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Everything posted by Mrbigstuff

  1. i owned a american deluxe fender jazz 5 and i own a Overwater jazz 5. The overwater is only worse because its not as good looking (the fender had a transparent crimson red finish and a maple neck ) At everything else it is far better and that makes it better for gigs as it doesnt give me anything to worry about. My favourite jazz bass is my tokai though, as it does an amazing set of sounds and looks very cool. Havn't found any jazz bass i like more since i bought it.
  2. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1327193459' post='1507779'] Just so we're clear, here's the plan for dealing with this bloke:[list] [*]OP lures him to a deserted warehouse [*]Politely informs him OP is "no longer in the band" [*]Chrismuzz slaps him with his cock [*]Spike kicks him in the nuts [*]Steve injects his bell-end with mercury [*]Ed S knocks him out [*]I shoot him in the face [*]Jake eats his liver [/list] Followed by live music and disco till 1am. Cash bar, free parking. Tickets £10 in advance (£12 on the door) [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] student discount? [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1327193869' post='1507784'] Possibly. I also had to edit for a couple of other suggestions. We'll probably have to improvise the pussy thing. [/quote] i love the image of a group of bass players trying to pickup girls!... errrr i mean cats
  3. i personally think its great, as it offers a new challenge to us performers. I know an incredible drummer who practices as much Gaga and britney as he does jazz fusion and latin because for him its more of a challenge to replicate a drum beat thats been chopped up, quantised ect. I do also believe the reason for it being so present in todays chart "music" is because it goes down well at clubs and what goes down well at clubs often are higher in the charts these days.
  4. the rhythm section of any rock band [b]HAS[/b] to be killer if its going to work. When i play AC/DC (one of my favourite bands) the trick is to keep it as simple as possible on the bass. Its all about the guitarists showing off.
  5. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1326924287' post='1503959'] Well now, I'll have three........ [/quote] does that get you three women? obviously depending on the dealership the women get worse. Personally i think I'm going to buy my "select" fender from Italy
  6. who? the people who fixed your shattered spine
  7. I'd be up for this. If you could PM me some details as im off to a rehearsal right now thatd be great. Ps, do we get to use your 63 fender?
  8. is this mars bar now classified as vintage? i hope its got that 'road worn' look
  9. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1326810607' post='1502216'] The old sound control crew in Leicester were one of those 'stiff till you know em' crowds. Nice eventually though lol. utterly vile. [/quote] that was my local, i used to go every week for bass lessons but because of the train times i was always there 30 minutes early so used to just chat with them. I can see why working in a music store can be a pain though. Expensive equipment yet little kids run around like its the disney store, not a good idea. The sound control in MK was especially bad for that!
  10. been fancying coming for a while, will have to see what rehearsal times are like on thursday
  11. [quote name='tedgilley' timestamp='1326759800' post='1501739'] I find that with a song like Blue Bossa, which has two ii-V-I movements, not a lot of memorization is really required to move through them. Once you're oriented to the ii-V-I and you've found different ways to play it, that group of chords (and the other group as well) kind of become one thing. Like lots of people, I'm sure, I've found that seeing the chords as related groups, and not as single chords, works best. [/quote] blue bossa is just two keys though which makes it far easier than most tunes i've come across. A technique im trying to help learn the tunes is to play a solo bass style arrangement of playing the melody on top of the chord tones. Its not a quick process for me yet as im having to think about positioning a lot, and also you will miss some of the chords out but as previously stated you can sometimes piece together a jazz tune by listening out for common progressions
  12. PMT took over a few of the sound control's who's staff i found were always a bit stiff until you get to know them
  13. [quote name='Pentode' timestamp='1326724730' post='1501027'] If the cab has wheels on it and you have a towbar........ [/quote] then you need a chuaffeur and some ski goggles
  14. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1326718428' post='1500858'] Both guitarist & keys player are playing the Em7 in the verse & dropping the 7th to a major 6th, creating a Em7add6. [/quote] it'd be just an Em6 but same notes as C#m7b5. I personally like the G in the bass over it but then it just depends on what sounds best to your ears. If we all did the same thing then there would be no need for more than one musician. Either way it was just a very minor thought, the sound and execution of the band was to a very good standard
  15. in the verse i thought the guitarist is implying a C#m7b5. Maybe im wrong, in which case il do my own cover and use that
  16. i being very nit picky here but i think you could emphasise the chord change in the verse more. It sounded like a C(sharp)m7b5? I think you were playing the G but it could have done with ringing out IMO. Also i would have played a little lead up to it just to give it more oomph (words have lost me today). And also a little lick back to the E. Finally get your vocalist on some shakers! haha
  17. i don't see your point silddx. I find both to be musical
  18. have to agree with this. Especially as i just know the prices are going to increase by the time i can afford one. (maybe 10-20 years)
  19. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1326394504' post='1496729'] You can create a nice simple groove with your Root, 3rd, 5th & octave. With these 3 notes your able to transfer it to all the chords in the piece if needs be. [/quote] a personal favourite is using the b7 on chords with a b7. If you've got your intervals down, then chromatic notes into and between chord tones is generally leads to the more interesting lines
  20. i really like jim deacon basses. Usually £150 new
  21. if you study the jamerson book back to front you shouldn't have any problems with many chord charts. Analyse the chord progressions of the motown songs, then find your favourite licks and apply them to other songs. You will find most of jamersons lines are chord tones and chromatic approaches. This isn't something you will be able to get together in a week, the art of improvisation takes awareness and understanding. Also when being handed a chord chart make sure you find out what the groove is. The style is usually written just above the first bar.
  22. as you can see from the picture without the scratch plate, the hole above the bridge pickup is where the musician pickup would have filled it in. Its a shame as it is a wonderful example of a MM that without the mod would have been worth around £900. (estimation judged on what similar aged MM have recently gone for. As for value now, i guess you could say £900 minus whatever it costs for someone to restore it Edit: just noticed as well the mutes are missing too
  23. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1326096785' post='1492078'] I like to think I know my way around a bass but if I, or you, started [i][size=5]smacking muted strings[/size][/i] people would think its sh*t and that I'm crazy. [/quote] so now you think mark king, marcus miller, flea and larry graham are sh*t too
  24. the fact that his video has made it into a thread just because of the last sections shows how important the slap thing is for his publicity, gets people talking
  25. having seen the second video, its clearly being used as a way of adding direction to the song. He's building tension by adding new layers and textures to the song before dropping back into the melody. Its a clever way of doing so with just a bass guitar imo and i think it suits the context great. Otherwise the song would be incredibly boring after 30 seconds
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