.
Also for me funk jazz was what got me into the more traditional oscar peterson, bill evans and miles davis ect. I think its because i could relate to the funk parts and then as my ears accustomed to the jazz side, so did my tolerance of the genre, now i love it!
In 30 years il be raving how i just bought an amazing condition svt from a collector and how rare it is after all the rest were destroyed while gigging...... And then I'll destroy it while gigging
what about a theatre piece? something sightly different. Either that or take a standard and re-arrange it. I don't think stevie wonder or jaco tunes are quite going to cut it for a teaching job
am i right in thinking that it would be only a bit over a pound if everyone took part.... amazing! although I'm sure it wouldn't be so clean after a while
thanks to this post jake i now find myself in a position of learning the emma bunton version despite the fact i've got loads of better things to do unfortunately got a new mac and no sibelius so can't transcribe it for you
try everything!!!!!!!! i rarely get a set of strings more than once, although i have had 3 or 4 sets of elixirs in the past and might go for another set on my 5 after i've tried overwater.
[quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1328536872' post='1528606']
Yes, this is all contributory, but in the end they generally have a sound and as long as they are not being passed through a string of fx this is a good fun exercise. I must say I'd not be able to tell whether its miked up or DI'd.
As soon as I can work out how to do it, I'll put up an example or two myself.
without being mixed this is good experiment but once its been through the mixing process its a different storey. For example a mic'd cab usually delivers more bass and depth than DI will. But if you've DI'd it you can recapture the sound of a mic'd cab when your mixing it.
being able to tell what bass is what is too difficult most of the time because you've got to take into account; modifications, playing styles, personal taste, whether its DI'd, Mic'd or both, mixing, compression, effects, ect.
just incase you havnt quite got the message yet. I recently bought some speaker speaker cables from OBBM. They are brilliant quality and are going to be very difficult to wear down. Plus again dave is a great chap with a lovely jazz bass!
[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1328442388' post='1526874']
It's a beautiful piece of music,but IMO, it's as much a product of the tuning possibilities of his Zon Hyperbass as it is of his playing skills.
4 detuning pegs do not compare to the years of practice he must have put in! awesome player
yhp again thumb's are different to most basses. Also new a NT is 3.5K!!!!!!!
I would go for a stingray or a highway one fender jazz (often forgotten about but i think they're great)
[quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1328430553' post='1526690']
I also rather liked it. It made me wonder what kind of theory I need to learn to be able to noodle something like that myself. And the sound is great, I thought.
although it sounds simple its obviously not. But first learn every note on the fretboard, learn what notes are avaliable in the key you have selected and use chromatics to add flavour. His playing is just very heavily licked based, so would be easy to emulate if you chose to.
I like it up until about 1.04 because he is keeping to one lick and refers back to it, but after that it just becomes a mash up.
when i worked and was well paid i used to buy quite a few cds from a second hand record store. But i got bored with buying an album where most the songs are crap, so now i use spotify and if i really like the [b]whole[/b] album i will order it off amazon.
Theres a massive difference between pokemon cards and music. Pokemon cards wasnt down to taste, it was a social status thing. The better the cards you had the more respected you would be at school.
Too many people now dont give music a chance. If its not in the genre they subscribe to they usually wont even listen to a song